MSU Meeting Agenda

December 5, 2017

I.Presentation of Prior Meeting Minutes

  1. Corrections from November 7, 2017 Minutes: None

II.Report from the MSU Officers

  1. President: ChoumikaSimonis
  1. MSU Student-Faculty Holiday Mixer: The Student-Faculty Holiday Party was held on Thursday, November 30th in the atrium. The events was a success with many students attending to have a quick break from studying. Thanks to Healing Notes for the wonderful Christmas music and congrats to the winners of our cookie contest. Congrats to our winners! First place went to Jacqueline Wood with her sugar cookies with espresso buttercream frosting. Thanks to everyone for coming out.
  2. Quiet Floor Reminders: Just another reminder to be considerate to students studying on the 4th floor. It is a quiet study space.
  3. Parking Updates: please keep an eye out for future updates when we return from break.
  4. Technology Updates: Dr. Reed sent out an email regarding technology updates regarding how to set up WiFi calling for better cell service while on campus.
  5. Dean’s Meeting Updates: meetings have been productive with deans from many different departments attending to hear student concerns.Please feel free to sign up here.
  1. Vice-President: David Grande: not present. Plans for the spring formal are still being finalized, more information will come.
  1. Treasurer: Christian Renz
  2. Presentation of the Budget
  3. Groups expected to fundraise
  4. Reminder to turn in all outstanding budget requests, within two weeks please.
  5. Tax Exemption

a)Groups will not be reimbursed for spending money on taxes.

b)Provide a tax free form to the institution from which you buy.

  1. Do not buy a gift card through a store. If you want to make a gift card purchase, it must go through Alia, and administrators at the Lakeshore campus will purchase it and get it to you.
  2. Groups must submit ITEMIZED receipts!! If you leave a tip, then Christian needs both the charge receipt and the itemized receipt.

  1. Secretary: Brandon Karcher
  1. Class e-mail policy update:Last meeting students expressed a desire to limit emails from student groups and inquired about a weekly email with student events. The MSU board met with Student Life to discuss the possibility. We decided that the best option is to continue the status quo to not limit student groups ability to email the student body. It is very common for groups to need to make last minute changes to events or email with last minute openings for workshops. As a board we do not want to limit student organization access to the appropriate class mailing lists. With that in mind, we want to stress the appropriate use of emails to the student body. Student groups should limit their emails sent out to classes and we recommend using your organization’s mailing list whenever possible. Additionally, individual students should not email classes directly. If you would like to send an email out please send it Alia or Kia in Student Life to send it out on your behalf.

III.Report from Class Presidents:

  1. M1- Aaron Perlow: nothing
  2. M2- SahandGhodrati: nothing
  3. M3- MitraMossaddad: only 3 weeks left of rotation, M1 should shadow M3’s as soon as possible. They hope the M2 exam reviews have been helpful, please send the board suggestions & feedback for future ones.
  4. M4- Patrick Kramer:M4’s are cruising by 4th year. Military and some sub-specialties are matching in December & January, so we wish them luck!

IV.Reports from OSR Reps: Michelle Peterson, Saad Siddiqui, and Julie Mina: Nothing

V.Reports from Stritch or University Committees:

VI.Reports from Student Organizations:

  • SCOPEMini Transplant Symposium: January 5th from 11:30pm-1am.

VII.Student Wellness Advisory Group:

  • SWAGWinter Warm Up: January 9th in the Atrium, tea trail mix and other fun resources and a talk on seasonal effective disorder.

VIII.New or Unfinished Business:None, All Quiet on the Western Front…. It’s a good book. A good read if you need one over break! Thanks for reading the MSU minutes!

IX.Funding Requests:None
