
I have read the rules and procedures below and agree to abide by them. Failure to follow

these rules and procedures will result in the appropriate consequences.

Student Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

*return to instructor as soon as possible

The lab fees for this course are $______. They are to be turned in with the rules sheet and cover the cost of all consumable items in the course. Arrangements may be made with the instructor to make payment.

A. Profanity / F word- office referral
Others- 15 min detention 1st time
Recurring usage-call home office referral
B. Preparation for class
/ One warning
Recurring instances 15 minute minimum
detention. Late assignments will also receive a
zero. Tardy 2-15 min: Tardy 3-30 min: Tardy 4-Referal
C. Restroom/Tardies / 5 min or less
3 bathroom/3 tardies per handbook
D. Care of Equipment / All students will regard the equipment in the Tech
Dept with the utmost care. Any vandalism,
writing on tables, or disregard for equipment will
result in detentions or being sent to their Dean.
Any Deliberate tampering or damaging of
computer equipment will result in the loss of
privilege to use such equipment and may result in
suspension from school. Also see school
handbook for technology guide.
F. Clean-up / Everyone is responsible for their assigned clean-up
duties in addition to picking up after themselves.
H. Safety
· Safety glass or apparel
necessary in the protection
of one’s physical being. / All lab activities have the potential for accident
and injury even under the most supervised
conditions. All students participating in lab
activities will follow all predetermined safety
procedures for that lab. Failure to follow safety
procedures will result in a minimum of a 15
minute detention.
I. Personal Listening/Electronics / There will be no iPod’s, cell phones, etc allowed in
the classroom as per the school handbook.
G. Cheating / Per Handbook
Reduction of grade, loss of credit, or other appropriate consequence. Referral.

The instructor reserves the right to treat each situation individually and make a

professional judgment accordingly.

I greatly welcome and encourage each parent to contact me with any and all questions,

comments, and concerns that there may be.

Mr. Bob Scornavacco: