EPFLSwiss Institute of Technology LausannePage 1
CMiCenter of MicroNanoTechnology
How to install LinkCAD on a CMi windows box
Version of 2019-01-30.Get the latest one atcmi.epfl.ch/photo/files/design/linkcad.install.pdf
EPFLSwiss Institute of Technology LausannePage 1
CMiCenter of MicroNanoTechnology
This manual is for CMI staff only. You need administrator privileges on the machine you want to install this software on.
This manual explains you how to install the layout converter “LinkCAD” by GehrigerEngineeringin the context of the CMi. The layout converter does exactly that, it converts between layout formats GDSII, CIF, DXF, Gerber RS-274X, but also reads bitmap, postscript, asci data,… .
2.Install the software LinkCAD
The software is located on the intranet, point your windows explorer to (current points to latest):
Start the installation binary, e.g.
This is gonna be very dangerous…. “Run”.
Finally we get to splash screens / popup windows.
Under Options, change Install location if needed:
Hit [x] I agree with license terms and conditions, thenhit “Install”.
You get another “this is so dangerous”window which talks installation.
Hit “Yes”.
Finish with “Close”.
That’s it. “Close”.
3.Configure license for LinkCAD
CMi has a floating network license, which allows to (install and) start the software from any capable windows box. It is possible to run three concurrent sessions (three different users-machines couples).
You must have write access in (you do)
You must copy the network license file from the linkCADsoftware repository (the place you got the installer executable from) and copy it to your local machine’s installation directory.
network license file location:
Your machine’s locallinkCAD installation directory
C:\Program Files\LinkCAD 8
“Program Files” may be French “Programmes”.
See copy path on following screen copies:
4.Start linkCAD application
Now you may start the application by hitting the icon on the desktop, or similar.
Which brings up this screen:
Check under “Help”->”About LinkCAD” that you have access to all the licenses:
Otherwise contact staff (that is yourself or Kaspar)
5.Optional for FIB:DualBeam Stream Format(DualBeam writer plug-in)
DualBeam Stream Format is a dedicated plug-in module, for use with the FIB. Ask questions about it directly to Joffrey Pernollet. Its existence is not a secret, but it is not advertised in public either. Kaspar obtained the plug-in through direct contact with LinkCAD / Gehriger Engineering.
First figure out if your windows version is running on a 32bit system architecture or a 64bit system architecture. Open a command window (windowsKey-R: cmd), then type:
“wmic os get osarchitecure”
The answer will be (good guess) 32bitor64bit.
If you are not a command line person, just execute the batch file that you will find at the following location (file executes above mentioned “wmic os get osarchitecure”, then pauses until closed).
First you get a warning,
then the answer:
Direct your windows explorer to the repository of the DualBeamStreamFormat:
And dive into the current directory according you system architecture:
->current ->Win32 OR ->current ->x64
Inside the directory, you will find three items:
dbsfin.dll, dbsfout.dll, DualBeam.ini.
which you must copy over to your machine’s local linkCAD installation “PlugIns” directory:
C:\Program Files\LinkCAD 8\PlugIns
If you have done everything correctly, then you should see “DualBeam Stream” both in the Import and under Export format, i.e. not greyed out:
6.Know Issue: license has expired
You did not copy the networked license file into your local windows installation.
Verify that you followed the procedure described in
“3.Configure license for LinkCAD”.
Then check in“4. Start linkCAD application” under “Help”->”About LinkCAD” that you have access to all the licenses (figure given there).
7.Know Issue: cancelled installation
8.License setup documentation
9.LinkCAD about theirNetwork License
This chapter explains how the LinkCAD for Windows network license works, and how to install it.
The LinkCAD network license consists of two components:
- A shared folder on a shared server computer
- A license file "lclic.net" containing the share path to the above folder.
When LinkCAD is being run, and it finds a network license file, it checks for the existence of the shared network folder. It then creates a runtime license in this folder, which will be removed when LinkCAD terminates.
- Create a shared network folder on your central server, e.g. "\\CENTRAL-SERVER\LINKCAD$\". The dollar sign ($) is not required, but hides the folder from the Windows network browser.
- Give the shared folder the following permissions: Full Control (READ, WRITE, CREATE and DELETE) for all client computers.
- To verify the file permissions, please log onto a client computer, on which LinkCAD will be run, using a normal (not Administrator) user account. Create a file on the shared network folder, and then delete it.
- Send an email with the full share path (e.g. \\CENTRAL-SERVER\LINKCAD$\) to .
- Once we receive your email, we will send you the network license file "lclic.net".
- If you haven't done so, downloadand install LinkCAD on all your client computers. You may download the latest version of LinkCAD from our web site.
- After you installed LinkCAD, copy the network license file to the LinkCAD program directory on each client computer (e.g. "C:\Program Files\LinkCAD\").
- To verify the network license, start LinkCAD on a client computer. Then open the About... box (Help > About LinkCAD...). The licensed options should show have the status "NET" (on a green background) next to them.
- You may also install LinkCAD on a single central server, and run the program over the network. In this case, make sure that the following files are present in the shared program directory: LinkCAD.exe and lclic.net. However, if the help file is to be found you need to install LinkCAD on each client computer separately.
Please don't hesitate to contact usshould you have any questions.