Course Syllabus

Phys 202

I.Course Program and Number: Phys 202

II.Course Name: General Physics w/Algebra

III.Catalog Description:

An introductory college physics sequence for those whose majors are not in the physical sciences or engineering,

which includes the principles of mechanics, waves, sound,

thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, optics, relativity, and

quantum theory. Prerequisite:

Pre-requisite: Phys 201 or equivalent, MATH 111, 112, or equivalent.

Co-requisite: Phys 202L

IV.Credit Hours: 4

V.Required Texts and Suggested Materials:

 (Required) College Physics, by Wilson () Publishers, 7th Ed.

 (Suggested) Cartoon Guide to Physics, by Larry Gonick, Harper Resouce.

VI.Course Information:

 Students receive GENERAL EDUCATION CORE – Natural, Mathematical, and Information Science Category credit for successful completion of Physics 201 with a grade of C- or better.

 This course is required for the Biology, Biochemistry, and Chemistry Majors.

 This course is the second of three courses in the General Physics Sequence.

 Course content continues study of classical mechanics.

VII.Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives:

The student should cement their ability to do the following:

Outcome L1: To develop a basic understanding of mechanics.

Outcome L2: To design experiments to test Newton’s Laws and their ramifications.

Outcome L3: To apply these abilities and knowledge to model natural phenomena, especially those involving mechanics.

Outcome L4: To develop an ability to make appropriate use of scientific skills, tools, and resources, especially those involving simulation of mechanical phenomena.

VIII.General Education Core (GEC) Outcomes:

Students receive GENERAL EDUCATION CORE (GEC) – Natural, Mathematical, and Information Science Category credit for successful completion of this course with a grade of C- or better. Each Eastern Oregon University GEC course is multi-faceted and accomplishes many of the GEC outcomes. However, the following are those GEC outcomes which are primarily emphasized in this course. The student should cement their ability to do the following:

Outcome G1: (Content Knowledge) Learn and use the vocabulary, content, and conceptual knowledge in a variety of disciplines.

Outcome G2: (Inquiry) Employ approaches to inquiry from a variety of disciplines.

Outcome G3: (Critical Thinking) Think clearly, critically, and effectively, taking into consideration purpose, audience, and occasion.

Outcome G4: (Problem Solving & Analytical Thinking) Use scientific, mathematical, or computer information systems for problem solving.

IX.University Writing Requirement Outcomes:

This course does not satisfy any University Writing Requirements.

X.Student Assessment:

Students will be assessed using the following methods:

Outcomes L1, G1, G2, G3: Examinations, Quizzes, and Homework are used to determine students’ fundamental understanding of physical law.

Outcomes L2, L3, G2: Formal laboratory experiments are performed by the students. Accompanying laboratory reports are required.

Outcome L4: Construction of laboratory experiments and analysis of laboratory data involve extenstive use of scientific skills, tools, and resources used by physicists, including computer simulation.

XI.Content Outline:

1.Linear Momentum and Collisions

2.Circular Motion and Gravitation

3.Rotational Motion

4.Solids and Fluids

5.Heat Transfer

XII.Grading Procedures:

Performance on regular lecture examinations, laboratory assignments and examinations, homework and problem assignments, and a comprehensive final exam are used to determine the grade for the course.

Scoring (Tentative)

Lab 20%


Midterms (2)30%

Final Exam 30%

Total 100%

Grading Scale (+/- grades will be used)

90% A

75% B

60% C

50% D

XIII.Attendance Policy:

Prior notification is required for excused absences. Extreme circumstances are required in order to be excused from a scheduled examination, and furthermore, arrangements must be worked out with the instructor (not the chair, secretary, etc.) prior to the examination time. There is a 3% penalty for each unexcused absence.

XIV.Academic Honesty Policy:

Eastern Oregon University places a high value on academic integrity. Any action on the part of the student to utilize unauthorized (by the instructor) sources of information or methods of deceiving the instructor in his evaluation of the student's performance, or to gain an unfair advantage over fellow students, will not be tolerated. The penalty for actions generally regarded as cheating may include a zero for the assignment, a failing grade for the course, expulsion from the university, or similar punishments as expressed in the student handbook (

Working with fellow students on methods and concepts of homework and projects is encouraged. However, the final product must be you own.

XV.Students with Disabilities Policy:

[1]If you have a documented disability or suspect that you have a learning problem and need accomodations, please contact Disability Services (Loso Hall, Room 234) as soon as possible.

XVI.Other Policies:

Students need to be aware of all EOU policies in the Student Handbook, including, but not limited to

  • Classroom Decorum
  • Student Conduct Policy
  • Academic Honesty Code
  • Sexual Assault Policy
  • Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Tobacco Policy
  • Computing and Acceptable Use Policy
  • Class Attendance Policy

XVII.Syllabus Preparer and Date:

Syllabus last updated Fall 2011 by Anthony A. Tovar, Ph. D.

Instructor's Information:

Anthony A. Tovar, Ph. D., BH 107C,

Time and Place of Course:

MTuThF 8:00-8:50, BH 142

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