
I believe the entire world is being subjected to a phycological war that has been designed to make us fear the very mention of the word “cancer”.

The fact is, we have been indoctrinated to fear this word and to believe that unless we immediately operate to cut out cancer or poison it (and the entire body) with radiation and/or chemotherapy, it is a death sentence from which there is no hope!

I am here to tell you there is hope. I am here to tell you that having cancer is not unusual (everyone has cancer) it is just that because of an imbalance in your body, your immune system has been struggling to overcome it.

I am here to tell you that there are many things that you can do to turn your cancer around. There is nothing unusual about having cancer, it is a semi-normal process of the human body and perhaps the worst thing you can do is to fear cancer. Cancer can be stopped, reversed and eliminated using natural and alternative means, you just need to come up with the right formula for your body.

I know how it feels to be told you have cancer, I know the immediate hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach and the stress on your body as your brain tries to rationalise the options you have before you’re overcome by fear.

The fact is, just being told that you have cancer can be a death sentence for many people because of the emotional reaction it can set of in the body and that’s why I say the worst thing you can do is fear your cancer.

The latest studies across America and Australia show the 5 year survival rate of people who have had chemo and radiation to be under 3%.

You would think that when doctors see how ineffective and brutally debilitating chemo and radiation can be, they would be open to considering other options for their patients, or at least support those patients who are trying alternative remedies as well!

Unfortunately, the medical profession is far too often hostile towards alternative treatments and it is to those of you who have moved past that initial fear and decided to go beyond your doctor... Those of you who have decided to take control of your body, your health and your future that I dedicate this short book. The intention of this book is to provide a resource guide that can be used by you at home to help you effectively begin the journey of health recovery from cancer.

What I have listed in this book is by no means an exhaustive list of everything that works against cancer, but it is a good start. Most of what is listed comes with a link to where you can find it and what doesn’t have a link should be easy enough to find with a google search.

In my clinic I use a bioresonance device called a Sensitiv Imago which is unequalled in its ability to. .a) diagnose everything that is happening within your body, b) treat via bioresonance cancers and other issues found and perhaps even more importantly, c) test any external substance against the body and the particular cancer found to determine the best treatment, the right amount of treatment and even the best time of day to treat.

There is no other device I am aware of that is so precise and accurate and I would encourage you to try and find someone with this device in your area or contact me via email () to enquire about joining my remote cancer recovery group.

I hope that I can help you reverse and recover from cancer.

Andrew Chambers

Return to Health bioresonance clinic.

As a cancer reverser who has decided to take responsibility for your overall health and your recovery from cancer you are faced with a problem and that is deciding on the supplements, herbs, oils and cancer protocols you will implement to help turn your health around.

Here is your dilemma.... there are literally hundreds of things that you could do to help fight your cancer naturally and there are probably just as many friends who are ready to tell you what you should be doing.

The issue with friends is that, as well meaning as those friends are, they are either telling you of something they have heard about or perhaps something that worked for them with their cancer and here is the issue I see every day in my clinic.... No two people and no two cancers respond the same to any treatment!

Be it natural treatments or drugs! It just doesn’t happen, everybody responds in an individual way to everything that we do, so therefore you are faced with the dilemma of trying to decide what supplements or protocols you will use, and if you get it wrong you will be setting your cancer recovery back by perhaps months!

There is one way to try and overcome this if you are doing all this at home and that is by using a specific body leaning technique that I have demonstrated in a short video.

If you don’t have access to that video you will need to email me on and ask to be sent a copy.

As I said, I use a very accurate scientific medical device in my clinic called a Sensitiv Imago, however;

If I didn’t have access to a bioresonce device like the “Sensitiv Imago” that I use in my clinic, here is what I would do;

A good place to begin your health recovery is by removing everything from your life and diet that is known or believed to contribute to or cause cancer. Therefore... You need to cut out


l  Smoking

l  Alcohol

l  Coffee

l  All meats

l  Dairy

l  Sugar, no aspartame sugar replacements. Use only organic honey or stevia

l  Pepper

l  Salt (Himalayan or sea salt (unprocessed) is good)

l  Anything that is processed

l  Avoid pesticides and herbicides They create hormone-like activities which make cells grow

l  Avoid plastics as much as possible (plastics can have a chemical called BPA. which is a xenoestrogen. In other words, it’s a foreign estrogen and it is known to cause cancer)

l  No, body chemicals (soaps shampoos etc)... You can use organic soap to wash with and bi-carb of soda as a deodorant

l  No artificial drinks (only water and please, please, filter if possible) tap water can be chlorinated and full of fluoride both of which have been linked to cancer

l  Avoid all household chemicals and sprays

l  Drop to a minimum your use of computers and mobile phones

Then the protocols and supplements I would investigate are as follows;

1/ cut out All sugar NOW!.. then after 2 weeks mix (well) baking soda and corn syrup (or honey) and eat one tablespoon 3 times per day.

2/ take high doses (approx 1/2 tsp) of baking soda in water to alkalize your system to the max 1-3 times per day.

3/ Select a high quality essential oil (or 3) (Young Living, Doterra or similar) of Frankincense, Myrrh, Lavender, Sandalwood, Lemongrass, Wintergreen, Lemon, Lime, or Oregano and put 1 drop off each on your pulse points every two hours as well as putting several drops in a cold water diffuser (never heat essential oils) and set running beside your bed every night.

Also consider a drop of each on the tongue every 2 hours (if the oil is listed as being consumable).

4/ Get Turmeric (curcumin) capsules or even better Turmeric and black pepper capsules and have one every 2 hours (almost impossible to overdose on Turmeric) (click here and select Gaia Herbs, Turmeric Supreme).

5/ Research the possibility of using Amazon Tonic 111 from and take as prescribed.

6/ Research the possibility of using MMS ( ) and take as recommended. 7/ Immediately get some apricot seeds and eat 1 every 2 hours (monitor for any reactions and cut back if necessary increase slowly over time if your body allows) (click here and select Sunfood, Raw Organic Apricot Kernels Ambrosial Apricot Seeds).

8/ Take high doses of Vitamin C (inject if possible under medical supervision.. 50,000 milligrams.. otherwise use vitamin C powder) and MSM powder 1 tsp 3x day (click here and select Now Foods, Vitamin C Crystals... Life Time MSM Powder 16 oz) and take as suggested on the label.

9/ Start taking Selenium, magnesium and Iodine/potassium immediately (click here and select Nature's Way, Selenium, 200 mcg.... Doctor's Best, Magnesium, High Absorption.... Now Foods, Potassium Plus Iodine) and take as suggested on the label. 10/ Get Cordyceps mushroom capsules (click here and select Aloha Medicinals Inc Pure Cordyceps Capsules) and take at dose or above. 11/ Get extract of wormwood (click here and select Doctor's Best, Best Artemisinin) and take as suggested on the label. 12/ Get a medicinal mushroom blend (click here and select Source Naturals, Mushroom Immune Defense... Griffon Maitake Mushroom Wisdom Super Lion's Mane.... Planetary Herbals Full Spectrum Chaga 1,000 mg... Paradise Herbs Beta Glucans Yeast Free) and take as suggested on the label. 13/ Get 2x colloidal Silver bottles (click here and select Source Naturals Ultra Colloidal Silver 10 PPM) and take as suggested on the label. 14/ Get some Proteolytic Enzymes (click here and select Natural Factors Zymactive Proteolytic Enzymes) and take as suggested on the label or above (monitor your bodies reaction). 15/ Immediately do a colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse click here and select, Nature's Way Thisilyn Cleanse with Mineral Digestive Sweep 15 Day Program) and take as suggested on the label. 16/ Keep supporting the liver (milk thistle) (click here and select Now Foods Double Strength Silymarin) and take as suggested on the label. 17/ then do a heavy metal detox (click here and select BioRay Inc. Primary Detox, Heavy Duty Detox Tonic Alcohol Free 2 fl oz) and take as suggested on the label. 18/ 11/2 hrs after each round of heavy metal detox drops take 1tbsp of Bentonite clay in water to absorb the heavy metals (click here and select Now Foods Solutions Bentonite Clay Powder) take in water. 19/ Also do a parasite cleanse (click here and select Christopher's Original Formulas Herbal Parasite Syrup) and take as suggested on the label. 20/ Get the full spectrum of anti-oxident support (click here and select MRM Resveratrol... Now Foods Artichoke Extract 450 mg... Jarrow Formulas Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex... Dragon Herbs Activated Minor Bupleurum 500 mg... Doctor's Best Quercetin Bromelain... Now Foods Astragalus 500 mg... Neocell Pomegranate... Doctor's Best Best Fucoidan 70%) and take as suggested on the label. 21/ To clean the blood make a tea from stinging nettle (quantity as per normal tea) and Fenugreek seed (quantity at 1/4 tsp or less) (click here and select... Natural Products Organic Cut & Sifted Nettle Stinging Leaf.... Frontier Natural Products Organic Whole Fenugreek Seed) and drink several times per day. 22/ Help your bodies detoxification process with Chlorophyll (click here and select... Now Foods Chlorophyll 100 mg) and take as suggested on the label. 23/ Support your body with liquid Zinc (click here and select... Eidon Mineral Supplements Zinc Liquid Concentrate) and take as directed until it tastes EXTREMELY YUCK, at which point your body has enough zinc. 24/ take a high quality multivitamin...... We suggest you sign up to receive the GNLD products, they really are world class and by joining you can buy their products at wholesale prices (around 25% discount) (and yes, if you join under me, I will receive some benefit although I’m not sure what)... To join, go to this link... find the form and fill in it in. My details to add to the form are as follows; My country code is 35 and my distributor ID is 502007.

I would suggest you purchase the following supplements from GNLD and incorporate them into your diet;

Acidophilus Plus.. Rebuild your good gut bacteria...... 1 capsule per morning with water.

Enzyme Digestive Aid. digestion enhancer...... 1 capsule before every meal with water (these are different enzymes to the Proteolytic Enzymes mentioned earlier).

Pro Vitality Plus...complete daily nutrition pack...... 1-2 packets last thing at night. 25/ Decide on a diet... either a juice only diet ( juice carrots, beets, ginger and other foods listed below), or the Budwig diet (available as another document from me), these diets can incorporate the principles of intermittent fasting, which is eating less food in a shortened time frame (all food for the day to be consumed between approx 11am and 3.30pm) one to two days per week, with the other days being normal.

26/ stay away from all meats....

27/ Drink Essiac tea.... This tea has a well-deserved reputation for being very helpful in shrinking and/or removing cancer from the body and should become your tea of choice for the rest of your life (click here and select... Starwest Botanicals Essiac Tea Organic Blend).

28/ Cannabis (marijuana) oil... The hemp plant is perhaps the most versatile and useful plant on the planet and in recent times the use of the oil extracted from this plant has been receiving some well-deserved attention in helping with both the pain of cancer and also with the shrinking of tumours.

Generally speaking, there are two main types of cannabis oil, the “hot oil” or oil that contains activated THC (which is the chemical that gives you a high) and “cold oil” or oil made from an extraction process that doesn’t require heat (heating releases THC).

I find that both oils can test well against cancer in my clinic with the “hot oil” being perhaps the better of the two. Once again, choosing the right oil for your cancer is the issue you have if you have no way of testing the different oils, but some cancers hate “hot oils”, some cancers hate “cold oils” and some react the best to a blend of the two.