SPACE: Modern Dance Final Project

LA Mission College/C. Lubow - Instructor

Space surrounds us everywhere. Motion cannot take place without it. How can space be manipulated? What concepts do you think of when analyzing space?

SHAPE or FORM of the body

SIZE of the movement

DIMENSION – Width, depth, height

LEVEL – High or low


GROUP FORMATION on the stage – circular, linear, diagonal

BODY FACING – Downstage, upstage, right, left, diagonally

DIRECTION where you are traveling

SYMMETRY/ASSYMETRY of the formation or movement


GEOMETRY – Angles and curves, points, lines and spacial connections

TURNING PLANE – Sagittal (wheel), horizontal (table), vertical (door)

NEGATIVE/POSITIVE SPACE – The form or the space around the form

SYMBOLIC SPACE – What does the space represent?

STAGE SPACE – Upstage, downstage, center stage, stage R & L, diagonals

ENVIRONMENTAL SPACE – Can space change textures and influence motion?

Select two elements from the list and make that the initiator of your project. We, the audience should clearly know from watching a performance of your dance study, which two elements you have chosen. Be creative in your movement and clear in your concepts/ideas. Remain true to the two elements and don’t simply throw in any old movement simply because you like it. Explore ways to manipulate your movement so it is reflective of the concept(s) you have selected. You may use music, but it is not mandatory. Remember that performance is as important as the choreography and both must be strong in order for the dance to be expressive and communicative! Please be prepared to perform between 10AM – 12PM on Wednesday, December 12th, the date of our final. Have your music ready, any costuming planned, and be well-rehearsed. The final project is worth 15 points of your semester grade.