Trustee’s Declaration Form
Charity Name(s)Title
Full Name
Post Nominals
Former Names
Home Address
Previous home address(es) in the last 7 years
Correspondence address (If different from above)
Address to appear on Companies House Register / Recommended the Company’s Registered Office, please indicate below if different:
Home Address
Correspondence Address
Email Address
Contact telephone number(s)
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
I the undersigned, agree that:
· I am willing to act as a trustee of the organisation(s) named above,
· I understand the organisations’ purposes (objects) and the rules set out in the governing documents or I will seek to understand these before formal appointment,
· At the time of completing this declaration I am aged 16 years or above
· I am not prevented from acting as a trustee and agree that:
o I do not have an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty, deception, terrorism, money laundering, bribery, contravening a Charity Commission order or direction, misconduct in public office, perjury, perverting the course of justice, or aiding, attempting or abetting any of these offences,
o I am not on the sex offenders register,
o I do not have an unspent sanction for contempt of court,
o I have not been found guilty of disobeying a Charity Commission order,
o I am not a designated person under anti-terrorist legislation,
o I am not currently declared bankrupt (or subject to bankruptcy restrictions or an interim order),
o I do not have an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) to pay off debts with creditors,
o I am not disqualified from being a company director,
o I am not subject to an order made under section 429(2) of the Insolvency Act 1986,
o I have not previously been removed as a trustee by the Charity Commission, the Scottish Charity regulator or the High Court due to misconduct or mismanagement,
o I have not been removed from management or control of any body under section 34(5)(e) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (or earlier legislation),
o I am not disqualified from being a trustee by an order of the Charity Commission under section 181A of the Charities Act 2011,
o I would not be unable to meet HMRC’s “Fit and Proper Person” test.
· The information provided, that will be registered with the Charity Commission and Companies House when appropriate, is true, complete and correct and I will seek to promptly notify the National Museum of the Royal Navy and the appropriate bodies if any of this information changes,
· I understand that it is an offence under section 60(1)(B) of the Charities Act 2011 to knowingly or recklessly provide false or misleading information,
· I will comply, if appointed, with my responsibilities as laid out by the Charity Commission and will seek to read and understand the Charity Commission guidance: “The Essential Trustee (CC3)”.
Furthermore I consent to the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN) carrying out the following online searches about myself:
· Charity Commission Register of Removed Trustees
· Companies House Database of Disqualified Directors
· Insolvency Services Register of Disqualified Directors and Insolvency Services Individual Insolvency Register
· A general google search to include news articles, self-published articles, business websites and social media to establish an understanding of my reputation.
· Retaining the information gained from above for a period of no longer than seven years after my resignation from the Charity if successful and for no more than a year if unsuccessful.
Any information obtained in this form will be retained under the NMRN’s data retention and privacy policies. It will not be shared with any third parties or used for marketing/fundraising information. The NMRN and its subsidiary companies undertake to use this information for the sole purpose of trustee recruitment and for any subsequent appointment as a trustee and correspondence with you in relation to that position.
Search Carried Out / Date / Relevant Information Found (Y/N) / Evidence of any Relevant Information Attached / Name of Searcher / SignedCharity Commission
Companies House
Insolvency Services Disqualified Directors
Insolvency Services Individual Insolvency Register
Reputational Search