So it’s RALLY time! It is that time of the year to start another academic year of Christian Education. It’s time to pray over our teachers, children, youth and adults as we continue our faithful journey. It is also time to rally around a new worship schedule (9:00am Education Hour & 10:00am Worship). And it all begins on Sunday, September 12th.

What will your household look like that morning as you come to worship at a different time? As you bring your children AND/OR yourselves to Education Hour? (Yes, it is ALL for everyone.)

I received a great email this week titled: Drug Problem.

I had a drug problem when I was young.
I was drug to church on Sunday morning.
I was drug to church for wedding and funerals.
I was drug to family reunions no matter the weather.
I was drug to the bus stop to go to school every weekday.
I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults and teachers.
I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents.
Those drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack, or heroin, and if today’s children [i.e. people today] had this kind of drug problem, America might be a better place.

Old Fart

What do you think? Yes, I added the inclusivity of ‘people today.’ No one is left out of the dragging. It’s interesting to me --- this concept of dragging people to do something with God. It doesn’t seem to matter whether that’s dragging to church, Education Hour, Confirmation, a Transformational Event, cleaning the highway, making breakfast, having a devotional time at home, or talking with a neighbor about faith and/or inviting them to church. Why is it that we have to drag people into a relationship with God and one another?

Hear what Scripture has to say: “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Hmmm…seems to be a pretty important thing. That “thing” being sharing our faith in and outside of our families and our church. What might that look like?

Pastor Jennifer 

And FYI – These are not rhetorical thoughts and questions. I ponder a lot and I do really want to know what you think!

worship time (through December)

Beginning Sunday, September 12th

9:00am Education Hour

10:00am Worship

Milestone Ministry

Honoring an Anniversary--- On Sunday, September 5thwe will honor and celebrate with Felicia & Ron Neigut on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Please join us for fellowship after worship.

Rally Sunday – Bible Gifting and Blessing of Teachers - Sunday, September 12th. We will pray over the teachers that are leading our young people in faithful Christian Education. Some children will receive new Bibles to honor milestones in their learning journey.

ordination invitation

We praise God with and for Jason Chesnut who has received his first call as Associate Pastor of Central Lutheran Church in Edgerton, Wisconsin. Jason will be ordained into the ministry of Word and Sacrament during a celebration of Holy Communion on Saturday, September 4, 2010 at 10:00am at the Chapel of the Abiding Presence of Texas Lutheran University (1000 West Court St.) in Seguin, TX. As a part of the priesthood of all believers, everyone is invited to wear red to symbolize the Holy Spirit. We hope to see many LCR folks there to support Jason in his call to ministry.

LCR Hosting Transformational event – september 18th

We will come together as a community of faith with Living Word, Buda, to study scripture and have conversation concerning God’s purpose for His church. We will walk away from this event “transformed” in our thinking and way of doing ministry as we develop a set of guiding principles to aid in our work. PLAN TO ATTEND!

Our goal is 75% of our worshipping community in attendance. That’s about 50 people! Have you signed up to attend? Lunch and childcare provided.

And remember --- you do not have to know anything about anything to come to this event. Nor do you have to have read Acts prior to coming. Yes, it will be helpful to have an idea of the book; but this too will be discovered on the day’s journey. AND YES --- WE DO NEED YOU! The leadership of LCR has committed to making this day a day of discovery and need you to be there to make it happen.

confirmation has begun!

Parents and Youth begin their confirmation journey on August 29th with an informational meeting and now the family work begins. Each month our 5 churches – pastors and youth - will gather to learn from the Bible and live the faith. Families are then asked to work at home throughout the month through the life application opportunities. Be sure to ask this year’s students and families how it is going! Ryley Dove, Nick Merkord, and Samuel Ellisor. Our next class is Sunday, September 12th from 2:00-5:00pm at New Life in Dripping Springs.

Mission of the MOnth: Crisis Bread Basket

The Crisis Bread Basket, Wimberley’s local food pantry, came to fruition in August, 1986. It started in the back of the local mid-wifery by the Men’s Groups at St. Stephen’s and St. Mary’s. The Methodist Church soon joined in its efforts and a whole new community birthed from all of the local churches pitching in to help provide food and help for those in need.

The CBB’s purpose is to supply food to Wimberley’s families (on a temporary basis) that are experiencing financial difficulties. This is a volunteer run organization. All funds given are primarily used to purchase food. On an average week (open only two days) the CBB serves about 50 people and they are currently noticing the rise of those numbers. Hours open: Tuesday, 5:30-6:30pm & Thursday, 3:00-4:00pm.

If you would like to give a monetary donation to the CBB, please indicate on your offering envelope. We will also collect food items and plastic bags throughout the month for delivery to CBB.

We continue to pray for all who are ill and recovering and receiving treatments or testing and for Pam Longoria, Hugh Ellington, Doris Kowalski, Zee Hickman (mother of Danny and Lois Hickman), Dot Currie (sister of Dirk Dierking), Jill Vantine (daughter of Bobbi & Jim Vantine), Aiden Pederson (friend of Lois Hickman), Jim Wolf (friend of Carol and Dirk Dierking), and all care givers that devote their time to care for those they love.

Please be in prayer for our family and friends who are serving our country either stateside or overseas. Pray daily for peace in our world, particularly in the Middle East, and for all who suffer the consequences of war. We continue to pray for those who are hungry and for those who serve them. Please be in prayer for the Lord to replenish the earth as He sees fit. We also lift in prayer the families that are struggling with separation and divorce.


Thank you to……

Everyone for seeing the mission field and potential work of the youth’s mission experience in Costa Rica. We couldn’t have gone without your foresight and support. We look forward to sharing our story in the coming weeks.

All those who continue to diligently serve in numerous ways within and outside the ministry of LCR. God’s work is ongoing and life-giving. Thank you for sharing your life of faith with others.

Dear Friends at LCR,

THANK YOU for hosting us in September for our Acts event. We are very excited to be able to partner with you to support each other's congregations. This is the third time we have read through the book of Acts to be able to discern direction and mission for Living Word--in fact, after the first time we decided to change our name TO "Living Word". We have always found this to be a deeply meaningful exercise, particularly for spiritual growth and bringing together the congregation in a common focus. We hope you are enjoying your reading and preaching of the book of Acts this summer, and we look forward to seeing all of you on September 18. We will be there! God's peace and blessings to you!

Therese DeMay, Tommy Heinsohn, Meredith Schawe, Brant Boehnke,

Shirley Fritsch, Autry Burns, and Lori Ruge-Jones

The Leadership Team from Living Word, Buda

Congratulations to Casey Hickman

We are proud to celebrate with Casey and his family as he was on the Dean’s List at California Lutheran. Casey is back in California and ready for another year of learning. Please keep him in your prayers.


Mark your calendars for the Revived Dinner Night Out on Wednesday, September 8th. We will be heading to Kate’s Place in Wimberley to dine at 6:30pm. We always have a good time together and invite you to join us! Please sign up at the welcome table so we can make reservations.

Mexican train

An event that takes place each month at the church – and is open to all who wish to come and join the fun. In case you aren’t aware – this is a dominoes game. If you’ve never heard of it and wish to learn – come and join us. Whether you are an expert or a beginner – you will fit right in with this crowd of LCR folks. We play on the 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning at 12:30pm. The next play date is September 16th. If you would like to be on the e-mail list of dates, please contact Shirley Schliessmann.

hand & foot

It’s a card game similar to Canasta and fun to play. The second and fourth Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. is when the group meets. If you want to be on the email reminder list, contact Colleen at 847-3386. We will play on September 13th and 27th.


As we again had a very successful sew-in there are lots of quilts to be tied. Anyone who can tie a knot is welcome to come and join us on Monday, September 20th in the fellowship hall. We will meet from 1-3:00 p.m. Also, there is another sew-in scheduled for October 16th, so go ahead and mark your calendars.


It’s time to publish a new congregational directory and update the member display board in the narthex. The new directory will be distributed in January 2011. Because several years have passed since most of the current photos were taken, everyone is being asked to have a new photo taken. During the entire month of September, Harriet Powell (and/or Shirley Schliessmann) will take photos a half hour before and a half hour (or longer) after worship service. When you have your photo taken, you will also be asked to fill out a form providing your current information for the directory. A sign-up sheet will be circulated and then placed on the welcome desk. Members who have not scheduled a time during those Sundays will be called to arrange a time that best fits your schedule.

As you know, both the directory and the narthex photo display are invaluable resources for all of us in the congregation, and we greatly appreciate your help with this project! If you have questions, please call Harriet Powell at 847-5383, Colleen Kaye at 847-3386 or Shirley Schliessmann at 605-695-3168.

Amigos de Jesus Drive

We are participating in the community wide drive for Amigos de Jesus. In September we are collecting coats and blankets for the Hispanic day laborers and their families. Please bring your donated items to the church and place them in the large box in the narthex/fellowship hall area. Collection will take place until September 26th.

Prayer of farewell and godspeed

For a variety of reasons there have been some changes in our membership at LCR over the past year. The following folks have journeyed to a new place of worship. As a whole church of God, we send them with our blessings and love.

John, Whitney, and Savannah Cargill

We pray together:

In Holy Baptism our Lord Jesus Christ received these persons and made them members of his Church. When they came to this congregation we rejoiced to receive them into our fellowship in the Gospel. In this community of faith they have heard the proclamation of God’s Word, which reveals his loving purpose for us and for all creation. They have been nourished at Christ’s holy table and called to be witnesses to the Gospel. God has blessed them in this fellowship and he has blessed us through them.

We encourage them to continue to receive and share God’s gifts in their new congregations as workers with us in the Kingdom of God.

Eternal God, we thank you for these people and for our life together in this congregation and community. As they have been a blessing to us, so now send them forth to be a blessing to others; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Occasional Services, Published by Augsburg Fortress, 1982, pg. 151-152)

Lifeline screening at LCR

Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure or a family history of cardiovascular disease? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider being screened for your risk of stroke through the services of Life Line Screening. Life Line Screening uses ultrasound technology to view the plaque buildup in your carotid arteries, the main arteries that carry blood to the brain, and offers other, similar tests that check for related vascular disease.

LCR will be the location of hosting health screenings that could save your life. The screenings will be offered on Wednesday, October 6thand test for stroke risk, vascular disease, and bone density. Please talk to Dorcy Rhea if you would like to receive a gift certificate for free screenings.

There are flyers in the narthex at church (as well as Sunday bulletins). You MUST call ahead to reserve your spot for screening. Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit to pre-register or for more information.

Way to Go LCR…

LCR has received a certificate for outstanding effort and generous contribution of time and energy to maintain the beauty of Texas roadsides through Adopt a Highway program. We have been doing this for 12 years! Awesome work, stewards.

Synod communication – Vista

The Vista is available on-line. If you would like to receive email communications on Synod news please go to and register your email address. Use the Sign-in box in the upper right hand corner.

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection

Giant Rummage Sale and

Silent Auction

Saturday, October 2, 2010

9 till 3

Gifts, Gadgets, and Gems

Household and Clothing Items

Lawn Mowers and Lawn Chairs

Silver, Quilting and Sewing Items,

Baked and Can Goods

Food and Drinks

Something for Everyone!!

Sandwiches and Chips

Hot Dogs and Chili Dogs

With all the trimmings

Cold Drinks and Hot Coffee

Benefiting the ministries of LCR

Being stewards of god’s money….


General Fund –

Total Giving $7,123Mission Plan $8,000

Expenditures --- $8,945

Building Fund -

Total Giving $1,520Mission Plan $1,821

Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all you produce. (Proverbs 3:9)

October - Mark Your Calendars! – Watch for more details later.

3 -Confirmation 2:00-5:00pm, Confirmation Banquet @ 5:00pm @ Holy Cross, Austin

6 - LifeLine Screening @ LCR

13 -Dinner Night Out @ Gristmill

16 - Sew-In

23 - Walk 4 Habitat Community Event

31 -Confirmation Sunday for Parker Tise and Hannah Raska

Happy Anniversary
09-01 / Nancy Volotko / 09-20 / Al Erlandson / 09-02 / Bill & Paula Johnson
09-02 / Hugh Ellington / 09-20 / Judy Dunn / 09-08 / Pat & Dennis Ferl
09-03 / Madelyn Raska / 09-22 / Dirk Dierking / 09-08 / Kevin & Colleen Kaye
09-06 / Ranell Diehl / 09-25 / Eric Taylor / 09-08 / Ron & Felicia Neigut
09-09 / Roger Pearson / 09-26 / Felicia Neigut / 09-30 / Paul & Brenda Moore
09-10 / Chris Leonard / 09-27 / Abby Blake
09-11 / Jessie Heidenfelder / 09-27 / Kimberly Nelms
09-19 / Skip Brasher / 09-30 / Chelsea Alexander
CONGRATULATIONS! / Note: If we missed your special day or printed it incorrectly, please notify thechurch office…


9:30 AM / 12
10:00 AM / 19
10:00 AM / 26
10:00 AM
Readers / 9:30 / Danny Hickman / Jo Anne Miller / Bunky Layton / Bobbi Vantine
Assistant / 9:30 / Doris King / Harriet Powell / Shirley Schliessmann / Jim Vantine
Acolytes / 9:30 / Bella Raska / Sam Ellisor / Nick Merkord / Ian McGar
Ushers / 9:30 / Raskas / Ellisors / Ron & Gayle Weir / J. Valentine &
H. Mettenbrink
Child Care / 9:30 / Holley Hickman / Pam Longoria / Emily Merkord / Delayne Leonard
Hospitality / 9:30 / Shirley Kopp / Brenda Moore / Gayle Weir / Felicia Neigut
Altar Guild / 9:30 / Doris King / Brenda Moore / Shirley Schliessmann / Beth Alexander
Flowers / Harriet Powell / Paula Johnson / Beverly Ladzinski / Patsy, Dorcy & Bunky

NOTE TO READERS: The Scripture readings for the week you serve will be in your box at the beginning of the month. We encourage you to take them home and read through them prior to your Sunday to share your gift with the congregation.

Pronunciation Guides are available – one under the Lecturn (where you read) and the other in the Church office. Feel free to take and use them whenever needed.

If you can’t be present on the Sunday you are signed up to serve, please remember to find your own replacement!!
This is vital to making sure all leadership roles are filled each week.
Thanks! 