I-20 Data Form (F-1 Status Visa)

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). These are mandatory.

School Name: Date:

Person Competing Data: Phone #:

1.  *Family name:

2.  *First name:

3.  Middle Name :

4.  Suffix:

5.  *Date of Birth:

6.  *Gender:

7.  *Country of Birth:

8.  *Country of Citizenship:

9.  *Issue Reason:

Initial attendance * Grade:

Initial attendance –Beginning School Date / /

Continued attendance

1.  Current Session

End Date / /

Next Session / /

Start Date / /

Projected Date of Graduation / /

School transfer

Transfer from what school in USA

Reinstatement requested

Other, please state reason for other:

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). These are mandatory.

10.  Admission number:

(From form I-94-Issued to a student who has been admitted into the U.S.)

11.  Driver’s license number:

12.  Driver’s license issue state:

13.  Social Security Number:

14.  Individual Taxpayer ID Number:

15.  *Foreign address

a.  Address 1:

b.  Address 2:

c.  City:

d.  Province/Territory:

e.  Postal code:

f.  Country:

16.  *U.S. Address

a.  Address 1:

b.  Address 2:

c.  City:

d.  State:

e.  Zip Code (8 digit, if possible):

17.  * Education Level

a.  Primary

b.  Secondary

18.  * Program start date / /

19.  * Program end date

a.  o End of school year Date / /

b.  o Graduation Date / /

20.  Ending Trimesters dates: / / / / / /


Ending Quarter dates: / / / / / / / /


21.  English Proficiency

a.  Yes

b.  No

i.  ENOS Program

ii. Other Explain:


Required fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

22.  * This school estimates the student’s average costs for academic term of 9 months to be:

a.  *Tuition and fees: $

b.  *Living Expenses $ (Must be estimated, if not know)

c.  *Total: $

22.  *This school has information showing the following as the student’s means of support, estimated for an academic term of 9 months.

a.  *Student’s Personal Funds (usually .00) $

b.  *Funds from another source (specify type & source)


host family


financial aid

scholarship $

c.  *Total $

The total of #21 and #22 must equal.

Please complete and email or fax mail to:

Mr. Christopher Cosentino

410 547-5393 fax: 410-547-5566

Department of Catholic Schools

320 Cathedral Street

Baltimore, MD 21201

For more information: Phone: 410 547-5515

This form is available in WORD from this office and can be downloaded

and completed on your computer or the form must be typed.

(No handwritten I-20s will be accepted.)