Dr. B. Rogers
M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.R.C.O.G., D.F.F.P.
Dr F Torquati

/ The Surgery
Harewood Crescent
Tel: 01202 309500
Fax: 01202 309565

December 2017

Dear Potential Applicant,

Thank you for the interest you have shown in our job vacancy for a part time Receptionist.

I am pleased to be able to send to you information on the Receptionist post.

The hours for this post will be:

  • Monday 8.30am – 1.00pm4.5hrs
  • Tuesday 2.00 – 7.00pm5.0 hrs
  • Wednesday 1.00 – 5.00pm4.0hrs
  • Thursday 2.00 – 5.00pm3.0 hrs
  • Friday 8.30am – 1.00pm4.5 hrs
  • Friday 2 – 5pm3.0hrs

Total 24 hours (regular hours)

Due to potential staff changes it may be that some additional shifts are available, these being:

  • Tuesday afternoon
  • Wednesday morning
  • Thursday afternoon and close uptotal 17 hours

If we do recruit to these shifts as well, we will probably be looking for two new employees to split these 9 shifts between them. We would discuss shift preferences with the two successful candidates and try to reach agreement with all parties.

A very important requirement of the post is the ability of the successful post holder to cover holiday and sickness for other members of the Reception team, which may be at short notice. As our Reception team is quite small this is vitally important.

The hourly rate for the role is £8.42per hour. In addition the post holder will be eligible to join the NHS Pension scheme and the practice will contribute to the post holder’s pension as their employers. We also like to reward staff in a number of different ways including monetary bonus’ and funded staff events such as the Christmas Party.

Littledown Surgery is a relatively small practice with 5,000 patients from across Littledown, Queens Park, Southbourne and surrounding areas. We are a small, friendly and supportive team. There are two GP partners; Dr Rogers and DrTorquati, two salaried GPs, two Practice Nurses and a Healthcare Assistant, as well as an administrative team to support the clinicians.

In order to apply for this post please complete the enclosed application form and return to me along with a handwritten covering letter.

The deadline for applications is the end of day Friday 8 December 2017.

The interviews will be held onFriday 15 December (am) & Tuesday 19 December 2017.

If you have any queries about the role please email us on , or telephone the practice and ask for myself or Julie Hall (Assistant Practice Manager).

Please consider all the enclosed information carefully and if this seems like the right post for you I look forward to receiving your application.

Yours sincerely,


Emma Prince

Practice Manager