AB 263 (Correa) Bonds: Public Works Contracts (Chapter 181, Statutes of 2001). This bill requires bonding for all public contracts to be a California-admitted surety insurer, and requires all public agencies to verify the above by either: (a) Printing out information from the State Department of Insurance website and attaching it to the bond, or (b) Obtaining a certificate from the county clerk and attaching it to the bond.
AB 331 (Goldberg) 2002 Recycled Water Task Force (Chapter 590, Statutes of 2001).
This bill requires the Department of Water Resources to report to the Legislature by July 1, 2003, on opportunities for increasing the use of recycled water in industrial and commercial applications and identify the constraints and impediments to increasing such use. The bill requires DWR to convene the Recycled Water Task Force with specified members who would advise DWR on preparing the report. The bill requires DWR to carry out the provisions only to the extent that funds from the Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Act (Proposition 13) are made available by the State Water Resources Control Board.
AB 492 (Oropeza) State Employees: Precinct Board Members (Chapter 780, Statutes of 2001). This bill allows State employees, upon the approval of their supervisor and pursuant to regulations adopted by the Department of Personnel Administration and applicable collective bargaining agreements, to receive full pay from the State while serving as a member of a precinct board on election day.
AB 599 (Liu) Ground water contamination: quality monitoring program (Chapter 522, Statutes of 2001). This bill requires the State Water Resources Control Board to integrate existing monitoring programs and design new program elements for the purpose of establishing a comprehensive groundwater quality monitoring program to assess all groundwater basins in the State. This bill requires the SWRCB to create an interagency task force to assist the SWRCB in designing the monitoring program, and requires the SWRCB to convene an advisory committee, as specified, to assist the interagency group. This bill requires a multiagency report to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2002, on the status of implementation of the new law.
AB 901 (Daucher) Water Supply Planning (Chapter 644, Statutes of 2001). This bill amends the Urban Water Management Planning Act to require that information on the quality of water sources is included in Urban Water Management Plans.
AB 910 (Wayne) Wildlife conservation easements (Chapter 863, Statutes of 2001). This bill prohibits a governmental entity from condemning any wildlife conservation easement acquired by a State agency unless it complies with specified condemnation procedures.
AB 1602 (Keeley) California Clean Water, Clean Air, SafeNeighborhoodParks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 (Chapter 875, Statutes of 2001). This bill places the California Clean Water, Clean Air, and Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 on the March 2002 Statewide Primary ballot. This bill is a general obligation bond act for $2.6 billion that would finance programs for the acquisition, development, restoration, protection, rehabilitation, stabilization, reconstruction, preservation, and interpretation of park, coastal, agricultural land, air, and historical resources. This bill includes authority for the Secretary of Resources Agency to make funds available to the Urban Streams Restoration Program.
SB 23 (Costa) CALFED Funds: Bay–Delta Program (Chapter 7, Statutes of 2001). This bill provides legislative certification that the programs and projects described in the August 2000 CALFED Record of Decision and to be funded from $135 million in FY 00–01 General Fund appropriations are consistent with the July 2000 CALFED final programmatic environmental impact statement/environmental impact report.
SB 609 (Costa) Water Omnibus Act of 2001 (Chapter 606, Statutes of 2001). This bill is the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources' omnibus bill. It makes relative minor, noncontroversial changes to statutes pertaining to State and local water subjects; specifically, this bill provides DWR with legislative approval to allocate safe drinking water bond grants and waives the CWC's statutory requirement to review and approve DWR's proposed flood management regulations.
SB 610 (Costa) Water Supply Planning (Chapter 643, Statutes of 2001). This bill amends the existing process for coordinating water supply planning between water agencies and local government requiring additional information to be provided regarding water supply reliability and groundwater supplies. An urban water supplier, which does not prepare, adopt and submit its UWMP to DWR in accordance with WCS 10656, is ineligible to receive funding from Proposition 204 and 13 or receive drought assistance from the State; in addition, DWR should take into consideration whether the supplier has submitted an updated UWMP that is consistent with WCS 10631 in determining whether the supplier is eligible for funds made available pursuant to any program administered by DWR.
SB 672 (Machado) California Water Plan: urban water management plans (Chapter 320, Statutes of 2001). This bill requires DWR to include in the California Water Plan a report on the development of regional and local water projects within each hydrologic region of the State to improve water supplies to meet municipal, agricultural and environmental water needs, and minimize the need to import water from other hydrologic regions; requires urban water suppliers to describe in their urban water management plans those water management tools and options used by that entity that will maximize resources and minimize the need to import water from other regions.
SB 699 (Battin) Flood Control (Chapter 637, Statutes of 2001). This bill provides State authorization for a flood control project on the WhitewaterRiver in RiversideCounty.
SB 739 (Peace) 2001–02 Budget Act (Chapter 106, Statutes of 2001). This bill is the Budget Bill for FY 01–02 and makes appropriations for support of State government.
SB 809 (Ortiz) State: Public Works: Sacramento: Capitol Area (Chapter 672, Statutes of 2001). This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to procure a multitenant office facility within the jurisdiction of the Capitol Area Plan in the City of Sacramento. The bill authorizes the Public Works Board to issue bonds to finance all costs of the office and parking facilities.
SB 1191 (Speier) State and local reporting requirements (Chapter 745, Statutes of 2001). This bill eliminates specific legislatively mandated reports, which are prepared by DWR.
AB1X 1 (Keeley) Power Exchanges: Department of Water Resources: electric power (Chapter 4, First Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2001). This bill, among other things, authorizes the Department of Water Resources to enter into long-term contracts to purchase electricity and sell it, directly or indirectly, to California consumers, and authorizes DWR to issue revenue bonds.
SB1X 6 (Burton) Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority (Chapter 10, First Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2001). This bill, among other things, creates the California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority. It would authorize issuance of up to $5 billion in revenue bonds to be used to finance loans to California consumers and businesses for energy conservation.
SB1X 7 (Burton) Public Utilities (Chapter 3, First Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2001).
This bill temporarily authorizes the Department of Water Resources to purchase electricity and sell it to California consumers. This bill appropriates $400 million to DWR.
SB 1X 31 (Burton) Public Utilities (Chapter 9, First Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2001). This bill authorizes DWR to issue up to $13.4 billion in revenue bonds to finance energy purchases and would clarify other aspects of ABX1 1.
2001 Legislative Report
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