AAEM Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

ACCA Conference Room

August 7, 2015

10:00 AM

I.Call to Order –Kathy Carson -President

II.Roll Call-Establishment of Quorum - Ronnie Adair – Secretary: Quorum Established. Present: Kathy Carson, Mike Evans, Jonathan Gaddy,Anita McBurnett, James Burnett, Scott Worsham, DeAndrea Kimbrough, Ronnie Dollar, Bob Franklin, Hub Harvey,LaTonya Stephens. Absent: Johnny Brock.

III.Welcome Guest–Kathy Carson:Roy Waite, J.T. Johnston, Rita Smith, Sonny Brasfield, Donna Key, and Jennifer Datcher.

IV.Adoption of Minutes – Kathy Carson: Motion by Hub to adopt minutes as presented, 2nd by Anita, Motion Carried.

V.Adoption of Financial Summary - Jennifer Datcher – ACCA: Motion by Anita to accept Financial Summary, 2nd by Mike, Motion Carried.

VI.Presidents Report – Katy Carson

VII.Old Business- Kathy Carson

A. Board Retreat Action Items – Kathy Carson -1) Do our best to continue with Unity of Effort, 2) Statewide MOU between NAMAC & SAMAC, 3) increase revenue to EMA’s at the local level.

E. Nominations and Awards – Jonathan Gaddy –comments on simplifying nomination procedures & expanding.

VIII.New Business –Kathy Carson

  1. Adopt 2015-2016 AAEM Budget. Motion by Jonathan to Table New Budget until October 16th Meeting, 2nd by Mike, Motion Carried.
  2. IAEM Region IV asked for $250.00 donation. Motion by Anita to not provide funds, 2nd by Ronnie Dollar, Motion Carried. Kathy will send a reply to IAEM Region IV.
  3. Membership.Kathy will talk to Patrice and Hub reference developing talking points to promote membership in AAEM.
  4. Statewide Mutual Aid.Motion by Mike to Table Statewide Mutual Aid actions until October 16th Meeting, 2nd by Jonathan, Motion Carried.
  5. EM Council.Anita and Jonathan presented an update and issues each are working on from the EM Council Meeting on August the 3rd.
  1. Jonathan looking at to improve relationships with all State Organizations (Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, etc.) by having a meeting with all the organizations and discuss common issues and a common goal (Public Safety), also, how AAEM can participate in their conferences. Motion by Hub to have Jonathan create committee to look at the above issue, 2nd by James, Motion Carried.
  2. Anita looking at what is an EM Program? Other states have basic guidelines, NFPA 1600, Anita is asking AAEM to develop Minimum Standards for all counties. Motion made by Mike to have a one day Workshop to address this issue, 2nd by LaTonya, Motion Carried. September 10, 2015 at 9:00am at ACCA.
  1. AAEM Secretary.Kathy asked for a motion to appoint Ronnie Adair as Secretary for the 2015-2016 term of office. Motion by Mike to accept Ronnie Adair as Secretary of AAEM, 2nd by Jonathan, Motion Carried.
  2. AAEM Committee Chairs.Kathy asked Board to accept the Committee Chairs as presented, Motion by Jonathan to accept Committee Chairs as presented, 2nd by DeAndrea, Motion Carried.
  3. Proposed Board Meeting Dates. OK with everyone.
  4. Legislative – Federal. Roy proposed AAEM Legislative dates based on NACO Legislative Conference on February 20 – 24, 2016. AAEM Legislative trip will be February 21 – 25, 2016. Roy will look at several Hotels and bring recommendations to October Board Meeting. Everyone agreed to look at doing the Arlington Cemetery event and visiting NOAA/NWS. Roy and Ronnie Adair received email from Senator Session asking about issues from the last Legislative trip and are we happy with their help? Roy sent a lengthy response thanking him and his staff for all the great results. Team 2021 – ACCA Strategic Planning – presentation at ACCA Conference.
  5. Membership –None
  6. Constitution and Bylaws –Ronnie Adair will look into Title 31 and procedures for Absentee Voting.
  7. Training/Education & Conference –AAEM Board meeting evening before conference will have supper provided. Motion by Ronnie Dollar not to pay for dinner the first night of conference, 2nd by Bob, Motion Carried. Motion by Jonathan to have a needs assessment either through ACCA/AEMA/AAEM, 2nd by Anita, Motion Carried. Motion by Anita to have Kathy assign Board Members as Liaison with each Committee Chair, 2nd by Jonathan, Motion Carried.
  8. Nominations and Credentials –None
  9. Business and Industry –Hub working with Kirk Toth and Mike Waters, HS Protective Services, on list of industry.
  10. Awards and Recognition –Mike will call Jonathan next week.
  11. Technology –J.T. reported committee met by conference call and discussed where they are and priorities for next year, September 16 next face to face meeting. Brett working on Virtual AL and combining Google.docs. Notification System – what do we have in county statewide? Had initial meeting with First Net at State – building network by end of year.
  12. Public Information –Rita and Deborah have Admin rights and Editing privileges for AAEM Facebook Page. Working on Tweeter Page. Collecting pictures and articles for AAEM Newsletter.
  13. Past-Presidents/Scholarship - None

IX. Open Discussion

A. Area Directors

1 – Roy announced Clarke County will host the AWR 148 Class on September 15, 2015.

2 – None

3 – Wayne Hayes retired. Dallas County having a Full – Scale Exercise.

4 –Mark Barrett, Montgomery CountyEMA, accepted into EM Managers Class at EMI.

5 –TVA TTX in September followed by Full-Scale Exercise in November. Health Care Coalition Class on September 16th & 17th.

6 – None

7 – Crude Oil Transportation training, 300/400 Class August 9-11, Texas A&M Wide Area SAR Class on September 21 – 23.

8 – Personnel changes, only two in Recovery, Bryan Prescott left AEMA as of end of the month, 79 employees at end of July, October 1 new State Financial System, EMPG Grant Agreements going out today, LaTonya will send out website for new Super Circular Guidance.

X. Next Meeting Date: October 16, 2015, at 10:00 am at ACCA.

XI. Adjourn – Ronnie Dollar made motion to adjourn, 2nd by Hub, Motion Carried.