BurgawMiddle School Uniform Policy

I. Policy:

BurgawMiddle Schoolwill continue its policy requiring that studentswearuniform clothing. This policy goes into effect on the very first day of school (August 26, 2009). It ismandatory for all students.

Wearing school uniforms allows students to focus on instructionalobjectives at Burgaw Middle, favorably impacts student attitude, and enhances the public image of our school. Valuable time has been spent in past years attempting to get students to conform to simple rules. Since implementation, this time is devoted to instruction and student learning. Schools implementing uniform policies have demonstrated an increase in achievement and a decrease in discipline issues.

School uniforms cost approximately $16.00 to $30.00 per outfit if purchased from merchants such as Doodlefish, Wal-Mart, or Target. Uniforms represent a potentially largesavings to parents.

This policywill not prohibit students from wearing particular attire that is part of theirreligious practice. However, supporting documentation of such requests for exceptionsshould be given to the school principal.

II. Implementation:

Parents will be notified by AlertNow and in writing (by mail) aboutamendments to thepolicy. Any questions/concerns should be directed to the school principal, M.D. Coleman, or his designee.

III.Dress Code:

Pants, Shorts, Jumpers, Dresses, or Skirts:

  • Allowed colors: solid tan or khaki style, solid navy blue, solid black
  • Overalls and coveralls are prohibited
  • Shorts, jumpers, dresses, and skorts cannot be more than 3 inches above the knee
  • Approved shirt or top is required as part of the school uniform when wearing a jumper
  • Form-fitting spandex material, nylon, denim, corduroy, and sweat pants are prohibited
  • Oversized, undersized, sagging, or skin-tight garments are not allowed (pants should be worn at the “natural” waist)
  • No labels or graphics allowed
  • Garments must be hemmed, no cut-offs
  • No leggings (calf-length tights), tights only
  • No tucking of pants inside shoes or boots
  • No rolling up of pants
  • Pants can be flat front, cargo, or pleated


  • A belt must be worn if the garment has belt loops
  • No labels, logos, or words on belts
  • No graphics on buckles – plain buckles only
  • No spikes or studs
  • No bling, no ornamentation, nor decoration
  • The end of the belt must be placed in belt loops


  • Spike heels, flip flops, and shoes with a thong are prohibited
  • No clogs, mules, or open-backed crocs
  • Shoes must have closed toes and must have heels or heel (back) straps


  • Allowed colors: solid white, solid red, solid green, solid blue, and solid black
  • Shirts must be free of labels and graphics with the possible exception of a school spirit shirt provided or sold by the school
  • Shirts must have a collar. They may be of the polo type with three or four buttons, but they may not be full-length buttoned shirts
  • Shirts may be either short or long-sleeved
  • Shirts must be tucked in at all times
  • Form-fitting spandex, nylon, and denim are prohibited
  • Oversized, undersized, and skin-tight garments are prohibited
  • Polo sleeves must be plain with no adornments
  • No more than 2 buttons unbuttoned
  • Plain solid uniform color tee shirts (short or long-sleeve) may be worn under uniform shirts as long as they are collarless, mock turtleneck, or turtleneck


  • Coats and jackets must be of one solid color and are not to be worn inside the classrooms or buildings unless approved by the teacher and/or principal
  • Hats are prohibited at all times (or any hat with a bill)
  • Toboggans (fitted knit hats only) without logos/symbols/labels unless it is the school logo from a school-approved vendor (such as Doodlefish), must be a solid school color and may not be worn in the building
  • No pullovers may be worn
  • Full-zip hooded jackets (no half-zip) may be worn as long as they are unzipped in the building
  • Oversized hooded jackets and coats are not allowed
  • No symbols, no wording, no logos, and no labels are allowed on coats, jackets, or hooded jackets
  • All coats and jackets must be of a solid color inside and out
  • School logos are allowed on black, red, or charcoal gray fleece coats/jackets purchased from the school, Doodlefish, or other school-approved vendors
  • No gloves allowed in the building (no outdoor clothing allowed indoors)
  • Only coats and jackets purchased through the school or school-approved vendor are allowed to have school logos/labels. Otherwise, no logos or labels are permitted on coats and jackets


  • No facial jewelry is allowed (nose, eyebrow, lip, or tongue). Earrings should be of the single stud variety with no oversized or dangling earrings which pose a hazard to the wearer. Necklaces are permitted if they fit closelyand do not overhang on clothing. Long necklaces must be worn tucked inside the shirt or may not be worn at all.
  • Boys may not wear earrings
  • Girls may wear only one earring per ear

IV. Financial Hardships

A uniform closet will be established at BMS with appropriate sizes ofapparel. Upon written or verbal request to the principal, BMS may assist families suffering from financial hardships with compliance to the uniform policy.

V.Discipline and Compliance Measures

If a student refuses to comply with the uniform dress policy and has notclaimed a religious exemption, BMS will take the following steps asappropriate:

  • First offense: The school will notify the student’s parents of the violation. The parent will be asked to bring appropriate clothing to the student or the student will be required to put on clothing from the uniform closet.
  • Second offense: The student will again be required to change to appropriate dress (either from the parent or the closet) and the student will spend a day in In-School Suspension.
  • Third offense: The student will be suspended from school as appropriate for failure to follow school rules.

It is imperative that students strictly adhere to this policy and that parents support students in this endeavor. Our goal at BurgawMiddle School is to provide a safe and orderly learning environment that is conducive to student success. Therefore, anything that disrupts this environment adversely affectsour students’ learning opportunities.

No logos of any kind are to be worn on any clothing unless it is a BMS approved logo purchased from the school or pre-approved vendors.

Students must adhere to the uniform policy when involved in any school activity.

Future changes to this policy are to be made by a committee comprised of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in a meeting to determine the appropriateness of any revisions. All parents will be given an opportunity to serve on this committee. All revisions will be posted on the BMS website and an AlertNow call will be made to inform everyone of the changes.