Mobile no: 91-99859 99365



I am a quick learner with a sense of commitment, extremely innovative and initiative and a teammate with a strong problem solving attitude, “seeking anInternship or Job in VLSI and/or Embedded Systems based Design and interested in the wireless communication technologies, FPGA, Networking area, Analog & Mixed Signal Design”.


Degree / Institution / Year of Passing / CGPA / Percentage
M.Tech (VLSI & ES) / IIIT,Hyderabad. / July,2009. / 7.18 CGPA
B.Tech (ECE) / SVPCET., Puttur. / May,2007. / 80.22 %
Intermediate / SriSaiJyothiJunior College, Puttur. / March,2003. / 92.4 %
X class / Nirmala Vidyalayam, Puttur. / March,2001. / 83.83 %


  1. Stood college first at B.Tech.
  2. Stood school first in X class.


  1. Analog Mixed Signal Design and Telecom (Internet).
  2. Networking and Wireless based communication technologies.
  3. VLSI basedDesign (Chip Level), Embedded Systems Design.

Skill set

Operating system / Linux, Windows Vista/XP/2000/ME/98.
Programming languages / C, Verilog, VHDL.
Software Learned / H-Spice, LT-Spice, P-Spice, Keil, Quartus-II, Active HDL, RTOS & Simple Scalar (Beginner).
Other tools / MultiSim, MS-Office.
Other Languages / Assembly Language.
Scripting / Perl, HTML design, Shell Scripting, PHP.


Project Name / Intelligent Robotic Arm.
Description / In this project we have designed an automated tool called an intelligent robotic arm shows more impact on the areas which are not reachable and manageable by the human being with the help of Interactive Machines whose body languages are the replicas of human being. The ultimate aim of this project is topick and place the object which will be in any process.Therobot will have efficient arm which will be driven by the stepper motor which is under the control of microcontroller. VB used at Front End.
Technology used / Philips Microcontroller, Keil Compiler, Visual Basic(VB), Stepper motor.



Project Name / Implementation of 8-bit RISC Micro-Processor.
Description / In this project we have designed general purpose 8-bit RISC Micro-Processor with 18 instructions (of which 4 Arithmetic, 6 Logical, 4 Data Transfer and 4 Shifting Instructions). The code written inVerilog and simulated with Active HDL v6.3 Tool and Synthesized with Quartus-II.
Tools used / Active HDL v6.3, Quartus-II.


Project Name / Implementation of Routing Information Protocol (RIP).(Software Only)
Description / The Internet is a very large network where millions of computer systems are inter-connected. In this the IP protocol operates at layer 3 and takes care of end-end routing of packets. This is done by employing devices called Routers. Routers all over, whether inside an autonomous system or outside have to exchange information about the routes known to them with their neighbors and eventually construct the so called Routing Table.The RIP is one of the early routing protocols, implemented in TCP/IP. It is simple, most fundamental and is used to route the packets inside an Autonomous system. This project is an attempt towards the study, analysis of RIP. Implementation of Distance-vector algorithm used in RIP to calculate the shortest routes. Implementing the RIP updating algorithm which explains how a new update is to be processed by the router, how the real-time data is packetized and sent over IP.The pros and cons of the RIP protocol, improvements made in the new version.
Programming Language used / C


Project Name / Design of Sample & Hold Circuit at Higher Range Frequencies.
Description / In this project we have designed a Sample & Hold Circuit with MOSFET as a switch that operates at few Hundredths of MHz. Sample-and-Hold (S/H) circuits track an analog signal, and when given a ‘‘hold’’ command they hold the value of the input signal at the instant when the ‘‘hold’’ command was issued, thereby serving as an analog storage device. An ideal S/H circuits would be able to track any kind of input signal, and upon being given a hold command store at its output, without delay, the precise value of the signal, and maintain this value indefinitely. Unfortunately, ideal S/H circuits do not yet exist, and to be able to pick a S/H Circuit to suit a particular application.In this application, we discussed the significance of the various specifications for S/H circuits, and how the performance is influenced by the circuits.
Tools used / LT-spice. H-spice.


Project Name / Solar Panel Maximum Power Point Tracking System.
Description / The Project “Solar Panel Maximum Power Point Tracking System”, is a photovoltaic system that uses the photovoltaic array as a source of electrical power supply and since every photovoltaic (PV) array has an optimum operating point, called the maximum power point, which varies depending on cell temperature, the isolation level and array voltage. A maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is needed to operate the PV array at its maximum power point.
The objective of this project is to compute MPPT systematically using a circuit that is a type of perturbation & Observation method, which is designed to operate under continuous conduction mode.
A general framework for designing current-mode analog multiplier circuits based on the Gilbert gain cell is presented for both BJTs and MOSFETs.
In this project, a new maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic arrays is proposed. The algorithm detects the maximum power point of the PV. The computed maximum power is used as a reference value (set point) of the control system. The circuit designed so as to control the operation of a Buck chopper such that the PV module always operates at its maximum power computed from the MPPT algorithm.
Tools used / LT-spice. H-spice, P-Spice.