



Dear XXXX,

I am writing to ask your support for XXX's attendance at AAICAMA’s NationalMeeting being held in Chicago, Illinois from April 3-5, 2018. Because all expenses associated with attendance at the meeting are eligible for FFP (Federal Financial Participation) it's a very good deal for states.

Registering by February 28th saves $75.00 over the regular registration fee. This early registration allows AAICAMA to maximize its savings with the conference center.

Reserving a room early ensures that XXXXX will be able to take advantage of the reduced rates AAICAMA has negotiated with the hotel. Last year 8 states paid the full in-season rates at the hotel—more than 75.00 a day over the negotiated rates.

This national meetingis attended by ICAMA Professionals from across the nation. It is an opportunity for states to hear from federal officials working with child welfare and Medicaid and to understand today’s uncertainties that may affect practice. State representatives will have the opportunity to apprise federal representatives of XXX's concerns.

Representatives from the Children's Bureau, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Interstate Compact on Juveniles, andNational Center on Adoption and Permanency will provide training. The goal of this meeting is for states to continue to improve the effectiveness of the administration of the ICAMA.

One specific task to be undertaken at the meeting is to finalize the requirements for signatories to the ICAMA. States must have their representative present to vote.

The meeting will give states the chance to decide on modifications to the ICAMA 700 Form worksite and database—something the states use every day. We will be discussing new fields that can be added to the ICAMA 700 form and state-specific reports that will help ICAMA professionals improve practice. The national database allows the states to process ICAMA cases more efficiently, decreasing investment of staff time while improving the outcomes for XXX’s children.

Attendance at this national meeting gives XXX a seat at the table in on-going discussions with federal representatives, participation in the dynamic trainings designed to increase ICAMA professional productivity, and networking opportunities that add tremendous value to effective interstate practice. AAICAMA works to support the XXXX’s efforts to reduce costs, increase efficiencies and deliver better services to XXXX's children.

The essence of our work is interstate—when the states come together to discuss, learn and decide how we do our best work—the beneficiaries are the children and the states.

Please review the conference schedule for more detailed information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Adrian Owens

Adrian Owens (GA), AAICAMA President

Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance

Suite 400 | 1133 19th Street, NW | Washington, DC 20036