Colonial Era Review

I.  Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Bacon’s Rebellion

B.  Salutary Neglect

C.  Triangular Trade

D.  Headright System

E.  Mayflower Compact

F.  Restoration Colonies

G.  Lord Baltimore

H.  Maryland Act of Toleration

I.  Navigation Act of 1660

J.  Quakers

K.  Separatists

L.  Puritans

M.  House of Burgesses

N.  Cotton Mather

O.  City upon a hill

P.  Great Migration

Q.  Halfway Covenant

R.  John Winthrop

S.  Roger Williams

T.  Anne Hutchinson

U.  John Singleton Copley

V.  Salem Witch Trials

II.  Essay questions

A.  Describe the Great Awakening, its effects and its relationship to the American Enlightenment.

B.  Compare and contrast life in New England with that of Chesapeake Bay area on the following:

1.  Rank and status

2.  Women’s Status

3.  Education

4.  Family life

5.  Trade and Commerce

6.  Reason/ motivation for colonization

7.  Government

C.  Describe Puritanism in New England during the 1600s with regard to:

1.  Religious beliefs

2.  Education

3.  Civil government 4. Concept of the “City on the Hill”

American Revolution Era

I.  Identify and provide one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Articles of Confederation

B.  Writs of Assistance

C.  John Peter Zenger

D.  Sons of Liberty

E.  Battle of Yorktown

F.  Coercive, Repressive, or Intolerable Acts

G.  Declaratory Act

H.  The “Continental” in the Continental Army

I.  Treaty of Paris of 1783

J.  Treaty of Paris of 1763

K.  Proclamation Line of 1763

L.  Second Continental Congress

M.  “Common Sense”

N.  Stamp Act

O.  Battle of Saratoga

P.  Virtual Representation

Q.  Tea Act

R.  Suffolk Resolves

S.  Townshend Acts

II.  Essay Questions

A.  Assess the importance of the Colonists and British experience in the French and Indian War and the Treaty of Paris 1763 in leading to the American Revolution.

B.  “The American Revolution was not a revolution at all; it was a conservative rebellion with reactionary intent.” Assess the validity of this statement.

C.  “Even with better will and more compromises on both sides, it would have been difficult to have prevented the American War of Independence. It was, in short, inevitable.” Assess the validity of this statement.

D.  Assess the extent to which the American Revolution, on balance, was good or bad for five of the following groups:

1.  Northern Farmers 6. Urban artisans and

2.  Virginia slave owners shopkeepers

3.  Slaves 7. Frontier women

4.  Native Americans

5.  Loyalists

Federalist Era Review

I.  Identify and provide one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Hamilton’s Report on Public Credit, Manufacturers, the Bank

B.  Whiskey Rebellion

C.  Pinckney’s Treaty of 1795

D.  Jay’s Treaty 1795

E.  Citizen Genet

F.  Washington’s Farewell Address

G.  Constitutional Convention/Great Compromise

H.  Shay’s Rebellion

I.  Federalist Papers

J.  Charles A. Beard’s Economic Interpretation of the Constitutional Convention of 1787

K.  Alien and Sedition acts

L.  Kentucky and Virginia Resolves

M.  XYZ Affair

N.  Quasi-War with France

O.  Strict v. Loose interpretation of the Constitution; Jefferson v. Hamilton over the Bank

P.  Federalist v. Antifederalist

Q.  John Marshall

R.  3/5 Compromise

II.  Essay questions

A.  “The Articles of Confederation proved to be an effective government”. Assess the validity of this statement.

B.  Describe the various foreign and domestic problems confronting the new Republic during the Federalist Era (1791-1800).

C.  Compare and contrast the ideological positions and visions of the Federalist and the Jeffersonian Republicans in the 1790s. Include:

1.  leaders

2.  what groups were favored by these parties (factions)

3.  what kind of society did each envision

4.  who each favored in the war going on in Europe

Jeffersonian Era Review

I.  Identify and provide one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Louisiana Purchase

B.  Midnight Appointments

C.  Marbury v. Madison

D.  Burr v. Hamilton

E.  Burr Conspiracy

F.  Embargo Act 1807

G.  HMS Leopard v. USS Chesapeake

H.  Non intercourse act

I.  War Hawks

J.  Tecumseh

K.  Battle of Tippecanoe

L.  William Henry Harrison

M.  Treaty of Ghent

N.  Jackson and Florida

O.  Adams-Onis Treaty

P.  Era of Good Feelings

Q.  Harford Convention

II.  Essay questions

A.  The Federalists began as loose constructionists of the Constitution and the Jeffersonian Republicans began as strict constructionists of the Constitution. How and in what ways did the two parties reverse themselves during the presidencies of Jefferson and Madison? How and in what ways did they stay true to their origin.

B.  Describe the causes and consequences of the War of 1812.

Age of Perfection Review

I. Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Declaration of Sentiments, Seneca Falls Convention, 1848

B.  Charles G. Finney

C.  Elizabeth Cady Stanton

D.  Horace Mann

E.  Dorothea Dix

F.  Frederick Douglas

G.  American Colonization Movement

H.  William Lloyd Garrison

I.  Harriet Beecher Stowe

J.  Transcendentalism

K.  Henry David Thoreau

L.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

M.  Unitarians

N.  Second Great Awakening

O.  Utopian Socialism

P.  Shakers

Q.  Revivalism

R.  Gag Rule of 1836

S.  American Temperance Union

T.  Lucretia Mott

U.  Hudson River Valley School of Art

II. Essay Questions

A.  Discuss how the social reform movement evolved out of the Second Great Awakening.

B.  Discuss why, of all the reform movement, did abolitionism prove to be the most divisive?

Jacksonian Era Review

I. Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate.

A.  Tariff of 1832

B.  Osceola

C.  Compromise of 1833

D.  Age of the Common Man

E.  Webster-Hayne Debate, 1830

F.  Worcester v. Ga., Cherokee Nation v. Ga.

G.  South Carolina Exposition and Protest

H.  Spoils System

I.  Roger B. Taney, Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge decision

J.  John C. Calhoun

K.  Henry Clay’s American System

L.  “Log Cabin and Hard Cider” campaign

M.  Webster-Ashburton Treaty

N.  Indian Removal Act

O.  Nativists

P.  Nicholas Biddle

Q.  Pet Banks

R.  Speculative Boom of 1837

S.  Anti-Masonic Party

T.  Specie Circular, 1836

U.  Second Party System

V.  Nominating Conventions

W.  “Monster Bank”

X.  King Andrew I

Y.  Eaton Malaria

II. Essay Questions

A.  Is it correct to describe the 1830s as the Age of Democracy? Explain, citing evidence.

B.  Discuss how political, economic, and constitutional issues combined to lead to the death of the Bank of the U.S.

C.  Analyze the extent to which TWO of the following influenced the development of democracy between 1820 and 1840.

Jacksonian economic policy

Changes in electoral politics

Second Great Awakening

Westward movement

D.  Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as the guardians of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. To what extent do you agree with the Jacksonians’ view of themselves?

Sectionalism, Nationalism, and Economic Expansion

1830s to 1860 Review

I. Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate.

A.  Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner

B.  Missouri Compromise

C.  Black Hawk Wars

D.  Erie Canal

E.  Baltimore and Ohio

F.  Monroe Doctrine

G.  Oregon Compromise Treaty of 1846

H.  Wilmont Proviso

I.  Free Soil Party

J.  Know-Nothing Party

K.  Dred-Scott v. Sanford, 1857

L.  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

M.  Compromise of 1850

N.  Zachary Taylor

O.  James K. Polk

P.  Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Freeport Doctrine

Q.  Fugitive Slave Law

R.  Uncle Tom’s Cabin

S.  Lecompton Constitution

T.  Bleeding Kansas

U.  John Brown

V.  Lowell Mill System

W.  Cult of Domesticity, Cult of the True Womanhood

II. Essay Questions

A.  Describe the provisions and consequences of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

B.  Describe the major changes in family life during the first half of the 19th Century

C.  Briefly discuss the political and social issues involved in the sectional disputes during the period 1840-1860

D.  “In the period 1815 to 1860, improvements in transportation and increased interregional trade should have united Americans, but instead produced sectional division and finally disunion.” Discuss with reference to the impact of improved transportation and increased interregional trade on the Northeast, the South, and the West.

Civil War Review

I. Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Anaconda Plan

B.  Trent Affair

C.  Morill Land Grant Act of 1862

D.  Homestead Act of 1862

E.  Battle of Gettysburg

F.  Battle of Vicksburg

G.  Battle of Antietam

H.  C.S.S. Virginia v. USS Monitor

I.  Jefferson Davis

J.  Copperheads

K.  Army of Northern Virginia

L.  Army of the Potomac

M.  Diplomacy: CSS Alabama, Florida, and Laird Rams

N.  George B. McClellan

O.  Bull Run

P.  William T. Sherman

Q.  Appomattox

R.  Robert E. Lee

S.  Stonewall Jackson

T.  U.S. Grant

U.  Emancipation Proclamation

V.  Wade-Davis Bill

W.  Lincoln’s 10% plan

II. Essay Questions

A.  Describe the major strategies of both the north and the south during the Civil War.

B.  Compare and contrast the relative strengths and weaknesses of each side at the outset of the war.

C.  Briefly describe the condition that led to Lincoln’s election victory in 1860.

D.  “The South never had a chance to win the Civil war.” To what extent and why do you agree OR disagree with this statement?

Reconstruction Review


I. Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Tenure of Office Act

B.  Samuel J. Tilden

C.  Archduke Maximilian

D.  Ten Percent Plan

E.  Seward’s Folly

F.  Freedman’s Bureau

G.  13th Amendment

H.  15th Amendment

I.  Thaddeus Stevens

J.  Credit Mobilier Scandal

K.  “Black Friday” Scandal

L.  “Bribing of Belknap”

M.  “Waving the Bloody Shirt”

N.  Carpetbaggers and Scalawags

O.  “40 Acres and a Mule”

P.  Compromise of 1877

II. Essay Questions

A.  Describe the provisions and explain why the 14th Amendment is considered the most important of all the amendments.

B.  Describe the Radical Reconstruction with regard to:

1.  goals

2.  methods

3.  major problems

4.  accomplishments

C.  How do you account for the failure of Reconstruction (1865-1877) to bring social and economic equality of opportunity to the former slaves?

D.  Discuss the political, economic, and social reforms introduced in the South between 1863 and 1877. To what extent did these reforms survive the Compromise of 1877?

Gilded Age Review

I. Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate

A.  Booker T. Washington

B.  W.E.B. DuBois

C.  Civil Rights Cases of 1883

D.  Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

E.  Civil Rights Act of 1875

F.  Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896

G.  Frederick Jackson Turner

H.  Timber and Stone Act, 1877

I.  Atlanta Compromise

J.  Jim Crow Laws

K.  Gilded Age

L.  Social Darwinism

M.  Gospel of Wealth

N.  Pullman Strike

O.  1877 RR Strikes

P.  William Sylvis

Q.  Terence Powderly

R.  Samuel Gompers

S.  Populists

T.  James B. Weaver

U.  Omaha Platform

V.  Grover Cleveland

W.  Eugene V. Debs

X.  Free Silver, Bland Allison Act, Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Y.  Pendleton Act, 1883

Z.  Half-breeds and Stalwawrts

AA.  Open Range Ranching

BB.  Laizzez-faire and caveat emptor

CC.  Promontory Utah

DD.  Horatio Alger

EE. Comstock Lode

FF. Dawes Severalty Act

GG.  Barbed-Wire Warfare

HH.  New Immigrants

II.  Jane Addams

JJ.  Andrew Carnegie

KK.  John D. Rockefeller

II. Essay Questions

A.  Assess the policies of the United States government toward the Indians from the end of he Civil War to the 1890s. Take a position as to whether a fairer policy could have been devised, given the circumstances of the era.

B.  What impact did the frontier have on American attitudes, behavior, and institutions? Is the “frontier thesis” of Frederick Jackson Turner viable?

C.  Discuss the postwar conflict between Cheap Money and Hard Money in the context of political events in the Gilded Age.

D.  Analyze the impact of any TWO of the following on the American industrial worker between 1865 and 1900.

Government actions


Labor unions

Technological changes

E.  “Although the economic growth of the United States between 1860 and 1900 has been attributed to a governmental policy of laissez-faire, it was in fact encouraged and sustained by direct governmental intervention.” Assess the validity of this statement.

F.  To what extent was the farmer in the period 1865-1900 a victim, as he often claimed, of the economic power of businessmen and bankers?

Imperialism Review

I.  Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate.

A.  Alfred T. Mahan

B.  Josiah Strong

C.  Frederick Jackson Turner’s Thesis

D.  Theodore Roosevelt

E.  John Hay

F.  Henry Cabot Lodge

G.  “Splendid Little War”

H.  Teller Amendment “Joint Resolution”

I.  White Man’s Burden

J.  McKinley Tariff (especially the effect on Hawaii)

K.  Wilson-Gorman Tariff (especially the effect on Cuba)

L.  Sanford B. Dole

M.  Queen Liliukalani

N.  Yellow Journalism, William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer

O.  “Remember the Maine”

P.  De Lome Letter

Q.  Platt Amendment

R.  Treaty of Paris 1899

S.  Insular Cases “Constitution doesn’t follow the flag”

T.  Emilio Aguinaldo

U.  Open Door Notes I and II

V.  Informal Empire

W.  America’s adventure in Panama

X.  William Gorgas

Y.  Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Z.  Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan

II.  Essay Questions

A.  To what extent was late nineteenth century and early twentieth century United States expansionism a continuation of past United States expansionism and to what extent was it a departure? DBQ

B.  How and to what extent was Great Britain transformed from “ancient foe” to “trusted ally” between 1865 and 1918?

C.  “The United States in the period 1898-1919 failed to recognized that it had vital interests at stake in Europe, where it tried to stay aloof. At the same time, it had few or no interests in Asia, where it eagerly became involved.” Assess the validity of this generalization.

Progressive Era Review

I.  Identify and give one important fact or example, as appropriate.