I. Call to order:
The meeting was called to order at 1:28 p.m. by the Continuing Education Chair, Danny McMillion. In attendance were members Danny McMillion, Brian Raitz, Eva McGuire, Johnnie King, and Kimberly Moore.
II. Appoint a secretary:
Danny McMillion appointed Kimberly Moore to be the secretary. Kimberly
Moore agreedtothis request.
III. Types of Training we can offer:
Danny McMillion asked everyone what kind of training that they could offer.
Brian Raitz said the he could teach stats.
Johnnie King said that she could teach general circulation, which includes
holds, limiting, and linking patrons.
Eva McGuire said that she could teach create list, circ., and cataloging.
Kimberly Moore said that she could teach create list, and cataloging.
Other types of training that were discussedincluded ILL (Interlibrary loan),
OPAC, and serials.
Kimberly Moore mentioned that Danny McMillion could teach pulling holds,
and over dues.
Brain Raitz suggested that we have a uniform procedure on the web page.
Eva McGuire said that Suzette from Craft Memorial has done some voice-activated procedures. Johnnie Kingsuggested that RCPL's give each member a copy of our procedures andthen the members could change,add, and add enhancements toRCPL's procedures.
Danny Mcmillion suggested that wedevise a manual so that the committee
could use as a training tool. Johnnie King suggested since Raleigh County

already has amanual that we (Raleigh County) take outspecific RCPLinformation and distribute the manual to the committee.
Brian Raitz has a manual for stats, he said that he would send Danny McMillion, Eva McGuire, Johnnie King, and Kimberly Moore a copy of this manual. Kimberly Moore has a manual for cataloging, she will send a copy of this manual to Eva McGuire, Brian Raitz, Johnnie King, and Danny McMillion. We all are to make corrections, which includes adding, and deleting, and to make enhancing. We are suppose to bring all manuals back to the next meeting where we will discuss them in greater detail.
IV. Who will train:
Danny McMillion suggested that we get a manual together first and then we
will discuss whowill train and what they will teach.
V. How often?:
Brain Raitz suggested that we should review that manual after each upgrade.
Danny McMillion invited everyone to the September 8th staff training day at
Raleigh County Public Library. Danny McMillion only requested thatlibraries

sign up for this because of limitsin some classes, and so Raleigh County Public Library will know how manylunches to buy. Danny McMillion will be sending off more information aboutthe training day later this month.
Danny McMillion suggested that at least 10 people need to request an area
of training before a class can be trained.
Eva McGuire said that West Virginia was trying to get an innovative user
group started.
Danny McMillion made a suggestion that you only teach something if you know
it and use iteveryday. For example Danny McMillion made the statement "That whenIhelp out in circulation they have to teach me, even though I know it Iforget it because I don't use it everyday. So I should not teach circulation."
VI. The surveys:
Brain Raitz suggested that we put a survey on the MLN web page and send out an
e-mail to all MLN.
Danny McMillion was in favor of putting it on the web page. Johnnie King
made a motion if it was possiblewe shouldlink MLN off of the OPAC. Brain Raitz
said that should not be a problem.
Danny McMillion had a running total of the survey that was taken after the
MLN General Meeting. The results were as following:

1. Create list
2. Stats
3. Rapid update
4. Cataloging
5. Circulation

Brain Raitz suggested that in stats training that there should be a brief
description of thefixed fields. He stats that you need to understand the system operates before youcan collect stats.
Eva McGuire talked about that you had to look at who was at the general
meeting taking the survey. Kimberly Moore suggested that a survey should
be e-mailed to all MLN. Eva McGuire suggested that we go more in depth on
each section of the training that the committee will be offering. Danny McMillion
suggested to Johnnie King that she come up with a survey. Kimberly Moore
asked if this survey will go to the committee first and it was agreedthat the committee see the survey first so thatchanges could be made if necessary.
The committee agreed that we would decided at the next meeting on who will
train what.

VII. Involving the NORLN:
Brain Raitz said" "that it depends on what the training will be. He states thatNORLN set up their system different then ours." Kimberly Moore
made a suggestion to bring the NORLN in first and then we could decide.
Eva McGuire said "That we could invite them but let them know thattraining will
be based on the way MLN'ssystem is set up"
VIII: Adjournment:
Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Next meeting will be October 9th at
South CharlestonPublic Library starting at 1:30. If the library is opened.