Dear Friends,

Our parish's largest fundraiser, Sweet Home Chicago, will be held on Saturday, February 9th, 2013 and we need your help to make it a success. This event will celebrate everything we love about our city as we transform our parish into a live entertainment venue. Delicious food and drinks, live entertainment and a fantastic auction will highlight the evening.

The auction is critical to meeting our fundraising goal of $110,000. In addition to the Live Auction (including a trip to Tahiti!) and “Best of Chicago” Silent Auction at the event, we will be hosting an Online Auction accessible through running from February 1 – 10.

We hope that you can consider donating items to ensure the success of our auctions. Here are some suggestions; you may have others!

I (or my friends, parents, etc.) can donate one or more of the following items:

___Do you work in the hotel or travel industry? Do you or someone you know have a vacation home? Can you donate a hotel or vacation home stay? (These make great money!)

___Do you have season tickets to the Bears, Bulls, Sox or Cubs? Could you donate a game (college or pro)? How about a jersey or sports equipment? Could you arrange for someone to meet a “celebrity”? (Tickets always make face value, sometimes lots more!)

___Do you work in a restaurant or food industry? Have an acquaintance that is a chef? Do you like to eat out? Could you donate gift certificates or food for the event? How about cooking an exquisite dinner for 8 or an appetizer party? (Very hot items!) Why not ask your “regular” restaurant(s) if they would donate a gift certificate to our auction?

___”Experiences” that can’t be bought are our some of our biggest moneymakers. Could you arrange for someone to meet a local “celebrity”? See a TV taping? Tour a fire station? Go sailing on Lake Michigan?

To donate items, fill out the form on the reverse and return to the school office or rectory. Or better yet, go to and click on Sweet Home Chicago and fill out the donation form. A donor letter and form is also accessible on the website.

Also, if you would like to volunteer your time in making this event a success the process is simple. Take two minutes to fill out the volunteer form, which can be found at stjosaphatparish.organd click on Sweet Home Chicago.

Your generosity will benefit the immediate needs of our church and school. We look forward to an exciting event and hope you will join us. Thank you for your help!

Christine Frech, Donna Sims, & Shannon Arseneau, Sweet Home Chicago Committee