LA communications to schools

Title: / Primary Assessment Network
Summary: / The Primary Assessment Network will bring together assessment leaders and senior leaders from primary schools in LBHF, RBKC and Westminster to share what has been learnt about assessment and to discuss what effective assessment practice consists of. The first meeting will be on Thursday 28 September from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at Marlborough Primary School in Kensington and Chelsea.
Target school(s): / Primary Schools
Specific schools
For attention of: / Assessment Leads
Author: / Clare Sumpter
Contact: / Alex Gingell, Deputy Head Teacher, Marlborough Primary School
Email: /
Telephone: / 0207 589 8553
Newsletter date: / 19 June
Action required/
due date: / To attend this meeting, please book your place online – click here
If there any issues with booking online please email or

Primary Assessment Network

‘Assessment is one of those things that you think you know what it is until you start to really think hard about it.’

Rob Coe, Professor of Education, Durham University.

With all the changes to curriculum and assessment over the last few years, schools have all had to develop, adapt and learn more about assessment. The Primary Assessment Network will bring together assessment leaders and senior leaders from primary schools in LBHF, RBKC and Westminster to share what has been learnt about assessment and to discuss what effective assessment practice consists of. Thinking critically about assessment practice is crucial if we are to get things right for our schools.

We will meet each half term to share best practice and to discuss issues and propose solutions to problems related to primary assessment. The focus of each meeting will be decided by the group in advance to ensure that the sessions are purposeful and relevant to all who attend.

Alongside a regular meeting, it is hoped that the network will also provide opportunities to:

·  Collaborate on school centred action research projects

·  Plan, develop and deliver CPD across schools

·  Provide school to school support

·  Visit other schools

The first meeting will be on Thursday 28 September from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at Marlborough Primary School in Kensington and Chelsea.

At this meeting, attendees will briefly share their own experiences of assessment practice since the changes were brought in and levels were removed. The core purpose of the network will be discussed and ideas for the focus of the future sessions will be generated and agreed.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet with colleagues who are facing similar challenges and to map out the future of the Primary Assessment Network so that it becomes something truly beneficial to all.

To attend this meeting, please book your place online – click here

If there any issues with booking online please email or