
I am absolutely thrilled to be teaching fourth grade at Waterford Elementary! Fourth graders are absolutely my favorite age group, and our Virginia Studies allows me to tap into my strong interest in history. I am also serving as a member of the School Improvement Team, the Reading Incentive Committee, and as the Social Studies Contact Person for Waterford Elementary.

Let me tell you a little bit about my path to Waterford . . .

I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and so earning a B.S. degree from James Madison College was a natural route for me. I also have 30 plus credit hours in educational coursework. Prior to transferring to Loudoun County Schools, I first taught elementary school, and then later social studies, English, and life science at the middle school level. By personal choice, I have “come full circle”, back to elementary, and I cannot think of a better place to teach than Waterford!

I am happily married to my best friend, John, and we have three sons: Ritter, David, and Thomas. A daughter-in-law and three grandchildren complete our family circle.

My two oldest sons have already graduated from James Madison University and have rewarding jobs, and my youngest is presently a senior at JMU.

My husband and I have always been extremely involved with our children’s school functions, sports, clubs, and activities, so I fully understand the busy schedules parents keep. (All three of our sons have raced nationally, participated in sports on the state level, and are Eagle Scouts.) However, now that my husband and I are experiencing an “empty nest”, we are rediscovering shared hobbies such as collecting antiques and traveling. I also love photography, reading, gardening, painting, horseback riding, and outdoor-sports, as well as being very involved with my church.

I look at teaching as a partnership, between the student, the parents, and myself. I see myself as a facilitator of student learning and exploration. I strive to have my students become creative, critical thinkers, think outside the box, and become life long learners.


Barbara G. Clevenger


I, too, am excited to be part of the 4th grade team at Waterford Elementary this year. The fourth grade curriculum is full and stimulating, and I look forward to sharing it with our students.

My husband, Jim, and I have lived in Loudoun County for most of our lives. He grew up in Waterford as part of an active farm family, and I graduated from Loudoun County High School. We have had the opportunity to participate in the WES experience since our son Logan, now a senior at Loudoun Valley, began kindergarten here. Our other two sons are Jared, a 5th grader with Mrs. Tinsman, and Ben, a 2nd grader with Mrs. McClintock and Mrs. Nachajski.

Academically, I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Social Work from James Madison University. I recently completed my Masters in Elementary Education with Licensure from Shenandoah University. My employment history has always been child-based and ranges from preschool through middle school experiences. I enjoy working with children. Their enthusiasm is contagious and a true motivation to me.

In my spare time, my family is my life. We enjoy a variety of sports and recreational activities. I currently coach (with Logan’s assistance!) Ben’s soccer team. My family loves camping and traveling. In quiet moments, I enjoy reading and cross-stitch. We are very active with our local church and various community endeavors. I truly enjoy my very full life, and I am looking forward to this year with the 4th graders of Waterford Elementary.


Amy McIntosh