January 10, 2014

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to support the application of AJ French for the Innovation Award from the Scattergood Foundation.

I am the Director of Training for Gamaliel, a 25 year old network of community organizations in 16 states in the US, as well as in South Africa and Great Britain. A number of our affiliates are building alliances with existing groups representing people with disabilities and their families on issues of common concern. One of our affiliates is a membership organization comprised of – and led by – people with disabilities and their families, including those in mental health recovery.

I know Ms. French to be a person of tremendous courage, capacity and passion, and I look forward to working with her for years to come. It is my hope that an award from the Scattergood Foundation will expedite and enhance our work together.

My commitment – and that of the Gamaliel network – is to provide mentorship to Ms. French in the following ways as she implements a community organizing internship to work with individuals in mental health recovery to claim their power:

* “Shadowing” opportunities with me and other Gamaliel professional organizers working with affiliate organizations building power with constituencies of people with disabilities and their families on issues they identify as priorities. She would be supported in the process of developing leaders, identifying issues, conducting power analyses, crafting issue campaigns, and building organizations.

* Regular conference calls to discuss Ms. French’s work and reflect on her development as an organizer; these would be supplemented by ongoing review of written reports which chronicle her work and examine successes and lessons.

* Participation in Gamaliel organizer development sessions, including organizer retreats and training sessions throughout the year

* A course of reading and reflection on the attitudes and disciplines of community organizing

I trust her application will receive favorable review.


John I Norton

221 North LaSalle, Suite 1320, Chicago IL. 60601 – – 410-458-3380