Vanessa Cook
Mission Partner in Dresden, Germany
Worker with Children and Youth in the four Methodist Churches in Dresden – or in German - Gemeindereferentin füer Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Dresden.
Excerpts from letters
Points for praise and prayer:
Praise for protection during the floods
Praise for new friends and loving colleagues
Praise for the new work started
Pray for the city and those who've lost homes and belongings in the floods
Pray for relationships to grow
Pray for the situation in Emmaus
Pray for my health and discipline in lifestyle
Water water everywhere
I am sure that you heard on the news about the floods in East Germany. You may even have seen the pictures on TV of Dresden's centre under water. Now, it seems hard to grasp that the friendly river that flows through the city became a threat to the livelihood of everyone who lives and works along its banks!
The experience is one I wouldn't want to repeat and wouldn't wish on anyone.
Everyday we would wake up wondering how far the river had come, how high the water in the basement had risen, did we still have electricity, hot water, water, telephone??? We bailed out our basement the first day of stair-rod rain, until a church member brought a pump that then ran for 10 days almost without stop: first the water from the overflowing drainage system, and then the ground water as the water table rose ever higher. Neighbours two doors up had a metre of water in their basement, which must have cut off their electric supply; we managed to keep it down to about 10 cm here.
The fellowship in the town grew ever stronger. In the street you spoke to fellow citizens where once you'd ignored all but those you knew. I grew to know my neighbours more closely and thanked God for each one of the other ten flats here in the Katharinenstrasse 17.
When it was obvious my mum and dad couldn't come through for their planned visit, although they were already in Germany, the Fickers from the attic flat took me with them to their parents and I was able to spend a beautiful weekend with my parents, an oasis in the midst of the fear and stress.
Yet I believe God drew me back. I pray I may yet serve this city, so in need at this time more faithfully in His will. And even a watery baptism.
Immanuelkirche, Cotta
Gottfried Fischer has just taken over as pastor here. I support him in his new role, and the Sunday School team. Families from this church join in various activities in the other churches. I dream that one day I can start a Mother and Toddler group here.
The English club is going well. So far five children regularly attend. I also support a Toddler group started by another church member and attend the women's prayer meeting when I can. My biggest joy here is the youth group, where I continue to receive blessings every week, and seem to be growing into a pastoral role for the young people of the church.
Friedenskirche, Bühlau
The English club here has attracted around 20 children. I have split the group and run two clubs, one older, one younger. I believe both groups then would continue to grow. Many are non-church children. There is a Bible story each week, and I pray relationships will grow and children will come to other events the church holds. In October there was a weekend of "children's Bible days", run like a holiday club. I also enjoy teaching the eight primary school age church children in their "RE" class. We are at present studying Paul.
Zionskirche, Striesen
The Mother and Toddler group here is growing. Pray for wisdom as I introduce a more structured programme with singing and bible stories. English club goes well, and I even have a toddler English club for 3 year olds, which has grew out of one mother's response to my invitation to the regular English club! Pray also for the youth group I have taken on here, which is disparate at the moment. Pray the youth would once more enjoy each other's fellowship and want to meet regularly.