ICA Past Presidents’ Chapter Governing Council Report
Respectfully submitted: Kris Sandra Wheatley, ICA Past President’s Chapter President
Submitted Oct. 24, 2016
ICA Mission Statement
The mission of the Illinois Counseling Associationis to enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity.
I. ICA Past Presidents were asked to submit any agenda items for the executive committee meeting and governing council meeting.
II. Dr. Jeff Edwards and Kris Wheatley will survey how many LDA participants are currently in leadership roles and publish the results.
III. Kris will follow up on past presidents form completion.
IV. ICA Past Presidents’ Chapter will hold their annual meeting on Friday, November 4th.
V. Janet Katschke-Hansen followed through with getting cost estimates and designs for ICA mission statement banner. Kris reviewed the four designs. Banner designs were shared with the Executive committee. Governing Council approval will be presented as a motion at the November 4th meeting.
VI. Will attend the ICA Governing Council meeting and Conference Nov. 3-5. . Kris conducted the annual Past Presidents’ meeting from 3:00- 4:14 p.m. on Friday, November 13th. ICA Past Presidents in attendance were: LaCleta Hall, Pat McGinn, Harvey Kelber, Dale Septeowski, Kris Wheatley, Yonah Klem, Toni Tollerud, Scott Wickman, Janet Katschke-Hansen, Melanie Rawlins, and Kevin Stouffer.
VII. Dr. Jeff Edwards concerns, listed below, were submitted to the ICA executive director. “Given the huge amount of money ICA has in the bank and low interest rates current, what are we doing keeping that all that? Isn’t it time some of this goes back to membership like lower conference rates, no fees for presenters, and payments for required ACA conferences for officers? Where did the turn happen that members should give in without reciprocity?”
VIII. Suggestions and Questions to share with the 2016-17 Executive Committee and Governing Council.
a. Discuss importance of division/chapter reports and communications in our ICA publications, updated websites, and contributions to newsletters.
b. Develop a system of follow-up for governing council members not fulfilling their responsibility of producing reports for each governing council meeting.
IX. Final Thoughts
a. Ongoing communications from all leadership positions in ICA is fundamental to our collective information and service to membership and fellow colleagues.
b. Collective wisdom, thoughts, perspectives, and leadership is always needed for our organization’s growth.
c. It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve this year’s governing council and executive committee.