I & II Timothy, Philemon Sun. AM 8-30
- I Tim. 1: 4 What causes disputes rather than godly edification?
- Gossip
- Rumors
- Fables and endless genealogies
- I Tim. 1: 20 Who did Paul deliver to Satan?
- Hymenaeus and Alexander
- Apphia and Archippus
- Crescens and Demas
- I Tim. 2: 1 Supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks should be made for:
- Your daily bread
- All men
- The church
- I Tim. 2: 14 Who was deceived and fell into transgression?
- Ahab
- Jezebel
- The woman
- I Tim. 3: 13 Those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in what?
- The community
- The faith which is in Christ Jesus
- The local church
- I Tim. 3: 16 God was:
- Seen among the Gentiles
- Preached among the Angels
- Received up in glory
- I Tim. 4: 1 What does the Spirit expressly say?
- To preach the Word boldly
- That Paul would suffer in the name of Christ
- That in latter times some will depart from the faith
- I Tim. 4: 4 Nothing is to be refused if it is received with what?
- Prayer and giving of alms
- Meditation
- Thanksgiving
- I Tim 4: 8 What profits a little?
- Being like God
- Cleanliness
- Bodily Exercise
- I Tim. 5: 8 If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than what?
- An unbeliever
- The Gentiles
- The Romans
- I Tim. 5: 11 Who was Timothy to refuse because they might grow wanton against Christ and desire to marry?
- Spoiled children
- Old men
- The younger widows
- I Tim. 5: 15 Some younger widows have already turned aside after what?
- Older rich men
- Satan
- Fairy tales
- I Tim. 6: 8 With what are we to be content?
- Things that cannot be changed
- Having food and clothing
- Our neighbors
- I Tim. 6: 10 What is a root of all kinds of evil?
- The love of money
- The devil and his angels
- Lawlessness
- II Tim. 1: 6 What was Timothy to stir up?
- The love of the saints
- The gift of God which was in him
- Soup for supper
- II Tim. 1: 16 Paul requested mercy to the household of ______because he often refreshed Paul.
- Phygellus
- Onesiphorus
- Hermogenes
- II Tim. 2: 8 Jesus Christ was of the seed of:
- Ruth
- Solomon
- David
- II Tim. 2: 15 What does a worker do who does not need to be ashamed?
- He rightly divides the word of truth
- He harvests the crops
- He works overtime
- II Tim. 2: 20 What type of vessels are in a great house?
- Vessels of gold and silver
- Vessels of wood and clay
- Vessels of gold and silver and wood and clay
- II Tim. 3: 12 Who will suffer persecution?
- The Romans
- All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus
- Titus
- II Tim. 3: 17 Who may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work?
- Bible bowl students
- Preachers
- The man of God
- II Tim. 4: 13 What did Paul want Timothy to bring with him when he came?
- The vessels of gold and silver
- The copper from Alexander the coppersmith
- The cloak, and the books, especially the parchments
- II Tim. 4: 17 Paul was delivered out of what?
- The mouth of the lion
- Shipwrecks
- Tentmaking
- Philemon 1 Who was with Paul when he wrote to Philemon?
- Timothy
- James
- John
- Philemon 2 What was in Philemon’s house?
- His wife
- Vessels of gold and silver and vessels of wood and clay
- The church