I & II Timothy, Philemon Sun. AM 8-30

  1. I Tim. 1: 4 What causes disputes rather than godly edification?
  1. Gossip
  2. Rumors
  3. Fables and endless genealogies
  1. I Tim. 1: 20 Who did Paul deliver to Satan?
  1. Hymenaeus and Alexander
  2. Apphia and Archippus
  3. Crescens and Demas
  1. I Tim. 2: 1 Supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks should be made for:
  1. Your daily bread
  2. All men
  3. The church
  1. I Tim. 2: 14 Who was deceived and fell into transgression?
  1. Ahab
  2. Jezebel
  3. The woman
  1. I Tim. 3: 13 Those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in what?
  1. The community
  2. The faith which is in Christ Jesus
  3. The local church
  1. I Tim. 3: 16 God was:
  1. Seen among the Gentiles
  2. Preached among the Angels
  3. Received up in glory
  1. I Tim. 4: 1 What does the Spirit expressly say?
  1. To preach the Word boldly
  2. That Paul would suffer in the name of Christ
  3. That in latter times some will depart from the faith
  1. I Tim. 4: 4 Nothing is to be refused if it is received with what?
  1. Prayer and giving of alms
  2. Meditation
  3. Thanksgiving
  1. I Tim 4: 8 What profits a little?
  1. Being like God
  2. Cleanliness
  3. Bodily Exercise
  1. I Tim. 5: 8 If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than what?
  1. An unbeliever
  2. The Gentiles
  3. The Romans
  1. I Tim. 5: 11 Who was Timothy to refuse because they might grow wanton against Christ and desire to marry?
  1. Spoiled children
  2. Old men
  3. The younger widows
  1. I Tim. 5: 15 Some younger widows have already turned aside after what?
  1. Older rich men
  2. Satan
  3. Fairy tales
  1. I Tim. 6: 8 With what are we to be content?
  1. Things that cannot be changed
  2. Having food and clothing
  3. Our neighbors
  1. I Tim. 6: 10 What is a root of all kinds of evil?
  1. The love of money
  2. The devil and his angels
  3. Lawlessness
  1. II Tim. 1: 6 What was Timothy to stir up?
  1. The love of the saints
  2. The gift of God which was in him
  3. Soup for supper
  1. II Tim. 1: 16 Paul requested mercy to the household of ______because he often refreshed Paul.
  1. Phygellus
  2. Onesiphorus
  3. Hermogenes
  1. II Tim. 2: 8 Jesus Christ was of the seed of:
  1. Ruth
  2. Solomon
  3. David
  1. II Tim. 2: 15 What does a worker do who does not need to be ashamed?
  1. He rightly divides the word of truth
  2. He harvests the crops
  3. He works overtime
  1. II Tim. 2: 20 What type of vessels are in a great house?
  1. Vessels of gold and silver
  2. Vessels of wood and clay
  3. Vessels of gold and silver and wood and clay
  1. II Tim. 3: 12 Who will suffer persecution?
  1. The Romans
  2. All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus
  3. Titus
  1. II Tim. 3: 17 Who may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work?
  1. Bible bowl students
  2. Preachers
  3. The man of God
  1. II Tim. 4: 13 What did Paul want Timothy to bring with him when he came?
  1. The vessels of gold and silver
  2. The copper from Alexander the coppersmith
  3. The cloak, and the books, especially the parchments
  1. II Tim. 4: 17 Paul was delivered out of what?
  1. The mouth of the lion
  2. Shipwrecks
  3. Tentmaking
  1. Philemon 1 Who was with Paul when he wrote to Philemon?
  1. Timothy
  2. James
  3. John
  1. Philemon 2 What was in Philemon’s house?
  1. His wife
  2. Vessels of gold and silver and vessels of wood and clay
  3. The church