HYHA Board of Directors October 20th, 2014

Meeting Minutes

9/18/2018 - Page 1 of 5

Hopkins Youth Hockey Association

Minutes of the October 20th, 2014

Board of Directors Meeting

Members Present:Mr. Winter, Ms. Quale,Mr. Hoschka,Mr. Hymanson, Mr. Goldenberg, Mr. Lichty, Ms. Myers, Ms. Finn, Mr. Tin Greeley, Mr. DeGiulio, Mr. Hatzung

Guests Present:Mr. Witte, Ms. Prohofshy

Call to Order: Mr. Winter called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

Charitable Gambling Report

Angela Quale, Charitable Gambling Manager

September 2014 Tuttle’s site had gross receipts of $132,181.00 and net receipts of $22,016.00. Actual allowable expenses were $9,685.00 plus taxes of $3,877.00 a realized net gain of $8,454.00. Payouts decreased from 88.73% in August to 83.34% for September. Mainstreet site had gross receipts of $191,468.00 and net receipts of $24,447.00. Actual allowable expenses were $11,177.00 plus taxes and fees $4,187.00 for a realized net profit of $9,083.00 Payouts increased from 85.89% in August to 87.23% in September. The combined approved expenses were $28,927.00 (allowable expenses plus taxes).

November estimated expenses are as follows:

Compensation (2 pay periods) / 11,000
Accounting/consulting Fees / 1,000
Gaming Purchases / 4,100
Gambling Taxes & Fees / 10,000
Site Rental / 3,500
Monthly Storage Site Fee / 572
Misc. Expense & Bank Charges / 2,000

Total $32,172.00

Cash balance checking account as of September 30, 2014 $ 68,026.02

(before taxes paid on 10/20/14) Cash Balance 09/30/13 was $ 84,385.41

Copies of the September tax return, as well as supporting documentation, have been

provided to the secretary, and are available upon request.

Mr. DeGiulio made a motion to approve the actual September 2014 Charitable Gambling expenses. Ms. Finnseconded the motion. Mr.Wintercalled fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

Finn DeGiulio made a motion to approve the estimated November 2014 Charitable Gambling expenses. Mr. Hoschkaseconded the motion. Mr.Wintercalled fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

Mr. Goldenberg made a motion to approve September meeting minutes as written. Ms. Qualeseconded the motion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

Old Business:

Mr. Winter reported that the electronic vote regarding two mite aged players moving up to squirt level for this season happened between the last meeting and this meeting. Mr. Winter reported that the final vote was 14 – 1 in favor of the players moving up. The players have gone through tryouts and have been placed on teams.

New Business

The board discussed what qualifies someone as an association member. HYHA needs to have 30 association members listed on its website to properly qualify itself for a charitable gambling license from the city of Hopkins.

Mr. DeGiulio informed the board that the Glen Lake Mighty Mites are looking for a donation to help with their field improvement project.

Mr. DeGiulio made a motion to donate $500 to the Glen Lake Mighty Mites community improvement project. Mr. Lichty seconded the motion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

Mr. Winter led a discussion on proposed changes to HYHA’s bylaws and Parent and Player Code of Conduct.

Mr. Lichty made a motion to approve amended HYHA bylaws. Ms. Quale seconded the motion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

Mr. DeGiulio made a motionapprove revised Parent and Player Code of Conduct. Mr. Hoschka seconded the motion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.

The board discussed the importance of having parents and players actually sign the Code of Conduct.

These revised documents will be added to the website.

Player Development Committee

Pavilion Improvement Committee

Promotions Committee

Member Reports

Volunteer Coordinator – Ms. Finn

Ms. Finn reported all travel teams now have managers. There will be a manager meeting on October 23rd – although it might be rescheduled. Ms. Finn let the board know that all tournament shifts have been added to dibs. Ms. Finn is looking for qualified people to act as subs for members that are not able to fulfill their tournament duties.


Not Present - No Report.

Hockey Recruitment – Matt Lichty

Mr. Lichty reported that yard signs and magnets are being distributed to all families. Try Hockey for Free is scheduled for November 8th. Electric backpack and flyers have been distributed. We are hoping for a strong turnout.

Mite Coordinator – Dan Tompkins

Not present – No Report.

Registrar – Ms. Slattery

Ms. Slattery was not present but let the board know through Mr. Winter the total registered number of players for each level. Ms. Slattery also reported that the online apparel program with Letterman Sports is ready to go.

Boys Travel Coordinator Report – Mr. Waggoner

Mr. Waggoner was not present but reported through Mr. Hymanson that he is working with the registrar to make sure all coaches have completed their registration process. There are four coaches for the squirt C team. The issues with bantam A are under control. All boys travel teams are off and running.

Girls Travel Coordinator – Mr. Hoschka

Mr. Hoschka reported that the girls season of off and running. Teams are set. Coaches are in place.

ACE Coordinator - Mr. Martin

Not Present - No Report.

Equipment Coordinator –Chad Goldenberg

Mr. Goldenberg reported that 37 families have requested free sets of equipment at Hanus Sports compared to a total of 57 all of last year. All uniforms and equipment have been distributed to all travel teams.

Outdoor Ice – Mr. Tim Greeley

Mr. Greeley has reserved Tuesday and Thursday evenings for HYHA to use the outdoor ice. As in past seasons, we will pay to have an attendant in the warming house those evenings. Mr. Greeley has had discussions with the Pavilion management regarding the use of the old Zamboni on the outdoor ice. The current plan is to use the old machine about once a week on the outdoor ice. The city of Hopkins is mostly responsible for the upkeep of the ice. The use of the old Zamboni should enhance the city’s upkeep.

Ice Coordinator – Mr. Hoffman

Mr. Hoffman let the board know that the district games and tournaments have been added to the website. Almost all scheduling for the season is complete.

Tournament Director – Ms. Brodersen

Ms. Brodersen reminded board members of our headquarters responsibilities. A detailed discussion of board members responsibilities will occur at the next meeting.

Communications – Ms. Myers

Ms. Myers informed the board that she has been working on rostering travel teams on the website. Work still needs to be completed for Mite teams.

C-league / Special Projects – Jason Anderson

Not Present - No Report.

Secretary – Mr. Hymanson

No Report.

Treasurer – Mr. DeGiulio

Mr. DeGiulio led a discussion of travel team finances.

Vice President – Dan Hatzung

No Report.

President – Mr. Winter

See above.

The meeting adjourned at 8:29p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tom Hymanson

November 17th, 2014