English 12Course Overview–Sept. 2012

Mrs. Silzer -

English12 should help you wrestle with challenging concepts, values and experiences. InEnglish 12 we will focus on the following:

  • clear communication - understanding and drawing conclusions from what we read, hear and view, and defending our conclusions rationally and eloquently
  • valuing the ideas of others while defending our own
  • working both independently and in collaboration with others

During the semester we will explore short stories, poetry, novels, the media, a Shakespearean play, public speaking, grammar and composition. In each unit we will review literary techniques and terminology associated with the particular genre under study.

Precision, clarity and artistry are all a factor in writing and speaking, as are recognizing purpose and audience. Keep this in mind on all assignments.

Classroom expectations:

They’re simple, and familiar:

  • be punctual
  • listen attentively and participate in class
  • keep an open mind
  • respect one another – no put downs or insults
  • do your work – complete all homework and assignments on time
  • put your full name (first and last) on all work, as well as date, class and period
  • seek one-on-one help to discuss your writing – I am usually available after school, and can make appointments before school.
  • use electronics responsibly – do not check incoming texts or calls during class. Do use your electronics to honestly support your learning.
  • do your best!


Evaluation and assessment will be ongoing as you build a portfolio of work. I often assign a letter grade for writing assignments.

A++ ….. 100%

A+ …… 96%

A ……. 91%

A- …… 86%

B+ …… 81%

B ……... 77%

B-…….. 73%

C+ ……. 67%

C ……… 59%

C- …….. 50%

Assessment will be based on the degree to which you have met requirements of the assignment, used an appropriate format, and expressed yourself eloquently.

At the end of the semester your class grade will count for 60% of your final mark. The breakdown of marks for the course work is as follows:

  • Assignments –30%
  • Tests, quizzesand in-class composition– 60%
  • Homework, grammar, vocabulary – 10%

The remaining 40% will be determined by your grade on the provincial exam.

Notebooks and supplies

  • Use a 3-ring binder for the course. Bring at least 3 dividers. Start with the following sections: Literature, Quickwrites, Mechanics. Put a date on all material, even handouts.
  • Use blue or black ink for handwritten work.
  • Bring a marking pen– red, green, whatever – to use when editing and correcting work.
  • Also have a few highlighter pens in class that you can use for highlighting notes in class and for marking revisions in your writing.

Punctuality and attendance

Phone the school when you are absent, and e-mail me if you can. You are responsible for making up work you miss. Always check my SharePoint site to see what was done in class. See me for tutorial help when you are struggling.

Homework and assignments are due at the beginning of the class for which they are assigned. I often ask to see the work, and keep track of whether you have arrived prepared to class.

If you require an extension, ask me. I will generally allow an extension if you have a good reason for asking for one. But I will not offer them the day an assignment is due; you need to let me know beforehand. This does not mean that I condone procrastination. If you don’t have a good reason for requesting an extension, simply meet your deadlines.


Do not plagiarize under any circumstances. Any work which has been plagiarized will receive a mark of zero. If work is copied from another student, both students will lose their marks. Both students will receive and “N” for work and study habits for the term. If you use 'experts' from books or the internet as sources, you must cite your sources in a bibliography. Use of ideas from any sources needs to be documented.

A final word: Work hard, strive for balance in your life, and have a great year!