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January 28, 2016
News for geographers
Geography in Action / Sponsored By
Study: Blizzards may be happening more frequently
(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Blizzards seem to haveoccurred more frequently in the pastfewdecades, preliminaryresearch from Ball State Universitygeographer Jill Coleman shows. Therewereaboutnine blizzards a year in the US from 1960 to 1994. Since 1995, however, the country hasaveraged 19 blizzards a year. The apparentincreasecould be linked to changes in sunspotactivity and improvedstorm-monitoringmethods, Coleman says.USA Today (1/24)
Historyguidesefforts to restore Napa Valley'snaturalecology
Environmentalscientists with the San Francisco EstuaryInstitute are studyinghistoricalmaps, records, photos and other data for clues on how the Napa Valley landscape once lookedasthey work to restoreitsnaturalecology. Some of the institute's work isevidentalong the Napa River, wherevineyardownershavebeenwilling to surrender some of theirland. "We'retrying to recover the naturalflood control function of the river," saysJorgenBlomberg of river-restorationfirm ESA PWA.The New York Times (free-articleaccess for SmartBriefreaders) (1/25)
Other News
- ArcticOcean'serodingcoastlinesthreatenarchaeologicalsites
Hakai Magazine (Canada) (1/26)
/ Broadenyourskillswhileinspiringyourstudents!
Enrichyourpracticingknowledge in the field of Earth science. Course work is 100% online, allowingyou to studyattimesconvenient for you. Learn from the sameexperiencedfacultywhoteach on campus. Motivate yourstudentsasyouexpandyourskills. Learn more.
Research, Education and Global Change
WMO: 2015 was record year for temperatures
The World Meteorological Organization confirmedthat 2015 was the hottestyear on record, in part because of El Nino. "The power of El Nino willfade in the comingmonths, but the impacts of human-inducedclimatechangewill be with us for manydecades," saysPetteriTaalas, WMO secretary-general.Reuters (1/25)
Vanishing of Bolivia's 2nd-largest lakelinked to drought
Bolivia'ssecond-largestlake, Lake Poopo, hasalmostdried up. Itsevaporationmay be linked to droughtbrought on by El Nino and the disappearance of Andeanglaciers, amongotherfactors. The lake, which once had a maximum depth of 16 feet, hasbeenreduced to 2% of itsformer water level, a localofficialsays.The New York Times (free-articleaccess for SmartBriefreaders)/The Associated Press (1/23)
Report: 2016 willseecontinuedsurge of refugees
Europe willattract up to 1 millionrefugees by year's end, says a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration. Syria and Afghanistan are expected to generate large numbers of refugees, the report says.Bloomberg (1/27)
Other News
- Map shows availability of electricity in India
CityLab (1/27)
- Bridge repairplansmayshut off US side of Niagara Falls (1/26)
Technology and Applications
How governments are usingmappingtools to inform the public
Big citieshavebeenusingmappingtools for a while, butnowsmallercities and towns are becomingincreasinglyinterested in GIS, says Christopher Thomas of Esri. Thisispartlybecause of open-data trends and partlybecause the technologyisgettingfaster, he says. Thisarticlehighlightsseven ways governments are (1/25)
Association News
Cast your vote by Feb. 4 in the AAG election
AAG membershaveuntilFeb. 4, 2016, to vote by online ballot for new councillors and committeemembers. The electionslateannouncingeach candidate is online to help membersinformtheir vote. Electronic ballotsweresent on Jan. 11; however, ifyoudidn'treceiveyourelectronicballot, pleasecheckyour spam folder. To ensureyoureceivefurtherelectioncommunications, to youraddress book. Youmayview the candidate biosasyou vote at the SimplyVoting website, or youmayvisitAAG'smainelection page for more information beforeyoubeginyour vote. Learn more.
Register the kids for onsitechildcareat AAG 2016
The AAG isagainoffering full-time, professionallymanaged and staffedonsitechildcareservices for the 2016 Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Childcarewill be provided by Accent on Children'sArrangements, Inc. (ACCENT), whichwill design and run a children'sprogramcalled CAMP AAG for childrenranging from 6 months to 13 years of age (separatedintoage-appropriate groups) including curriculum-enriched, hands-on, creative activities, artscraftsprojects, active games, and more. Learn more.
/ Don'twasteyour time striving for perfection. Instead, strive for excellence -- doingyour best."
-- Laurence Olivier,
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