America has grown fat and lazy. Our young nation has arrived at its formative years when we know what we should be doing, but do otherwise nonetheless. We, like teenagers, want to be physically fit while maintaining our allegiance to the red-headed clown and the over-smiling king of fast food. We want rest and relaxation as long as we can do it quickly and assign a catchy name to it such as ‘power nap’ or ‘mini-vay kay’. There are many changes coming our way, to be sure. However, none of those changes will be positive if we do not begin with helping ourselves to change some personal habits.

There was a time in America the obviously unfit, overweight were a rarity. It was an uncommon sight to see a fat person, let alone many fat people, just standing around everywhere. Americans used to play sports and participate in athletic activities. The American family used to enjoy a home-made supper together everyday. Times changed. Life-styles became more complex as time became scarce.

Housewives and mothers were forced by circumstances to join the workforce to help pay household expenses. The division of the idyllic family nucleus made us find time saving shortcuts. Convenient fast food restaurants provided a quick and easy alternative to the home cooked meal. Video game systems turned our children into virtual athletes. Motorized scooter and skateboards allowed us to commute without taking any steps. Central air condition units made the outdoors as appealing as a day on the beach of a river in hell. Oreo's, snickers and potatoes chips replaced apples, bananas and celery as the snack of choice. We became lazy, lethargic and uninterested in physical fitness.

Nowadays, we are faced with the calls for health and fitness. We are made to feel less than adequate if we do not look like the size zero, stick figure on the cover of a magazine. Healthy eating habits, good nutrition and proper exercise may make them feel better but donot make them afraid of the occasional cookie.

I. How a person eats is just as important as what they eat.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We have heard this bit of wisdom since our diaper days. What we tend to forget is why breakfast is so important. The reason is that the first meal of the day, traditionally breakfast, fuels the body; it kicks starts their metabolism and creates energy. For years, the conventional wisdom was that three square meals a day will keep them from being hungry. However, their body needs nutrients in different ways at different times the key is a smooth running, high-performance metabolism.

When they opt for five to six smaller meals a day they ensure that their metabolism is running at peak efficiency. A hearty breakfast, a good lunch along with a smaller sensible dinner, along with protein bars and shakes, fruits or vegetables will keep their body running efficiently. The between meal meals will bridge the gap and not make them feel hungry or tired. The thinking is that, if they could be active enough off a big meal then why not eat it. The majority of their food intake should take place during the hours that they are most active.

The nutrients found in fruits and vegetables are obviously a healthier alternative to fat-filled, vending machine snacks. The rule of thumb is anything that nature produces is much better for them than anything machine processed. Placing the nutrients aside the benefits to their digestive system is instantaneously noticeable. There are fewer things better than being regular.

There is no disputing the fact that vegetables are healthy food for them,but the body needs proteins. The most common source of protein is meats. Beef, pork, poultry and fish are their friends.

  1. What they eat can decide how they look and feel.

There is a reason that they call it junk food. There is no true nutritional value to these consumables. They exist to satisfy cravings and can be as addictive as illegal drugs. Garbage in, garbage out; truer words were never spoken. Although generally associated with data input or business it is, nevertheless, useful when discussing diet and nutrition. Unhealthy, processed foods will make look and feel unhealthy.
A good meal, balanced and full of vitamins and nutrition’s is beneficial and healthy. Sugary sweets treats will never provide the wholesome goodness of fresh fruits and vegetables.
If they insist on eating fatty, non-nutritious foods they can expect to become fat and unhealthy. There is nothing wrong with these treats when they use them as treats instead of the only source of nutrition.
They will inevitably begin to slow down, eat constantly, and become inactive. In a nutshell they will become lazy people.

  1. Move it or keep it, their choice.
    So, eating right is a good thing, right? Of course it is. However, it is only half the battle. If they eat right and remain inactive they might still very well put on weight. Take a walk, ride a bike, use the stairs instead of the elevator. These things, no matter how small, make a difference.
    Here is another truth; calories consumed will not burn off by themselves. A regular exercise regimen will ensure that any unwanted calories are burned off in a healthy way.

IV.Being Healthy and fit requires effort and work.
Being fat, lazy and idle is easy.
Eat right, exercise properly, and they will feel better. They do not have to be a rocket scientist to realize, be good, and they will feel good. There is nothing more personally satisfying than having self control and a positive self-image.
When they are healthy and fit, a cookie or a candy bar, on occasion, cannot hurt them. They will be using then in their intended mission, as a treat.
Healthy eating habits and good nutrition will make them feel better; streamlining their system functions; and becoming a finely tuned machine.
Proper, regular exercise will not only make them feel better but it will make them look better. At the end of the day, isnot looking and feeling better all that we truly want?
We are all capable of becoming healthy and fit. All it takes is a decision, a commitment and a little will power. Corporations have made it too easy to take the quick and easy route. They are lining their pockets with the riches brought about by our weakness. Stand strong America, take back their life. Eat right, be active, live longer, and live better.

A few key changes we make now will ensure that we, as a nation, remain fit and healthy way into our senior years. The time is never too late to start making the right decisions in order to feel and look better. But does it not make sense to do it sooner, rather than later so that we can feel and look better longer?