I.Executive Summary



i)Details on current chemical makeup in Detroit

ii) Sources of necessary (O,H,N, P, K, CA, Mg, S, C) chemicals and heavy metals

iii)Specific chemical footprint for certain species

iv)Details on industrial soil contamination




1. Chemical landscape(problematic chemicals, different scenarios- once soiltesting has been done: potential issues)

 Cd, Road salt, Diesel, Pb are known to be problematic

2. Plant Chemistry

3.Symbiosis/ Negative Symbiosis

4. Risk to plant growth

5. Risk to Human health



1.Rest Period

2.Crop Rotation

3.Planting guidelines (depth, sunlight, moisture, avoiding root)

iv)Risk Analysis


Executive Summary

A group of Wayne State University students have recently started a research paper on urban gardening. The members of the group have been assigned to work on this research that would greatly benefit impoverished members of the community. The members consist of students with engineering and science background and knowledge base and experienced personal gardeners. Currently, the inner city community lacks adequate access to a variety of produce. And sadly, the existing urban garden organizations are struggling to maintain long term programs. The SEED Wayne Program has shown some success but our team feels that more research needs to be done if urban gardening is to be successfully implemented on a sufficient scale.

During the past three weeksthe group has conducted research on what requirements need to be met and what is involved in the process of creating a successful urban garden program. This research includes data and reviews of chemical makeup, chemical plant footprint for certain species, details on industrial soil contamination and the sources of chemicals of interest particularly in the Detroit City limits.

The purpose of this report is to demonstrate empirical data that will be beneficial to people of Detroit by contributing necessary facts and guidelines regarding the successful and long term manufacture of urban produce.

Overall, the research results demonstrate a great potential for urban gardening in Detroit to be an efficient means of providing food as well generating revenue for the people of Detroit and other organizations that participate.

In order to realize the benefits urban gardens in Detroit would yield, our team recommends the following actions:

  1. Data and research demonstrated in this report should be utilized and applied to future urban garden developers.
  1. Government officials on the state and local levels and existing urban gardeners should organize volunteers that are willing to dedicate their time and knowledge of environmental and chemical issues to maintain soil testing and the continuation of research.
  1. The local government should implement a stimulus package to organizations that participate in urban gardening because of the environmental cost savings and potential profitibility.


For the past three weeks, a team of Wayne State University students have been working on research that would contribute ease and increase the odds of long term success for anyone interested in growing an urban garden in Detroit. The story of Detroit during the 20th century is a story of growth and intra-region migration. The metropolitan area grew from 500 thousand to over 4.8 million people during the 100 year span. While the economy grew so did the region and people migrated from the city proper to the outlying suburbs. Since the mid 1990’s the city of Detroit has taken a devastating blow primarily caused by various economic changes and the shift of manufacturing jobs to overseas. This has left Detroit riddled with abandoned buildings, empty lots that were once the site of people and prosper and a spread out and dwindled population. Not only has this situation led to hard times in the metropolitan and surrounding areas, it has been particularly difficult for the people in the city. With the population shift, people are now spread out with poor access to fresh produce and are left unsure about where it is safe to plant a garden.

Figure 1 Detroit Urban Garden

Currently the primary food source for some 80% of Detroit residents is the one thousand or so convenience stores or gas stations in the area. There is not only a shortage of fruits and vegetables, but also protein. Elderly people are known to augment their retirement or Social Security by hunting local rodents and small animals to sell them and provide food for locals. A raccoon carcass serves four and goes for around $12.00. Detroiters that live on the outskirts that have access to fresh fruit and vegetables are a minority. These circumstances have led to Detroit being called a food desert. The health consequences are devastating and can range from diabetes to heart failure and ultimately lower the life expectancy measurements lower than any other city in the nation.

This research on the requirements of urban gardening is important to anyone in the city for a variety of reasons that depend on ones needs. The main benefit of our research is that ultimately it could lead to better, more affordable access to healthy food. Also, it can improve the soil conditions in former industrial sites. Urban gardens can also bring economic stimulus to one looking for some extra income in this tough time by growing and selling your produce at the local market. Our research is on the empirical data that will help transform these empty and unsightly spaces into useful and beneficial gardens. From research on former industrial locations in the city, chemical landscape, toxicity issues, cost and risk analysis we will be able to contribute information that will work toward the promise of a long term successful urban garden.


The objective of our research is to provide adequate information on the current chemical makeup in Detroit and planting guidelines for a particular species to aid urban gardeners in their success. This questions that had to be answered included what chemicals are involved in the cycle of before and after the plant is harvested and also to provide details on what contaminants in the soil exist due to former sites of industry. In order to achieve our objectives we had to answer these necessary questions about the chemical footprint for certain species and locate details of industrial soil contamination along with provide some general guidelines for planting, maintenance and related risk analysis.


The method of our research consisted of applying the teams engineering and science knowledge to a wide range of information and sources to get the best results. The teams sources were primarily ofsecondary online research but contributions were made from interviews and publications. Online research was the most efficient way to gather vast information in order to answer the specific questions we had in our objectives. There were various sites we used to locate the toxins released by local industries but one that was key was actually the site for the Encyclopedia Brittanica on “Poisons in Industry”. This site gave a thorough list and definition of chemicals ordered by industry. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality was also helpful in informing us on locations of contaminated areas and reported hazardous materials. Additionally, the Washington State University site had a link about potatoes, their production, diseases and chemicals that we found to be quite useful.An interview with an environmental engineer in the Wayne State University environmental engineering department also provided some general information on soil testing and information on typical pollutants in the area. The SEED Wayne site at Wayne State University’s website also gave us a good start to our project.There were various sources of our collected information that contributed to the detailed research.


Chemical Landscape of Detroit

Detroit was growing rapidly in the early 1900’s and was the center of global manufacturing post WWII. Pollutants not only arose from the manufacturing facilities but also from the dramatic increase in fossil fuels for transportation purposes and also mining. There is a wide variety of chemicals and materials used and leached out via manufacturing but the most common occurring in the soil seem to be byproducts of mining and transportation.

Characteristically, the material closest to the site of the mining is acidic. After the mining is completed unless necessary precautions are takento ensure the topsoil is remediated the land will remain fruitless. Materials other than that mined are also brought to the surface during the mining process, and these are left as solid wastes. Since Detroit’s primary mining material is salt we will look at the effects of the salt and road salt on the particular species. Other predominant pollutants in the soil of the greater Detroit region are Cadmium, Lead, and fossil fuels such as Dieseland are caused from motor vechicles and machinery.

Figure 2 Fossil Fuel from Traffic

Figure 3 Mining

Chemical Footprint of SolanumTuberosum (Irish Potato) and Symbiosis


For any plant CO2 is the greatest naturally occurring fertilizer that exists. During photosynthesis, plants use this CO2 fertilizer as their food and they exhale oxygen into the air so humans breathe. This mutually beneficial and reinforcing cycle is one of the most basic elements of life on earth.

pH and Calcium:

All soils should be incorporated with organic matter. Potatoes do best in soil with a pH that ranges from 5.2-6.8. Alkaline soil will tend to make many varieties of the potato get scabs. Calcium also affects potatoes.The leaves, stems and roots decrease with the increase of the Ca level. Long and slender tuberous roots develop as a result of the calcium addition. With the increase in Ca, the level of calcium, sugar and starch increases but the potassium content will decrease. In soils that have higher thana 6.0 pH,one could use gypsum to supply calcium and not alter the pH.

Compost and Nutrition:

Properly made compost that is distributed at 25-50 pounds per 100 square feetis generally sufficient in supplying the plant with adequate nutrients. If the compost is not potent enough one could supplement it with fertilizer.

Nitrogen and Potassium:

When potatoes are given too much nitrogen they grow lots of leafy vines but yield little tubers. Too much potassium and your tubers may have less amounts of protein..

Leached byproducts:

Potatoes are known to leach out Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Celenium, Magnesium and Calcium. Potatoes, like tomatoes, eggplants, tobacco and petunias, are members of the same family. One common characteristic of these plants is that they produce alkaloids, chemical compounds that are extremely toxic in some forms, benign or medicinal in other forms. For example, the nicotine in tobacco is a non-toxic but addictive alkaloid.The alkaloids are concentrated in various regions of the plant depending on species. In potatoes, the tubers are relatively free of the toxins except when they turn green in a reponse to light and begin to sprout.


Soil testing is the primary source of monetary cost in urban gardening. The amount and type of testing varies on the location and size of the lot in which you are planning to start the garden. The test gives you information like nutrient levels andpH. These kits can be found at a local home improvement store or garden center. They are intended for small acreage or personal gardens. Prices of these tests will range depending on where you purchase it and how extensive you want your results. For larger scale gardening or in locations that could potentially harbor unwanted materials, professional lab tests are recommended.The most basic soil kits start at around $20 USD.

The approximate labor to maintain an acre of garden with one crop would range from 2-5 people and 10-20 hours per week. This would include planters, sellers, distributors. Different crops vary in labor requirements. See chart 1 in Appenix I.


Rest Period:

Potatoes have a rest period which must be broken before sprouting can occur. The rest period is more easily broken in the smaller and mature potatoes. Select mature potatoes about 1.5 inches in diameter planting in the fall. To ensure that the rest period has been broken, store the small seed potatoes in a warm and damp environment for approximately two weeks before planting. This could be done by placing them in a shady spot and covering them with moist burlap bags or mulch. The potatoes should have developed small sprouts at planting time. Since it takes potatoes two to three weeks to emerge from the ground, the earliest you should plant seed potatoes is two weeks before your last anticipated freeze date of 28 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

Crop Rotation:

Crop Rotation has been used in farming since humans started growing food because it wasn’t long before they started noticing that the same crops in the same position caused a buildup of pests and a reduction in fertility. The root crops are usually Potatoes, which by the action of sowing, growing and harvesting turn the soil over and prepare it for the next few years. The Onions have an anti bacterial effect on the soil and they clean the ground ready for the next year. The Legumes have Nitrogen fixing bacteria in their roots, and lastly the Nitrogen hungry Brassicas benefit from all the attention given to the soil in previous years. This crop rotation is just one example of how you could incorporate other vegetables into a space to gain the best yield possible.

Figure 4 Example of beneficial crop rotation using potatoes as base

Soil depth:

Ideally the potato soil is deep and not too compacted or heavy. It should be a well drained but moisture retentive loam or sand, silt and clay. Most potatoes are very resilient and aggressive rooting plants. Part of their success is that they are able to take full advantage of most soils. In ideal soil as the one mentioned above, potatoes can lead to incredible yield. The potato is a very versatile and adaptable plant. When given less than ideal soil conditions it will typically still produce quite respectably. It is because of this characteristic that so many people who grow their own food depend on the potato for their very survival and is why our group is using it as the example.

Risk Analysis

Despite Detroit’s industrially polluted image, it was built on rich agricultural land. The soil beneath the city is fertile and arable. Some caution should be taken when planting because there are spots with industrial contamination, but not so badly that it’s beyond remediation. In fact, phytoremediation uses certain plants to remove toxic chemicals permanently from the soil is already practiced in parts of Detroit and other cities. Plants used for remediation can be readily converted to biofuels or perhaps safely fed to livestock. Particular attention should be given to contaminants such as diesel, road salt, cadmium and lead as these are the most frequent materials that occur in the area.

Lead could be present in the space due to lead based paint used pre 1978 or because of tetra ethyl lead in gas that was around until the mid 1970’s. If the garden is located in an area that you feel could be affected by either of these lead sources and are curious about lead in the soil you could contact your local health or environmental department for more information and testing advice.Lead is present in all soils at relatively low concentrations ,~ < 20 mg/kg, which presents a minimal risk to plants growing ability or animals that may consume the plants. The problem arises when lead soil levels become substantially increased. In some urban cases lead concentrations in residential soils greatly exceed the common safe lead levels of 400 mg/kg for adults and 100mg/kg for children because they might directly ingest the soil. Leafy vegetables and rooting plants like carrots are more likely to accumulate lead in the edible parts than fruiting edibles. When in doubt refer to contacting the EPA, local soil engineers and follow safety precautions below.

A few recommendations for urban gardeners:

Survey the property and plan to construct the garden away from high contamination areas and buildings.

Conduct analysis of soil samples from planned garden area

If planned garden area contains > 400 mg/kg (ppm), either move location, switch to container gardening