“God made this world one of trial and tribulation not reward and retribution.” This is claiming that the world is not meant to be perfect but is actually a test. Imagine that! God has not given us life to trash him, abuse our power, remain ignorant, criticize, discriminate, to kill or to speak badly of others. We are here to learn, to love, to share, to help those in need, to be kind, generous, to believe and finally to get to our final destination, heaven.

I believe humanity is drawn to religion because it gives nourishment to the soul. We live life trying to please or satisfy our selves, whether it be through food when were hungry or through materialistic objects like expensive cars or mansions. All these are wants not needs. We go through so much trouble just to have them, but why? To make our lives perfect, even though once we get what we want we will develop an interest to having more. This is because our life is still not perfect. What we feel is that something is still missing. There is something were neglecting and that becomes this, “empty feeling” inside. I feel that this, “empty feeling” is filled by religion. Once we satisfy our soul with spiritual beliefs that is when we may achieve true happiness in this world. We often neglect to satisfy our selves internally and just satisfy our external needs. That is why so many people follow religion because they want to achieve happiness. Religion is also practiced because it provides answers. Since humanity is always questioning how they came to be. How and why were they created? And is there life after death? Religion gives them insight into these questions and gives them purpose to live. By purpose I mean that they will know right from wrong, have morals, help those who suffer and in this way will lead a good and pious life so that they can have total bliss.

The message of Ben Stein’s commentary is that religion is an important part of life. We follow up on celebrities so much that we begin to believe we know them personally. And we just get so caught up in our own busy lives that we make no time for God. Though we still find time for the celebrities such as Nick and Jessica. I find that people often lose interest if the topic is God and religion. They just do not care to learn more and see it as something that would harm them. And when interest is shown in religion it’s often just trashed. Like when people say, “How can God exist?” Instead of “How can he not exist?” I think this is cause we question the good and not the bad. Ben stein says that religious people are tired of being pushed around and harassed because they have faith. There is nothing wrong in having faith. Because even when you can’t see something it does not mean it isn’t there. We can’t see atoms but they exist. We can’t see air but it exists. Stein is also stating that no matter what our religion is we should still respect each other and the different religions out there. I agree with the message of the commentary since I myself believe in God. And I feel that those who do not want to believe in God should not discourage others from believing. I think that it should be clear that God did not turn his back on the world; we turned our backs on him.

I feel religion has a huge influence on my life because the decisions I make reflect my beliefs. I chose to be a good person because of how my parent’s taught me and what I’ve learned from practicing Islam. I feel I am a better person because of religion. Believing my religion gives me the strength to say no to peer pressure or to something I know is wrong. Even if someone thinks I’m uncool for refusing, then it won’t bother me because what God thinks is more important. I believe that one day each and every one of us will stand before God, on the Day of Judgment and he will evaluate us based on our sins and good deeds. Personally, I would not like to be embarrassed about the sins I have committed when God is deciding what to do with me. I realize that we are imperfect and that it is natural for us to sin. However, preventing our selves from doing so as well as asking for forgiveness counts; since God is merciful and those who sincerely repent will be forgiven. So that is how I live my life, I try not to commit a sin but if I have than I repent. I see it as taking responsibility for your sins as you would for your actions.

Though religion has stirred up some mishaps I still do not feel it is to blame for the world’s problems. I acknowledge religion as having an overall positive influence on the world. The reason I say this is because since the beginning of time man has had some belief in an almighty power. Or has tried to search for this mighty power because humans have this natural yearning to find God or to figure out how creations came to be. We are all curious and if given the chance to find out the answers to these questions we would no doubt take it. The reason for this yearning, I think is because religion is a great thing for man. We should be apart of something that is good for us and even healthy. In fact people who are religious likely live longer, happier and healthier lives than those who don’t. Coincidence I think not! Also people who share beliefs in God develop peace in their lives through acts of prayer, meditation and supplication. If we followed a religion by how it’s meant to be followed than there would not be so many problems in the world. When people begin to go astray from their original beliefs is when terror strikes. It gives religion a bad name because these people are not taking accountability for their actions. Even religious wars could be prevented if each side had just studied about the other. Than they would see that a lot of what they feel is similar. God gave us free will for a reason, so that we find the right path by our self. And being forced into one will not allow us to appreciate it.

Remembrance of God keeps me alive and living with purpose. I wonder how people can go without believing. I mean it is just beyond me. I think that before we can say, “God has never done anything for me,” we should say. “ What have I done to make God think he was worth my time?” Think about it would you keep going back to someone who told you to go away? Maybe for the first couple of times you would try but eventually you would give up. Do not let God give up on you.