I. A. West Bengal State Watershed Development Agency (WBSWDA):
Table-PPR 1: Details of SLNA
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6Sl. No. / State / Type of SLNA / Date of Notification / Date of MoU with DoLR / Total no. of members of SLNA
1 / West Bengal / Department / 1628Input/9M-67/08(PtI)
dt 12.10.2011 / Yet to be done / 13
#Whether it is a Department/ Mission/ Society/ Authority/ Others
Table-PPR 1: Details of WBSWDA (Contd..)
7 / 8Chairperson
Name / Designation / Name / Designation / Date of Appointment / Nature of appointment / Tenure(No. of years) / Contact Ph. No./ Fax/ E-mail
Sri Samar Ghosh IAS / Chief Secretary
To the Govt. of West Bengal / Sri Dilip Kumar Chakraborty IAS / AdditionalSecretary, Govt. of West Bengal, Deptt. of Agriculture / 12.12.2011 / Ex-Officio / Ph 03322141111
Table-PPR 2: Details of functionaries in the SLNAs*: Not yet engaged but under active consideration of the Government
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9Sl. No. / Total no. of persons working in the SLNA for IWMP / Names & Designation / Qualifi-cation / Experience / Work allocation / Monthly remuneration (Rs.) / Total budget of SLNA (Rs.) / Funding expected from DoLR (Rs.)
R / NR / R / NR
R – Recurring, NR- Non-recurring*
Table-PPR 3: Details of State Level Data Cell (SLDC) functionaries*: Not yet engaged but under active consideration of the Government
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9Sl. No. / Total no. of persons working in the SLDC for IWMP / Names & Designation / Qualifi-cation / Experience / Work allocation / Monthly remuneration (Rs.) / Total budget of SLDC (Rs.) / Funding expected from DoLR (Rs.)
R / NR / R / NR
R – Recurring; NR- Non-recurring
I. B. District Level Watershed Units:
Table-PPR 4: Details of functionaries in the DRDC (District Rural Development Cell) Watershed Cell: Yet to be constituted but under active consideration of the State Govt.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10Sl. No. / Name of the District / Name of the executing Agency# / Status of Chairman@ / Date of signing of MoU with SLNA / Total no. of persons working for Watershed programme / Names & Designation / Qualification / Experience / Work allocation
Table-PPR 4: Details of functionaries in the DRDC Watershed Cell: (Contd.)
11 / 12 / 13Monthly remuneration (Rs.) / Total budget of Watershed Cell (Rs.) / Funding expected from DoLR (Rs.)
R / NR / R / NR
R – Recurring; NR- Non-recurring
PPR – 5 Status of district wise area covered under watershed Programme
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Sl. No. / Names of Districts / Total micro-watersheds in the District / Micro-watersheds covered so far / Net watersheds to be covered
Dept. of Land Resources / Other Ministries/ Depts. / Total watersheds covered
Pre-IWMP projects
(DPAP +IWDP) / Any other watershed project
No. / Area (ha.) / No. / Area (ha.) / No. / Area (ha.) / No. / Area (ha.) / No. / Area (ha.)
1 / Burdwan / 244 / 488818 / 8 / 36692 / 6 / 5136 / 14 / 41828 / 230 / 446990
2 / Birbhum / 175 / 351916 / 29 / 70172 / 8 / 6653 / 37 / 76825 / 138 / 275091
3 / Bankura / 269 / 538173 / 62 / 40240 / 24 / 15840 / 86 / 56080 / 183 / 482093
4 / Purba Medinipur / 146 / 292796 / 18 / 15044 / 18 / 15044 / 128 / 277752
5 / Paschim Medinipur / 379 / 759173 / 66 / 39632 / 43 / 34030 / 109 / 73662 / 270 / 685511
6 / Howrah / 42 / 85275 / - / - / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 42 / 85275
7 / Hooghly / 108 / 217500 / - / - / 1 / 2729 / 1 / 2729 / 107 / 214771
8 / North24Parganas / 184 / 369823 / - / - / 9 / 5829 / 9 / 5829 / 175 / 363994
9 / South24Parganas / 402 / 804728 / - / - / 51 / 36483 / 51 / 36483 / 351 / 768245
10 / Nadia / 148 / 297805 / - / - / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 148 / 297805
11 / Murshidabad / 200 / 401903 / - / - / 11 / 10314 / 11 / 10314 / 189 / 391589
12 / Uttar Dinajpur / 138 / 277708 / - / - / 11 / 11552 / 11 / 11552 / 127 / 266156
13 / Dakshin Dinajpur / 94 / 188499 / - / - / 7 / 5764 / 7 / 5764 / 87 / 182735
14 / Malda / 139 / 278809 / - / - / 10 / 8039 / 10 / 8039 / 129 / 270770
15 / Jalpaiguri / 264 / 529485 / - / - / 25 / 20534 / 25 / 20534 / 239 / 508951
16 / Darjeeling / 141 / 282971 / - / - / 52 / 29518 / 52 / 29518 / 89 / 253453
17 / Cooch Behar / 128 / 257851 / - / - / 23 / 20039 / 23 / 20039 / 105 / 237812
18 / Purulia / 431 / 517979 / 168 / 84000 / 39 / 60614 / 207 / 144614 / 224 / 373365
West Bengal / 3632 / 6941212 / 333 / 270736 / 338 / 288118 / 671 / 558854 / 2961 / 6382358
Table-PPR 6: Prioritized list of projects proposed for sanction during the financial year 2011-12
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8Sl. No. / District / Name of the project / No. of micro-watersheds proposed to be covered / Proposed project area (ha) / Type of project
(Hilly/ Desert/ Others) / Proposed cost (Rs. in lakh) / Weightage under the criteria
i / ii / iii / iv / v / vi / vii / viii / ix / x / xi / xii / xiii / Total
1 / Purulia / IWMP 01/1-12 To
IWMP 12/11-12 & IWMP78&,79-11-12 / 42 / 53900 / Others / 7170.03 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 15 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 110
2 / Bankura / IWMP 13/11-12 To
IWMP 25/11-12& IWMP 80,81/11-12 / 102 / 59800 / Others / 7488.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 100
3 / Paschim
Midnapore / IWMP 33/11-12 To
IWMP 37/11-12 &
IWMP 72 to 75/11-12 / - / 68400 / Others / 9846.00 / 7.5 / 10 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 100
4 / Birbhum / IWMP 38/11-12 To
IWMP 39/11-12 &
IWMP 92&93/11-12 / - / 17200 / Others / 2064.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 85
5 / South 24 Parganas / IWMP 40/11-12 To
IWMP 46/11-12 / - / 28200 / Others / 3384.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 85
6 / North 24 Parganas / IWMP47/11-12 / - / 4400 / Others / 528.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 85
7 / Darjeeling / IWMP 48/11-1 To
IWMP 56/11-12 &
IWMP 83-91/11-12 / - / 29260 / Hill / 4380.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 85
Darjeeling / IWMP 57/11-12 To
IWMP59/11-12 / - / 8600 / Others / 1032.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 85
8 / Jalpaiguri / IWMP 60/11-12 To
IWMP 67/11-12 / - / 38200 / Others / 4584.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 85
9 / Cooch
Behar / IWMP 68/11-12 To
IWMP 71/11-12 &
IWMP 82/11-12 / - / 25000 / Others / 3000.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 0 / 15 / 7.5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 85
10 / Burdwan / IWMP-77/11-12 / 3800 / Others / 456.00 / 7.5 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 5 / 10 / 0 / 100
TOTAL / 336760 / 43932.03
District / Name & No of the Project / Block / Type of the watershed / Name of the PIA / Name of the watershed / Sl No. / Villages / Geo. Area / Effective Project Area / Project Cost ( Rs. in Lakh) / GP / Census Code No. / ReasonsBankura / IWMP-6/2011-12 / Saltora / ordinary / Asstt. Director of Agriculture ( Soil Cons. ) DPAD Saltora / Saltora Gagra / 1 / Chowbata (P) / 360 / 299 / Gogra / 1979900 / To enhance the productivity in the undulating Area , To enhance the moisturecontain in the soil profile as it suffers from moisture stress, To improve the socio-economic condition of the watershed community
Watershed / 2 / Gogra / 461 / 383 / Gogra / 1980000
3 / Latulia / 124 / 70 / Gogra / 1980100
4 / Lechhara / 137 / 73 / Gogra / 1980200
5 / Adhuri / 407 / 344 / Gogra / 1980300
6 / Haroka / 271 / 211 / Gogra / 1980500
7 / Jadabpur / 354 / 313 / Gogra / 1980400
8 / Murgodaba / 79 / 37 / Gogra / 1980800
9 / Karkota / 135 / 127 / Gogra / 1981500
10 / Netkamla / 347 / 267 / Gogra / 1981600
11 / Kultuka / 253 / 188 / Gogra / 1980700
12 / Khatmara / 264 / 182 / Gogra / 1981400
13 / Bhodadi / 39 / 23 / Gogra / 1981000
14 / Dhapali / 204 / 81 / Gogra / 1981300
15 / Chandra (P) / 154 / 101 / Gogra / 1981700
16 / Lakshmanpur / 171 / 107 / Gogra / 1981200
17 / Bojapather / 150 / 111 / Kanuri / 1980900
18 / Kanuri / 346 / 187 / Kanuri / 1979700
19 / Moulahir / 76 / 52 / Kanuri / 1979500
20 / belabaid / 212 / 150 / Kanuri / 1979600
21 / Rajbandh (P) / 141 / 66 / Kanuri / 1979400
22 / Majurakundi (P) / 116 / 57 / Kanuri / 1979300
23 / Tilabaid (P) / 357 / 237 / Kanuri / 1979200
24 / Barkona (P) / 473 / 334 / Kanuri / 1981100
5631 / 4000 / 480.00
Table-PPR 8: Details of previously identified DPAP areas proposed under IWMP (ha) during the
financial year
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12Sl. No. / Names of Districts / Name of the project proposed / Name of Block(s) / Type of Block (DPAP/ DDP/IWDP) / Area of Block (ha) / No. of pre-IWMP projects sanctioned in the Block / Area of sanctioned projects / Net area to be covered / Area of the proposed project / Area proposed to be covered by schemes other than DoLR / Net balance area
1 / PURULIA / IWMP 01/1-12
IWMP 12/11-12 / Purulia-i, Jhalda II, Manbazer I, Arsha, Kashipur / DPAP / 173697 / 168 / 84000 / 373365 / 46420 / - / 326945
2 / BANKURA / IWMP 13/11-12 To
IWMP 25/11-12 / Gangajalghati, Saltora, Ranibandh & Chatna / DPAP / 155504 / 62 / 40240 / 482093 / 60800 / - / 421293
IWMP 32/11-12,
IWMP 33/11-12 / Nayagram
Jhargram, Binpur II & Sankrail / DPAP / 187683 / 66 / 39632 / 685511 / 29000 / - / 656511
Name of the Project with District / Name of the watershed with Block / Sl No of the villages / Names of the villages / Geo. Area (ha) / Forest area (ha) / Agril area (ha) / Cuturable waste land (ha) / Rainfed area (ha) / Pasture Land (ha)IWMP-6/2011-12 / Saltora Gagra / 1 / Chowbata (P) / 360 / 242 / 56 / 2 / 57 / Nil
Bankura / Watershed / 2 / Gogra / 461 / 0 / 412 / 19 / 383 / Nil
Saltora / 3 / Latulia / 124 / 0 / 76 / 16 / 79 / Nil
4 / 4 / Lechhara / 137 / 0 / 109 / 8 / 73 / Nil
5 / Adhuri / 407 / 59 / 285 / 23 / 285 / Nil
6 / Haroka / 271 / 58 / 174 / 16 / 153 / Nil
7 / Jadabpur / 354 / 301 / 43 / 0 / 12 / Nil
8 / Murgodaba / 79 / 0 / 38 / 8 / 37 / Nil
9 / Karkota / 135 / 120 / 11 / 3 / 7 / Nil
10 / Netkamla / 347 / 132 / 143 / 11 / 135 / Nil
11 / Kultuka / 253 / 0 / 211 / 20 / 188 / Nil
12 / Khatmara / 264 / 117 / 65 / 13 / 65 / Nil
13 / Bhodadi / 39 / 0 / 22 / 6 / 23 / Nil
14 / Dhapali / 204 / 7 / 123 / 14 / 74 / Nil
15 / Chandra (P) / 154 / 3 / 106 / 10 / 98 / Nil
16 / Lakshmanpur / 171 / 0 / 114 / 11 / 107 / Nil
17 / Bojapather / 150 / 0 / 143 / 0 / 111 / Nil
18 / Kanuri / 346 / 0 / 237 / 24 / 187 / Nil
19 / Moulahir / 76 / 9 / 39 / 9 / 43 / Nil
20 / belabaid / 212 / 0 / 147 / 24 / 150 / Nil
21 / Rajbandh (P) / 141 / 0 / 94 / 11 / 66 / Nil
22 / Majurakundi (P) / 116 / 0 / 84 / 12 / 57 / Nil
23 / Tilabaid (P) / 357 / 119 / 151 / 20 / 118 / Nil
24 / Barkona (P) / 473 / 0 / 404 / 29 / 334 / Nil
5631 / 1167 / 3287 / 309 / 2842
Table PPR 10: Details of Agro-climatic:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9Sl. No. / District / Name of the Project / Name of the
Agro-climatic zone covers project area / Area in ha / Names
of the villages / Major soil types / Topography
(Flat, Undulating, Moderate slopy, Steep slope / Average rainfall in mm
(preceding 5 years
average) / Major crops
a)Type / b) Area in ha / a) Name / b) Area in ha
1 / Purulia / IWMP 01/1-12To
IWMP 12/11-12, 78,79/11-12 / Lateratic Region / Shown in PPR Table 9 / Coarse sandy loam / Undulating / 1322 / Paddy
2 / Bankura / IWMP 13/11-12 T o
IWMP 25/11-12, 80, 81/11-12 / Lateratic Region / Coarse sandy loam / -do- / 1386 / Paddy
3 / Paschim
Midnapore / IWMP 33/11-12 To
IWMP 37/11-12 & 72 to 75/11-12 / Lateratic Region / Coarse sandy loam / -do- / 1541 / Paddy
4 / Birbhum / IWMP 38/11-12 To
IWMP 39/11-12 & 92,93/11-12 / Lateratic Region / Coarse sandy loam / -do- / 1430 / Paddy
5 / South 24 Parganas / IWMP 40/11-12 To
IWMP 46/11-12 / Coastal Region / Clay / Deltaic plain / 1876 / Paddy
6 / North 24 Parganas / IWMP47/11-12 / Coastal Region / Clay / Deltaic plain / 1623 / Paddy
7 / Darjeeling / IWMP 48/11-12 To
IWMP 56/11-12 & 83 to 91/11-12 / Hilly Region / Clay / Hill, Steep Slope / 3084 / Paddy
Darjeeling / IWMP 57/11-12 To
IWMP59/11-12 / Tista Terai Alluvium
Region / Coarse sandy loam / Sloppy / - / Paddy
8 / Jalpaiguri / IWMP 60/11-12 To
IWMP 67/11-12 / Tista Terai Alluvium
Region / Coarse sandy loam / Sloppy / 3508 / Paddy
9 / Cooch
Behar / IWMP 68/11-12 To
IWMP 71/11-12 & 82/11-12 / Tista Terai Alluvium
Region / Coarse sandy loam / Sloppy / 3041 / Paddy
10 / Burdwan / IWMP 77/11-12 / Gangetic Alluvium / sandy loam / Plain & Partly undulating / 1348 / Paddy
Table-PPR 11: Details of flood and drought in the project area*
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Sl. No. / Particulars / Villages / Periodicity / Not affected
Annual / Any other (please specify)
1 / Flood / No. of villages / Flash flood during rainy season in Jalpaiguri & Cooch Behar districts,
Land slide in Darjeeling hilly area and cyclone accompanied with flood in Coastal region – North & south 24 Parganas and permanent moisture stress in Purulia, Bankura & Paschim Midnapore
Name(s) of villages
2 / Drought / No. of villages
Name(s) of villages
Table-PPR 12 : Details of soil erosion in the project area