I am writing in terms of the New Road & Street Works Act for information on which Utility had an opening notice/permit to carry out street works (excavation) at or near to Uplands Avenue, Rowley, Regis, B65 9PL. Could you please go back 6 years as we are investigating a latent damage to Virgin Media apparatus at this location.
Also if possible give the date of when and if any resurfacing works been carried out by yourselves.
1. STREETWORKS AT UPLANDS AVENUE - A spreadsheet showing all works carried out in Uplands Avenue from January 2008
2. KEY TO PROMOTER REFERENCE CODE - A key to the code for the promoter of the works eg: DY725 = WPD (Western Power Distribution)
If you wish to receive further information in regards to this request or wish to submit a Freedom of Information Request please forward your request to or Information Management Unit, Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 3DE.