ANARCP Bulletin No 1
March 2016
Dear Members,
I hope that this Bulletin finds you well.
The main purpose of this Bulletin is to announce the arrangements for the Plenary Committee Meeting to be held on 24 May 2016, our 2016 Annual General Assembly (AGA), which will be held on 25 May 2016 and the election of two members to your Executive Committee. But firstly:
Footnote to Article 51.2 of NCPRS
Previous ANARCP Bulletins and Confederation newsletters have explained to you the change to the footnote to article 51.2 of the NCPRs.The change is to alleviate the perceived depletion of the Retirees Medical Claim Fund (RMCF).On 2 February the change was approved by the Council.To refresh your memory, the new footnote reads.
“Provided they were recruited before 1. January 2001, staff members who on 31st December 2015 (or 6 months after NAC approval whichever comes later) have contributed to the group insurance scheme for a minimum of 25 years shall not be required to pay a premium after the age of 65, under the condition they retire from service by 31st December 2015 (or 6 months after NAC approval whichever comes later). Retired staff who have not contributed to the group insurance scheme for a minimum of 25 years by 31st December 2015 (or 6 months after NAC approval whichever comes later) shall be required to pay a premium after the age of 65 to continue coverage under the scheme.”
It is envisaged that the new regulation will come into force in August 2016.All of you who will be effected by this will be informed by NATO Administration. The premium will be 1.67% of the basic salary corresponding your last grade and step.How the Single Spine Salary System will effect this premium and indeed the pensions is not clear but is hoped that more information will be available for the AGA.
Unfortunately, despite reminders, no member has answered our call for candidates to stand for the Executive Committee to replace Peter Ludford and Laurie Daykin who are coming to the end of their mandate and announced their intention to stand down.After much persuasion, both have agreed to stand for a further period, therefore there will be no need for an election and Mr Ludford and Mr Daykin will be declared continuing members of the Executive Committee. This is the second year that we have found ourselves in this situation and I feel that this lack of interest by the membership is lamentable and hopefully next year the situation may be better.
Plenary Committee Meeting: Tuesday 24 May 2016
On Tuesday 24 May 2016, the Executive Committee will meet with the National Representatives and their Deputies.This meeting will start at 1400 hours in the SHAPE Club. The agenda for the Plenary Committee Meeting will be issued to the plenary committee members by separate correspondence. Those attending the Plenary Committee Meeting are asked to inform the ANARCP Secretary by E mail, () not later than 30 April 2016.In the E Mail or letter,please include the subject titlePlenary Committee Meeting – Tuesday 24 May 2106.
General Assembly: Wednesday 25 May 2016
The Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the ANARCP will take place in the SHAPE Club Main Ballroom (Building 903) on Wednesday 25 May 2016. It will be preceded by coffee at 0930hours and the meeting will start at 1000 hours. The agenda is attached but may be subject to change.Please inform the Secretary ()of any additional item you wish to propose.If you wish to attend the AGA on Wednesday 25 May 2016, please provide the following information to the ANARCP Secretary by email, () or by letter to ‘The ANARCP Secretary, HRM Branch, Resources Division, 7010 SHAPE, Belgium.’ By Saturday 30 April 2016. In the E Mail or letter,please include the subject title:ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY: WEDNESDAY 25 MAY 2016and include: Last Name, First Name, Email address
AGA Dinner: Tuesday 24 May 2016
In the evening of 24 May 2016, the annual dinner will take place in the SHAPE Club Dining Room (SHAPE Building 903) . This is open to all ANARCP members and their guests. A welcome drink will be served at 1930 hours, followed by dinner. The subsidised price is expected to be approximately 45 Euros, all included. Those wishing to attend the dinner are asked to inform the ANARCP Secretary by E mail,()or by letter to ‘The ANARCP Secretary, HRM Branch, Resources Division, 7010 SHAPE, Belgium.’ by Saturday 30 April 2016. ANARCP Member’s own guests will not be subsidized. Dinner cancellations cannot be accepted later than Saturday 30 April 2016. In the E Mail or letter,please include the subject title:AGA DINNER: TUESDAY 24 MAY 2016.
Hotel Accommodation
It is the responsibility of each ANARCP member to make their own hotel booking. Currently there are sufficient rooms available at The Best Western Plus Hôtel & Aparthotel Casteau and 10 rooms have been pre-booked. To obtain one of these rooms please use the words ‘ANARCP AGA 2016’at the time of booking, and request a reservation number. These rooms will only remain available until 31 March 2016. The Best Western Plus Hôtel & Aparthotel Casteau address is 38 Chaussée de Bruxelles, B-7061 Casteau, email:, website: +32 65320400. The prices for double room without breakfast is €92 and with breakfast €107 with single occupancy and €122 with double occupancy.The ANARCP takes no responsibility for hotel reservations and will not book hotel rooms on behalf of members.
Access to SHAPE
Those wishing to attend the dinner and/or AGA who have a SHAPEAccessPass do not need to apply for an access pass. However, those who do not have a SHAPEAccessPass may apply through the ANARCP Secretary () by providing the following information for each person requiring an AccessPassby Saturday 30 April 2016. In the E Mail or letter please include the subject title: AGA ACCESS.In the email please include:
Last Name,
First Name,
Date and Place of Birth
If coming by car add:
Country of Registration,
Plate Number,
Private or Rental.
Since the last Bulletin, I regret to report the deaths of the following ANARCP Members since December 2015.
Mr. Jean TAHON
Mr. MuzafferMAZIBASI
We express our sincere condolences to their families and friends.
We welcome the following new members to our Association:
Mrs. Christine BEEMELMANNS
Mr. Antonio ESPOSITO
Mr. Connelis Josef BOGER
Mr. Hay (Henricus J.G.M.) JANSSEN
Mr. Joseph MEIJS
Mrs. Angela Rosina BUTTERFIELD
Best Regards
Peter Ludford
Peter Ludford
Chairman ANARCP
AAgenda for AGA
BFinancial Statements 2015
CTreasurer’s Report 2015
DBudget 2016
Page Left Blank Intentionly
1000 Hours Wednesday 25 May 2016
Coffee will be served from 0930 hours
Item 1 - Opening Remarks and Administrative Announcements - Chairman
Item 2 - Approval of the Agenda – Chairman/Secretary
Item 3 - Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting - Chairman/Secretary
Item 4 - Address by our Patron: MGEN Major General Alfredo Sanz (SPA A) (Deputy Chief of Staff Resources)
Item 5 - Presentation by Mr Enrique Varona Bosque, Chief Civilian Personnel
Item 6 - ANARCP Issues:
Chairman’s Report - Chairman
Secretary’s Report - Secretary
Relations with SCSA. -Mr Vanderwal
Item 7- Report on the Confederation of NATO Retired Civilian Staff Associations (CNRCSA) – Mr Guidetti, CNRCSA Chairman
Item 8 - NatReps Reports – All NatReps
Lunch 1230 hrs - 1330 hrs: Coffee will be served in the conference room at 1330 hrs
Item 9 - AWC Presentation. – AWC Rep & Mr Bulling
Item 10 - Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer
Item 11 - Elections – Chairman/Secretary
Item 12 - Any Other Business - Chairman
Item 13 - Next Meeting – Chairman/Secretary
Financial Statements 2015 per 31/12/2015
Euro / Budget 2015(From 01.01.15 until 31.12.15)
POSTAGE / 71.91 / 300
ADP Allowance / 850.00 / 700
STATIONARY / 0.00 / 150
BANK CHARGES / 45.70 / 33
HOSPITALITY / 0.00 / 150
WEBSITE / 67.76 / 150
TEL NATREP / 6.37 / 50
TRAVEL / 3,794.28 / 4000
MISCELLANEOUS / 317.07 / 1467
LOCAL ACTIVITIES (Nat rep) / 970.00 / 2000
GENERAL ASSEMBLY + Exec Cottee / 5,645.50 / 4000
Contribution to Confed, (2€ per member) / 0.00 / 2250
Contribution to new WEB Site CNRCSA / 0.00 / 2000
11,768.59 / 17250
FEES MEMBERSHIP / 10,951.00 / 12000
TRAVEL / 0.00 / 3000
INTERESTS (4,06 + 531,33 + 544,61 + 4,16) / 1,084.16 / 650
DINNER G A / 1,845.00 / 1600
13,880.16 / 17250
NET RESULT / 2,111.57
BANK per 01.01.15 / 15,370.53
SAVINGS per 01.01.15 / 100,560.71
INCOME / 13,880.16
EXPENDITURES / 11,768.59
BANK per 31.12.2015 / 16,402.00
SAVINGS per 31.12.2015 / 101,640.81
Miscellaneous: / Confed. Membership / 0.00
Flowers + obituary / 317.07
Total: / 317.07
J.E.D. / 11/01/2016
All amounts in Euro
Per end 2014 115.931,24
Per end 2015 118.042,81
+ 2.111,57
Increase of 2,5 per cent in one year (for the last 18 years, from 21.600 € to 118.931,24 € i.e. an average yearly increase of 5.407 €)
In 201410.706,00
In 2015 10.951,00
+ 245,00
As of 31 December 2015 we had 1.142 active members among which 315 Life members.
In 20141.384,60 (interests + fidelity premium)
In 2015 1.084,16 (interests + fidelity premium)
- 300,44
Since the 1st of October 2013, the fidelity premium referring to the previous year investments is now paid on a quarterly basis. The decrease of revenue for 2015 is a result of the low interest rate on saving account (0,45% for 2015).
In 2014 273,08
In 2015 71,91
- 201,17
Many of our members do not have an e-mail. Postal mail remains the only mean of written communication.
In 2014 700,00
In 2015 850,00
+ 150,00
Major items are ink cartridges for printers. The amount for 2015 consists of the computer allocation for the members of the Exec. Committee.
In 2013 38,72
In 2014 64,13
+ 25,41
The Web site is managed by the Netherlands Representation.
The travel expenses (including per diem) related to official attendance of meetings are controlled and paid by SHAPE and to a lesser extent by the Confederation.
Travel expenses for 2014: 3.975,70 €.
The amount shown under income (5.008,50 €) represents the reimbursement by the Confederation for missions undertaken by ANARCP staff on behalf of the Confederation. The subsidies received by the Confederation will decrease in future and we can expect a higher contribution from ANARCP.
In 2013 62,80
In 2014 0,00
The cost centre “HOSPITALITY” covers costs for meals for some participants of Confederation and ANARCP EX. COMMITTEE meetings.
In 2013 802,00
In 2014 1.096,00
+ 294,00
This covers minor costs for social purposes. For 2014, the budget allocated was 5 € per member.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Conference room 323,85 263,60 348,25 394,55 155,00
Drinks + meals 1.248,80 1.200,65 1.159,25 1.395,45 1.872,00
1.572,65 1.464,25 1.507,50 1.790,00 2.027,00
Menu1.476,25 2.694,90 1.870,90 1.655,60 1.890,00
Contributions 1.290,00 2.025,00 1.645,00 1.505,00 1.560,00
Cost to ANARCP 186,25 669,90 225,90 150,60 330,00
Number of persons 43 45 49 43 39
As from 2010, lunch is offered to the members who attend the G.A.
Our financial situation remains very safe.Mr Antony FOLDS (former SHAPE Auditor) has accepted to perform the audit of our accounts.
in Euro / 2015 F.S.EXPENDITURES
POSTAGE / 100.00 / 71.91
STATIONARY / 150.00 / 0.00
ADP ALLOWANCE / 750.00 / 850.00
AGA/DINNER / 5,500.00 / 5,645.50
TRAVEL / 4,000.00 / 3,794.28
BANK CHARGES / 46.00 / 45.70
NAT REP ACTIVITIES (5€ per member) / 2,000.00 / 970.00
HOSPITALITY / 150.00 / 0.00
WEB SITE / 150.00 / 67.76
TEL. NATREP / 50.00 / 6.37
Contribution to Confed. (2€ per member) / 2,250.00 / 0.00
Contribution to new WEB Site CNRCSA / 1,000.00 / 0.00
Miscellaneous/Reserve / 1,104.00 / 317.07
17,250.00 / 11,768.59
FEES (800 x 15) / 12,000.00 / 10,951.00
AGA/DINNER / 1,600.00 / 1,845.00
TRAVEL / 3,000.00 / 0.00
INTEREST EARNED / 650.00 / 1,084.16
17,250.00 / 13,880.16
NET RESULT / 2,111.57
Bank per 1 January 2016 / 16,402.00
Savings per 1 January 2016 / 101,640.81
Income 2016 / 17,250.00 / 13,880.16
Expenditures 2016 / -17,250.00 / -11,768.59
Result / 0.00 / 2,111.57
Yearly contribution remains 15 Euros.
Exchange rate February 2016
1euro = / 0,778 £ / 15 Euros = / 12 £
1,11 US$ / 17 US$
1,536 CA $ / 23 CA$
7,461 DKK / 112 DKK
9,55 NOK / 143 NOK
2,965 TL / 44 TL
JED 19/02/2016