-Key Stage 1 – Art Progression of Skills
Year 1 / Year 2
Exploring and Developing Ideas /
  • I can record simple and ideas from first hand observations and from my imagination
  • I can explore from first-hand experience
  • With support I can ask and answer questions about the starting points for my work
  • I can try out my ideas and change my mind
  • With support I can explore the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from different times and cultures.
  • With support I can say what is different and what is similar
  • I can record and explore ideas from first hand observations using my imagination
  • I can ask and answer questions about the starting point for my art work
  • I can ask and answer questions about the processes I have used in my art works
  • I can develop my ideas and try things out
  • I can change my mind and explain why
  • I can explore the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from different times and cultures
  • I can talk about differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from different times and cultures

Evaluating and Developing Work /
  • I can talk about my art work and say what I think about it
  • With support, I can say what I think about other people’s art work
  • With support, I can say how I feel about art work
  • With support, I can identify what I might change in my art work
  • With support, I can say what I would like to do with my art work in the future
  • I can talk about my art work and say what I think about it
  • I can say what I think about other people’s art work
  • I can say how I feel about art work
  • I can identify what I might change in my art work
  • I can say what I would like to do with my art work in the future

Breadth of Study / Work on their own and collaboratively with others on projects in 2 and 3 dimensions and on different scales.
Use ICT.
Investigate different kinds of art, craft and design.
Drawing /
  • I can draw a simple sketch of an object or something from my imagination
  • I can draw something that I can see
  • In my drawings I am beginning to show an understanding of proportion and size
  • I can draw lines of different thickness and shapes
  • I can sketch my ideas, or an object, demonstrating some attention to detail and proportion
  • With support, I can experiment with the visual elements; line, form and pattern
  • I can use a range of media to create a drawing e.g.: crayons, pastels, felt tips, charcoal and ballpoint
  • I can begin to discuss use of shadows, use of light and dark
  • I can draw on a range of media (e.g.: card, fabric, paper, tissue paper)
  • I can use a computer programme to draw

Painting /
  • Mix and match colours to artefacts and objects
  • I can paint a picture of what I see
  • I can mix paint to make different colours
  • I know my primary colours
  • I can mix my secondary colours
  • I can mix primary colours and shades using different types of paint
  • With support, I can mix secondary colours, shades and tones
  • I am beginning to experiment with tools and techniques (e.g layering, mixing media, scraping through, wax resist)
  • I can add texture to paint

Printing /
  • Make marks in print with a variety of objects, including natural and made objects
  • I can do block printing using different objects
  • I can make rubbings
  • I can print using different techniques (rolling, rubbing and stamping)
  • I can create a simple repeated printed pattern
  • I recognise pattern in the environment

Textiles /
  • I can weave different fabrics, including plaiting
  • I can cut, trim and shape fabric using scissors and snips
  • I can use a simple running stitch to join 2 pieces of material by hand
  • I can glue fabric together
  • With support I can use large eyed needles, different thicknesses of thread and different sized running stitches
  • With support I can explore simple stitches – back stitch, cross-stitch
  • With support I can apply decoration using beads, buttons, feathers, thread and apply shapes by stitching or gluing
  • I can create a simple weave with strips of paper, ribbon, thread or wool
  • I am beginning to understand how textiles create things – curtains, clothing, decoration

Collage /
  • I can talk about how different materials feel different
  • I can mix different materials including photocopied material, fabric, plastic, tissue, magazines, crepe paper
  • I can cut and tear materials
  • I am beginning to show an awareness of surface, texture and the feel of different qualities collecting, sorting and rubbing
  • I can sort and group materials for different purpose e.g. colour, texture
  • I can create textured collages from a variety of media

3-D Form /
  • I can manipulate clay in a variety of ways e.g. kneading, rolling and shaping
  • I can make a sculpture from recycled, natural and man-made materials
  • I can make a sculpture for a purpose
  • I can cut, roll and coil
  • I can manipulate clay for a variety of purposes, inc. thumb pots, simple coil pots and models
  • I understand the safety and basic care of materials and tools
  • With support I can experiment with, construct and join recycled, natural and man-made materials

Key Stage 2 – Art Progression of Skills
Year 3 / Year 4
Exploring and Developing Ideas /
  • I can record and explore ideas from first hand observation
  • I can use my imagination in my art ideas
  • I can look at, compare and discuss different purposes to art
  • I can use a range of vocabulary to explain, describe and develop my ideas
  • With some support, I understand the role and purpose of artists, crafts people and designers working in different times and cultures
  • I can record and explore from first hand observation and using my imagination
  • I can develop through questioning, discussion, research and experience, which ideas I will use in my art work
  • I can create, design and make for different purposes and audiences
  • I understand the role and purpose of artists, crafts people and designers working in different times and cultures

Evaluating and Developing Work /
  • I can develop some resilience and show some resourcefulness when faced with challenges in my art work
  • With support, I can compare ideas, methods and approaches in my art work and say what I think works well and what needs improving
  • I can say what I think about the art work other children have created
  • With support, I can present finished pieces and explain my development
  • With support, I can develop resilience and resourcefulness when faced with challenges in my art work
  • I can compare ideas, methods and approaches in my art work and say what I think works well and what needs improving
  • I can say what I think about the art work other children have created
  • I can present finished pieces and explain my development in simple steps

Breadth of Study / Work independently and collaboratively
Create pieces of varying size and medium
Use ICT where appropriate to support design, creative and making process
Recognise and appreciate the respective work of different artists, sculptors and designers
Visit places of interest to inspire and learn
Drawing /
  • I can make quick sketches/collect recorded aspects of a bigger picture by drawing or collating materials
  • I can explore pattern, line, form and texture including use of light and dark to create shadows
  • I can choose and use a range of drawing tools effectively
  • I can use a sketchbook to record my ideas and drawings
  • I can observe closely
  • I can draw people with greater accuracy
  • I am beginning to show understanding of scale and perspective in my drawing
  • I can draw parts of the human form in a range of contexts (e.g portraits)
  • I use my sketchbook to record my ideas for drawing
  • I can use computer programmes where appropriate to record or design
  • I can draw from still life (real objects)
  • I can explore different ways of drawing using different marks (e.g. cross hatching for shading)

Painting /
  • I can mix secondary colours, shades and tones
  • I can use a variety of tools to create different techniques (wax resist)
  • With support I can identify techniques used by an artist and try to imitate
  • I can experiment with colour and mood
  • I can mix secondary colours to create subtle shades and tones
  • I am beginning to use a variety of tools to create different techniques and make choices
  • I can identify techniques used by an artist and try to replicate their style
  • I can use colour to reflect mood or emotion (may be linked to an artist)
  • I can use colour to represent what I have observed in the natural and man-made world

Printing /
  • I can use a variety of objects, materials and techniques including fabric printing, resist printing and rubbings
  • With support, I can interpret shape and pattern in the environment. e.g. pattern on animal skin, a leaf, shell, railings, etc.
  • I can begin to understand printed paper in the wider world e.g. packaging, computer generated design
  • I can print using two or more colours
  • I can use a variety of objects, materials and techniques including relief press and fabric printing, resist printing and rubbings
  • I can interpret shape and pattern in the environment and replicate it in my own work
  • I understand printed pattern in the wider world – e.g. packaging, computer generated design, fashion

Textiles /
  • I can use a needle and create different types of stitches (e.g. running, back, cross)
  • With support, I can use threads in a variety of more complex ways including knotting, fraying, pulling and twisting
  • I can create a simple weave including adding objects to weaving
  • I can choose from a range of textiles and associated skills to create patterns and textures
  • I can use sketches to plan for and annotate pieces of textile work
  • I can use threads in a variety of more complex ways including knotting, fraying, pulling, twisting and plaiting
  • I can create simple applique work attaching material shapes to fabric with running stitches – fabric wall hanging
  • I can paint on silk

Collage /
  • I can understand some techniques used in joining, layering and combining
  • I can create images using different materials, selecting specific materials for an effect
  • I can express and communicate ideas by mixing different media
  • I can express and communicate ideas by mixing different media – creating images, moods and responses to different stimuli

3D Form /
  • I am beginning to choose different materials for sculptures – mask making
  • I can manipulate clay – coiling and joining techniques
  • I understand the safety and basic care of materials and tools
  • I can experiment with a range of materials to explore sculpture
  • I can choose different materials for sculptures. e.g. transparent, waterproof, soft, durable
  • I can manipulate clay – slabbing, coiling, joining techniques and applying decorative marks and glazing
  • I understand the safety and basic care of materials and tools and can adhere to them
  • I know the names of some sculptors
  • I can experiment with, construct and join recycled, natural and man-made materials

Key Stage 2 – Art Progression of Skills
Year 5 / Year 6
Exploring and Developing Ideas /
  • With attention to detail I can observe, compare and discuss different approaches to art, referring to previous learning and link it to my own ideas
  • I can record my ideas/inspiration from different sources in a sketch book/portfolio
  • I can collate ideas and use a range of vocabulary to explain, describe and evaluate
  • I understand the role and purpose of artists, architects, crafts people and designers working in different times and cultures
  • I can effectively communicate with different audiences when developing and exploring new ideas from a range of sources and inspiration
  • I can record and collate my ideas in my sketch book/portfolio
  • To share collections and compare with others
  • I can confidently use specific terms and references to explain, describe my designs
  • I understand the role and purpose of artists, architects, crafts people and designers working in different times and cultures and can use this understanding in my own ideas

Evaluating and Developing Work /
  • With some support, I can develop resilience and resourcefulness when faced with challenges in my art work
  • I can compare ideas, methods and approaches in my art work and say what I think works well and what needs improving
  • I can be specific and say what I think about the art work other children have created
  • With support, I can work independently, including at home, developing an idea over time
  • I can present finished pieces and explain my development
  • I can continue to develop resilience and resourcefulness when faced with challenges
  • I can evaluate my art work, and the art work of others, against a specific design brief and give feedback on ideas, methods and approaches e.g. sculpture, relief, engraving, texture, batik
  • I can create my own criteria for success and explain my reasoning
  • I can describe, in detail, how my art work has developed and how I might develop it further
  • I can work independently for a sustained period, including at home, developing an idea over time

Breadth of Study / Work independently and collaboratively
Create pieces of varying size, scale and medium
Develop use of and experiment with ICT where appropriate to support the creation of new pieces
Develop a wider knowledge of different artists, sculptors and designers and the relationship of their art to their culture, society or period in history
Visit places of interest to inspire and learn
Drawing /
  • I can draw from first hand observation, experience and imagination
  • I have a growing awareness of drawing techniques and tools to create dark and light, form and texture
  • I am beginning to show understanding of scale, perspective and proportion in my drawings
  • I use my sketch book to record my ideas for drawing
  • I can use computer programmes where appropriate to record or design and say why I chose them
  • I can draw from still life (individual or groups of real objects)
  • I can draw, in detail, from first hand observation, experience and imagination
  • I can draw increasingly accurate drawings of people (portraits)
  • I can draw preparatory sketches for painting or model making
  • I can demonstrate perspective and scale
  • I can choose, with increasing independence, the materials and tools needed for a task (e.g. charcoal, pencil, ink)
  • I can draw still life outlines and shading
  • I can draw facial expression and emotion

Painting /
  • I am able to control and experiment with particular qualities of tone, shade, hue and mood
  • I can use a range of materials to paint with (e.g. water colours, acrylic, poster paint)
  • I can identify techniques used by an artist and replicate their style in my own work
  • I can explore and evaluate the texture of paint and the impact upon the final piece
  • I can make choices about the materials to paint with (e.g. water colours, acrylic, poster paint)
  • I can consider how artists have used colour in various ways to symbolise, challenge or define

Printing /
  • With support, I can choose appropriate techniques, materials and methods of printing
  • With support, I can print a pattern for a purpose
  • I can explore the printing techniques used by various artists
  • I can print a repeating pattern
  • I can mix colours by overlapping my printing
  • I can collect ideas/inspiration from a range of sources to share and discuss
  • I can print a pattern for a purpose
  • I can explore and replicate printing techniques used by various artists
  • I can do screen printing

Textiles /
  • I can select and use textiles to create a specific outcome
  • I can embellish work using a variety of techniques including drawing, painting and printing on top of textile work
  • With support I can identify how textiles are used symbolically in paintings
  • I can use photographs as a stimuli to create textile work
  • I can embellish my textile work to create a specific effect
  • I understand the importance of textile design and understand how it is used in society

Collage /
  • I can look at the work of other artists and offer opinions
  • I can use a range of techniques to combine, contrast and enhance
  • I can express and communicate ideas by mixing different media; creating images, moods and responses to different stimuli
  • I can look at the work of other artists and copy their style
  • I can effectively use a range of techniques to combine, contrast and enhance
  • I can express and communicate ideas by mixing different media; creating images, moods and responses to different stimuli
  • I can create a collage to represent a place, environment or time

3D Form /
  • I can shape, form, model and join to create a 3D form
  • I am beginning to understand the concepts of form and function and offer opinions
  • I can make informed choices of my use of media
  • I am beginning to consider light, form and shadow in different spaces
  • I can shape, form, model and join to create a 3D form independently
  • I can work on a larger scale using a range of materials and textures
  • I can work with clay – representing aspects of the world around them and their significance
  • I can tell you the names of some designers, sculptors and architects (past and present)