Sometimes everything is happening into our life but we can’t feel those normally. Everything I mean to say that, every natural or normal thing which is normally happening in our life. But we can’t feel those, then; when we are absolute in a running illusion or intoxication about anything. In a single word, it happens when a definite person or a definite Central Nervous System (C.N.S) in a complete sub-conscious circumstances of mind by any kind of Hypnotism. Whether this kind of Hypnotism, has been done by, not any Hypnotizer person, but by any condition automatically, can be named as Autohypnotism.
A Hypnotized mind is constant, but type of Hypnotization may be the different. Actually we have to be hypnotized by any intoxication of us, through any interesting self-significant work; particularly for any over-valued achievement(s). Our environment, others atmospheric incidents are running, but we have been hypnotized by the particular working intoxication to achieve something most significant in our life. These intoxications hypnotize us for a few or some or a lot of moments for any short or big achievements; may be or might be those achievements are some artificial things or name or fame or wining moment or any other happiness. Achievements’ wishing make the intoxication and intoxications are creating the Autohypnotization.
I can analyze all these happenings through numerical ways. Before describing that, we have to know about the relation between the achievement destinations, wish to achieve, intoxication and hypnotization. This kind of hypnotization is different than that actually well-known hypnotization. This is the situational hypnotism; created by the destination, wishing to achieve by us or the definite person.
First of all, there is a fixed destination created to achieve, in a human mind and brain. After that, there is a strong wish born for achieving the destination. The wish creates a situation of intoxication to achieve the destination and the intoxication hypnotized the human brain and getting the mind become only focused into that destination, the achieving work to do. That is the only priority or only mono-focused job for the definite human, to do. The others natural focusing into his/her life, be meaninglessly and feelinglessly invisible for him, means the others phenomenon are visible for him but, those are zero phenomenon for the person. In starting of the destination achieving work, others phenomenon are not entirely feelingless for the human being, but with respect of the growing of work and decreasing of the distance between the person and the destination, other phenomenon be gradually staying behind a strong membrane or a cartein, gone through for him. Once the other phenomenon be almost deleted or to be generatedwith the human brain automatically, for the human being. Then the left should be mono-metrical thought.
Let’s describe that, how to numerically achieve these steps and the other natural phenomenon gradually gone through behind the strong membrane;
First of all, there be a destination needed, on which a definite person being intoxicated to achieve. Let that be,б; after that, there is a strong wish produced; let that be, ҃α (titlo alpha); next the intoxication birth, let it be ҃β (titlo beta); it makes the autohypnotism to be mono-focused the human mind and brain and vision as per mind and brain to the destination. We get an equation from here; the Autohypnotization be the sum of wish and intoxication for achieving work-done; let the Autohypnotization be, @; then;
@ = ҃α + ҃β; (titlo is a sluv number sign, was being used once in Egypt, for shorter or summarized numbers).
I mean to say that, wish and intoxication be the two mutual linked prime characteristics; so I denote these as the prime number by above sign and @ be the combined number; as mixed born characteristic; with support of two prime characteristics, wish to achieve destination; and intoxication to achieve the destination.
Now, we have to describe the other phenomenon; naturally related to human’s life by happening.
Let, those are denoted as;
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,…………………………………………………………………………………….. up to x
Let’s consider the numbers as the natural phenomenon or situations; and we have to classify the situation numbers into two different, characteristic oriented classifications.
We have two different kind of situation, achieving in our life; the one dimensional situation be classified as, the prime number; 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,……………………………………………………….. Up to x1;
The complicated two dimensional situation be classified as, the mixed or combined numbers, as;
2,4,6,8,9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18,………………………………………………………………….... Up to x2;
There is a numerical relation between the Autohypnotization numbers and natural phenomenon or situational numbers. Before the description, I’m going to discuss about the One dimensional and two dimensional situations.
By this kind of situation I mean to say, which have single thoughts, single resultant effects and single description or analysis; either positive or negative.
By this kind of situation I mean to say, which have two different contradictory thinking, contradictory resultant effects and contradictory description or analysis; one is surely either positive or negative; another one is with respect to the above, positive-negative contradictory.
Assured Analytical Nature
The basic Autohypnotisation number be @ = ҃α + ҃β;
How much the autohypnotized human mind is going to be more and more hypnotized by intoxication, running; as the other phenomenon will going to be darken or zero valued for the human; and for that the natural other phenomenon numbers will be omitted one by one. By the gradual vanishing of the numbers, the power of hypnotism be increasing gradually, as per the power of wish and intoxication be increasing, also increasing the power of their summation, which is the autohypnotization. For the one dimensional situation effects according for the destination achieving work, the power increasing resultant effects getting the prime number power; as usual for the two dimensional effects, getting the mixed number power. With respect of that, there is created two different quadratic equation. i.e.;
@1 + @3 +@5 + @7 + ……………………………………………………………………...... up to + @x1 for the one dimensional situational effects; and;
@2 + @4 + @6 + @8 + ………………………………………………………………………… up to + @x2 for the two dimensional situational effects.
To be more analytically denoted;
(҃α+҃β) + (҃α+҃β)3 + (҃α+҃β)5 + (҃α+҃β)7 +……………………………………………………………… + (҃α+҃β)x1;
(҃α+҃β)2 + (҃α+҃β)4 + (҃α+҃β)6 + (҃α+҃β)8 + (҃α+҃β)9 +……………………………………………………. + (҃α+҃β)x2;
These equations can be denoted as, Prime and Compound Autohypnotization quadratic equations.
Now summated these two both together, we get;
(҃α+҃β) + (҃α+҃β)2 + (҃α+҃β)3 + (҃α+҃β)4 + (҃α+҃β)5 +……………………………………………………… + (҃α+҃β)x which is almost equals to the destination,б. Means;
Б = @ + @2 + @3 + @4 + @5+……………………………………………………………………...+ @x.
We have get two different laws from here; i.e.;
The Autohypnotizomic Intoxicated Power of a Human being for achieving Destination is disproportional with the other natural phenomenon, running in life.
Let, the Autohypnotizomic Intoxicated Power be denoted as, Ʃ@; and the summation of the other natural phenomenon, denoted as, Ʃπ;
Then, according to the above law, we get;
Ʃ@ ∞ 1/Ʃπ;
Or, Ʃ@ = б/Ʃπ; (б be the constant here; it’s destination)
Also, б = Ʃ@Ʃπ;
According to Prime and Compound natural other phenomenon number;
Ʃπ = π1 + π2 + π3 + π4 + π5 + ……………………………………………………………………….. + πx;
The actual simplifying Achieve Equation be the;
Б = @1 π1 + @2 π2 + @3 π3 + @4 π4 + @5 π5 +……………………………………………………. + @x πx;
By this equation, we get;
@1 π1 be almost equals to the @; as usually @2 π2 be almost equals to the @2; @3 π3 be almost equals to the @3; @x πx be almost equals to the @x.
Now let’s discuss about another Law;
With the gradual increasing of destination oriented situational phenomenon, the other natural phenomenon be decreasing proportionally.
Means that, if gradual increasing of destination oriented situational phenomenon be denoted as, Ʃµ; then according to the above law;
Ʃµ ∞ 1/Ʃπ;
Or, Ʃµ = б/Ʃπ; also the destination б be constant here.
So we get again, б = ƩµƩπ; also;
Ʃµ = µ1+ µ2 +µ3 + µ4 + µ5 +………………………………………………………………………….+µx;
These two above Laws can be called ACHIEVER LAW.
Autohypnotizometry or Situational Hypnotizometry is also describing the Meditation, because it’s kind of also Autohypnotism effective. I’m going to describe that later.
Meditation is also a part of Autohypnotizometry. Absolute Autohypnotizometry. Meditation is the concentration on a definite point; a definite subject, which is also self-wishing Autohypnotization. It’s on the basis of a definite point which is the destination to achieve.
This kind of Autohypnotization or Meditation caused Hypnotization, creates a continuous energy, an electromagnetic energy which is increasing gradually as the destination point getting close to closer to closest. So there is also a hypnotizometry left for analysis; let’s describe that.
Before this description, I have to tell about the cornerometry.
Let’s draw a table of natural numbers;
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 1011 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40
41 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 45 / 46 / 47 / 48 / 49 / 50
51 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 56 / 57 / 58 / 59 / 60
61 / 62 / 63 / 64 / 65 / 66 / 67 / 68 / 69 / 70
71 / 72 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76 / 77 / 78 / 79 / 80
81 / 82 / 83 / 84 / 85 / 86 / 87 / 88 / 89 / 90
91 / 92 / 93 / 94 / 95 / 96 / 97 / 98 / 99 / 100
From the top most left corner, 1 to gradually just right down up to 45, we take the increase of concentration; and after that, as usually from 56 to 100, we take as increasing the distance from other phenomenon. From the top most right corner 10 to gradually just left down up to 46, we take as the gradual increasing of autohypnotism; and as usually from 55 to 91, we take as the gradual increasing of electromagnetic energy. The two perpendicularly crossed straight lines as + sign, between 45 and 46; and 55, 56; we have got a point, which is the destination point, б (sigma).
There is all co-differences between every numbers from left top most corner to most down right corner; as, 1, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 100; the co-difference is constant 11; as usually from the right most top to left most down; as, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91; the constant co-difference is 9; and the just down of any numbers, got the co-differences of constant 10; as, 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91. So, we have also get, the three constant co-differences be gradually 9, 10, 11; as per we get an average, (9+11)/2 = 10; means,
(Top Left Corner to Bottom Right Corner Constant Co-difference + Top Right Corner to Bottom Left Corner Constant Co-difference)/2 = Each Perpendicular Down Constant Co-difference.
For Gradual Rational or Irrational Numbers Table chart, The Each Perpendicular Down Constant Co-difference be an average of Top Left Corner to Bottom Right Corner Constant Co-Difference, and Top Right Corner to Bottom Left Corner Constant Co-difference.
If, top left corner to bottom right corner constant co-difference is M; top right corner to bottom left corner constant co-difference is N; and each perpendicular down constant co-difference is P; then, according to above;
(M+N)/2 = P;
This is the Cornerometrical Law of Co-differences.
These are the basics of Cornerometry.
I’ve use here rational number table; for others usage there may be used gradual irrational numbers.
For Meditation effected brain, Cornerometrical equation has been made as by circular gradual orbits, with respect of the destination point as constant centre; with also gradual increasing of parameter left constant co-difference.
As usually this figure denotes
The above table of rational
The centre is constant
Destination б; and,
The top most to
Centre arrow
Denotes the
Increasing of
The centre to most
Bottom arrow denotes
The increasing of distance
From the other phenomenon; the left to centre diameter-linked arrow denotes the increasing of self-wishing autohypnotism; and finally from centre to right most arrow denotes the increasing of Meditation made electromagnetic energy. Centre means the constant destination, б.
May be here the number is rational, may be irrational; that’s not a factor, but numbers have to be gradual; and also obey the cornerometrical co-difference law; (M+N)/2 = P. Because the co-differences are the constant acceleration of the increasing concentration on б, increasing distance from other phenomenon in human life, increasing of self-wishing autohypnotism, and increasing of meditation made electromagnetic energy.
Now I’m going to describe about the relations between the datas, related here with Meditational Autohypnotism and Meditation produced electromagnetic energy. Let’s discuss about that.
Each number’s expressing some definite Meditation internal situation-basis point through every data-based increasing effect.
Increasing of rational number as above table, according to Meditational involvement onto the destination point; as 1 to 12 to 23 to 34 to 45; or 10 to 19 to 28 to 37 to 46, be the expressions of achievement from distant orbit to closer orbit; or orbital point; closer of destination.
Now for describing the ultimate Meditational phenomena of internal brain, I have to discuss about the scientific and numerical analysis of human spirit.
I’m going to discuss about the factor which is till now a contradiction of science. The factor is human spirit. There are various kinds of Para-psychological or spiritual scientific descriptions, debates about human spirit; I’m going to express about my views.
A body needs its life; to live with work, with the eternal balance of emotions and motions; what’s the work of life, and what’s life? How does it occur? As per general science we know that, any work in our life, has been done with respect to the power; and, power is the application of energy.
From the beginning of a life, the constant energy is the spirit. A spirit is nothing except an ultra powerful electromagnetic energy, with respect of which a human body internal and external systems, has been run through a balanced systemic way.
A spirit is an energy, so it has not any definite size shape and volume, its invisible naturally or normal visualization; inaudible also for natural audibility; non-feel able for natural manual feelings; untouchable for natural touch procedures;can be touched through proper meditation by self-wishing; and sometimes at sub-concious condition of C.N.S in brain through autohynotized situation.
Before describe it I have to describe about the source of spirit.
I feel spirits are the radiated particles of fix supernatural energy; infinite universe; the looking great empty, not really empty. There is nothing, actual entirely empty. The infinite universe is the fix supernatural energy, and that’s source be the actual supernatural energy, which is the empty infinity. There is no beginning and also as per immortal law of energy, it has no end. It’s looking empty because it is the source of all energy, and being energy also itself, over general visualization; over general audio sound, may be also ultrasonic sounds; over natural feelings; over natural touch. It is SUPERNATURAL ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY,Continuous leaving radiation from itself, which are the particles of it; named SPIRIT.Actually the particles radiated, getting leave from Supernatural Electromagnetic Energy for their charge looseness; and after that, a loose charged particle needs a preborn preparation procedure running at its maternity level body to achieve its charge and return to its ancient position again, in Supernatural Electromagnetic Energy. A Preborn body, which has also a charge being living electromagnetic field; that’s body charge, achieved from the maternity living. The charge is opposite of a definite spirit; when that spirit comes near the just preborn body, there is a dipole moment happened cause of two opposite charged particle; when the body going to take birth, the spirit and the body getting attracted by each and accepted or occupies each jointly; after born of that body, there is a co-living together the body and spirit, leaving the mother’s spiritual charged energy. The mother has gradually getting her entire spiritual electromagnetic energy, after delivery of her kid. The body has got its own life with its machinery electromagnetic energy and supernatural electromagnetic energy as its spirit.
That’s the actual enquiry; The Supernatural Electromagnetic Energy itself entirely zero charged; but its internal chain reactions for continuous fissions have been producing its particles which have definite charge, either positive or negative; and those particles are in always kinetic moment, means moving around always. Whenever a particle comes into another particle, which has the similar charge but more powerful than the first told particle, it has been repulsed by the more powerful co-charged particle; by this repulsion that less powerful particle has got some acceleration and getting leave from its definite position. For losing its position, it has also lose its charge gradually and wish to achieve again its ancient charged power; for that reason it needs a machinery preborn body to live sometimes with that and get its lost charged power again. This particle is a spirit, I told that above; and a body without life, or with life, is just a machine; nothing else. The life is that spirit of the body. A spirit has its own charge, own mass, own velocity, own acceleration and deceleration, own energy. Generally a spirit is dictating or dominating its co-living body and continuously getting charge from it to achieve again its lost energy and ancient supernatural position. But whether the body continuously doing meditation properly; it has been getting more electromagnetic energy with supernatural action and touch; so the body getting more power than its co-living spirit to dominating the spirit; then the body is not only a machine; it has achieve the supernatural energy to attach and livingly mixed with its spirit; then that body-spirit conjugation being moved as become a SUPERNATURAL ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGETIC BODY or VIRTUOUSLY SAID, A HOLLY BODY WHICH HAS GOT THE GOD; THE SUPERNATURAL ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY IS THE SCIENTIFIC NOMENCLETURE OF GOD.