Connecticut Department of Labor
Part II A
Contract-Specific Terms and Conditions
I.Program Parameters:
a)Summer Component:
- The Workforce Development Board (WDB) shall budget funds allocated to it to operate a summer component between July 1, 2015 and August 31, 2015.
- All youth participants must be offered a minimum of:
- 4 weeks of programming and
- 15 hours of weekly activity.
b)Year-Round Component:
At the discretion of the WDB, a portion of the allocated funds may be budgeted to operate a year-round component, September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.
c)Activities: Funds must be spent on employment and/or employment-related activities. Provision of financial literacy activities is optional at the discretion of each WDB.
d)Wage and Workplace Laws:
- WDBs and their agents must comply with all applicable wage and workplace standard laws and regulations.
- WDBs are strongly encouraged to arrange for a CTDOL presentation on Employment Regulation/Minorsfor the WDB’s respective CYEP vendors by contacting CTDOL Wage and Workplace Standards Unit at (860) 263-6791.
II.Participant Eligibility:
- Eligible youth must be 14 to 21 years of age as of July 1, 2015.
Youth must have been born between July 2, 1994 and July 1, 2001.
- All youth under the age of 16 require parental consent at the time of initial application for enrollment.
b)Income: Individuals must meet at least one of the following income criteria:
- is eligible for free or reduced-price lunch during the most recent or current school year;
- is a current WIA youth participant;
- has been determined eligible for WIA Youth Services based upon family income within the previous 6 months;
- is a recipient of SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps);
- is a recipient of Temporary Family Assistance (TANF);
- is a recipient of State Administered General Assistance (SAGA) - cash or medical;
- is a youth with disability meeting criteria outlined in WIOA eligibility directives;
- is a foster child;
- is pregnant or is a custodial parent;
- is a member of a family whose income is equal to or less than 185% of the 2015federal poverty level.
Persons in family / household / 2015Federal Poverty Level (FPL) / 185% ofFPL
1 / $11,770 / $21,774.50
2 / $15,930 / $29,470.50
3 / $20,090 / $37,166.50
4 / $24,250 / $44,862.50
5 / $28,410 / $52,558.50
6 / $32,570 / $60,254.50
7 / $36,730 / $67,950.50
8 / $40,890 / $75,646.50
For families with more than 8 persons,
for each additional person, add: / $4,,160 / $7,696
c)Legal Right to Work in the United States:
Participants must be legally able to work in the United States, as documented by at least one (1) the following:
- official birth certificate showing birth in the United States
- unrestricted Social Security card, which does not contain the following restrictions:
- unexpired U.S. passport
- unexpired foreign passport with a I-551 stamp
- unexpired Permanent Resident Card
- unexpiredAlien Registration Receipt Card
- unexpired employment authorization card
- unexpired employment authorization document issued by U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) which contains a photograph
- unexpired foreign passport with Form I-94 containing an endorsement of non-immigrant status
- Native American tribal document
- U.S. Citizen ID card (Form I-97)
See for reference, as to the current descriptions of such documents, as may be updated from time to time by the U.S. government.
WDBs may set local criteria for:
- residencyand
- service to persons not meeting WDB residency requirements.
III.Use of Funds:
a)WDBs may budget:
- up to 5% of thetotal CYEP contract allocation.
b)Minimum Expenditures:
- At least 75% of the total CYEP allocation(includingWDB program administration costs) shall be expended on the summer component, which ends August 30, 2015.
- At least 67% of the total CYEP allocation shall be used to pay participant wages, including expenditures for both:
- the summer and
- if applicable, the year-round component.
c)Stipends: Stipends areonlyallowable for classroomtraining.
d)Time sheets:
- Time sheets recording all actual hours worked must be signed by the youth participantand a supervisor.
- If breaks are provided for lunch, the start and end times of such must be recorded on the time sheets.
- Wages are not to be paid for lunch periods
IV.Vendors / Subcontractors
- WDBs must have all CYEP service providers complete the Vendor Questionnaireand keep such formsavailable for CTDOL CYEP Monitors to review during the Summer Program period. Please do not submit with the Contract Package.
b)WDB Description of Services
- WDB must complete the WDBDescription of Servicesand submit it with the Contract Package.
c)Subcontracts / Site Agreements
For WDBsubcontracts with vendors and/or site agreements with employers (as applicable to the WDB),Each vendor/site must have:
- a written, standardizedTime and Attendance Policyaddressing the following:
- Hours of work
- Absences
- Tardiness
- Make-up time
- Working additional hours beyond those assigned as CYEP
- Duration of employment
- Consequences of CYEP participant’s failure to work resulting in not being paid
- Sign-in/Sign-out sheets at each worksite
- Individual time cards for each CYEP participant
- Requirement that CYEP participant and site supervisor both sign and date each timesheet
- Timesheets must document actual hours work and note unpaid lunch break start and end times
- If anyone else is allowed to pick up check/s for a CYEP participant:
- policy and forms for written authorization to permit and
- requirement for such authorized person to sign for such check/s
- Policy addressing:
- check payment system
- check disbursement system, including process, frequency, method and location
- checks must be in envelopes to protect confidentiality
- unclaimed or returned checks
- lost, stolen or missing checks
- safeguards against excessive payment, kickbacks, ghost participants, etc.
- Policy addressing payroll complaints
- Policy for internal monitoring of payroll
- Policy to cover CYEP participants under Workers Compensation
- If the worksite has records of persons receiving services from federal or state agencies or their subcontractors, which records contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or other confidential information, procedures must be implemented to protect confidentiality of such records and the site must have written policies regarding the protection of and access to such confidential information.
- If the worksite assignment involves CYEP participants working with children, the worksite must have written guidelines and procedures in place regarding mandated reporting or suspected or possible abuse and/or neglect.
- distribute such written policies to:
- contractor/vendor staff and work site supervisors who work with CYEP participants and
- CYEP participants
If CYEP participants are on the WDB payroll and/or under the WDB’s Workers Compensation policy, the WDB shall have written policies and documentation addressing the pertinent components listed above.
V.Reporting and Invoicing:
IMPORTANT- Reports are required in both hard copy and electronic format.
- Reports with changes to formatting and/or formulas will not be accepted.
- Due dates are as follows:
# / Document Name / Due Date
1. / Part I - CYEP Contract Face Page / Word file / Submit with Contract Package
2. / Part II- CYEP Terms and Conditions / Word files / Submit with Contract Package
3. / Part III - CYEP Budget 2015-2016 / Excel file / Submit with Contract Package
4. / a. / CYEP Program ReportPlanned vs. Actual / See tabs
in Excel file ProgDeliver
2015-2016 / For July 1-July 31 Due Aug. 20, 2015; For July 1-Aug. 31 Due Sept. 20, 2015; For Year-Round Component 20 days after each Qtr ends.
b. / CYEP Program Deliverables Report / Submit with Contract Package
c. / CYEP Fiscal Report / For July 1-July 31 Due Aug. 20, 2015; For July 1-Aug. 31 Due Sept. 20, 2015; ; For Year-Round Component 20 days after each Qtr ends.
d. / CYEP Service Providers Report / 7/7/15 in time for Summer Monitoring
e. / CYEP Worksite Report / 7/7/15 in time for Summer Monitoring
f. / CYEP Participant Demographics Report / 10/20/15
5. / CYEP Vendor Questionnaire / Word file / Do not submit to CTDOL but keep on site at WDB for review during CTDOL’s Summer Monitoring