Tide-E-Tots Preschool Procedures 2012-2013

Parent Interaction:

·  Be professional:

  1. Make sure you think carefully about what you say – especially about children and the program. Remember confidentiality is very important.
  2. Dress for respect – You don’t need to dress elegantly, but you do need to dress modestly, be careful about the messages your clothes send to the parent and child, and stay appropriate for the weather and the situation. You may have to go outside, sit on the floor, climb, and be active.
  3. Think carefully about what issues you bring to the classroom – leave the drama at the door. Our children are coming for preschool and do not need to hear messages implied not directly stated about stressors going on in your life. Communicate with the instructor if there is something that needs to be dealt with and, if possible, you will be given space to deal with your issues before returning to the classroom environment.
  4. BE INVOLVED-there is no place for laziness in a preschool classroom. Preschool children are very unpredictable and you need to be alert at all times to what is going on in your area. We do not BABY SIT = we interact and we teach.

·  Morning retrieval of children:

  1. Do not collect more than 4 children before heading up to the classroom.
  2. Do not ask children to wait for others to arrive before bringing to the classroom unless you see the car pulling up.
  3. Children must hold your hand while at the curb. = Expect the unexpected.
  4. Always have at least 3 people at the curb for safety.

·  Noon Return of children:

  1. Make sure you have emptied the child’s drawer and drying rack except for clothes that stay all year.
  2. Hold the child’s hand all the way to the parent.
  3. Make sure Mrs. DeWhitt has identified the parent as the correct person to pick up the child.
  4. DO NOT demand a hug from the children – be professional and say a friendly, heartfelt goodbye.
  5. Return immediately to the classroom. Remember that all conversations can be heard at the curb by either the parents or the classroom.

·  Bathroom Procedures:

  1. Always let Mrs. DeWhitt know you are removing children from the environment. When in the classroom, it is acceptable to write the child’s name on the whiteboard and then remember to erase the child’s name when returning to the classroom.
  2. Always take two teachers when accompanying a child to the bathroom.
  3. Never take more than three children into the back office at a time.
  4. Wait in the office for the child to finish in the bathroom – keep the door from clicking closed so that the child does not lock him/herself into the bathroom
  5. Sanitize the child’s hands as they leave the bathroom.
  6. If washing is also required, please do so in the classroom.
  7. Problems: If a child asks for help with wiping, only do so if they are one of our younger children. We encourage older children to take care of themselves in a friendly and encouraging tone. Many times the child is merely having trouble getting the toilet paper off of the role. This is an easy thing to assist the child in doing. If the child insists they need help, call an instructor for assistance.

·  Stations:

  1. Assess your station for cleanliness, order, completeness, and safety – address any issues that you identify.
  2. You must be active in your stations at all times – even when children are not present, you can be working on the station.
  3. When children are present, you should be either visiting with them, playing with them, or journaling about what is going on with them.
  4. Ask at least one open ended question to any child who enters your station. Take the time to listen to the child’s answer. Ask follow up questions.
  5. Make sure your station is clean, organized, complete, and safe when leaving.

·  Snack:

  1. Tables must be cleaned thoroughly before serving snack. You must pass the food handlers test before preparing snack = even if you do not choose to pay for the certificate.
  2. Food prep area must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after snack service.
  3. Pitchers must be washed carefully and air dried on a clean towel.
  4. Seconds on drinks are water
  5. We serve one snack unless there are allergies to consider. Please do not cater to likes/dislikes at snack time.

·  Art:

  1. When you are responsible for the art project, you must do your best to keep all art supplies organized and in good condition while in use. Make sure children are treating art supplies respectfully. Make sure all children have sufficient space to work.
  2. DO show children how to use art supplies and tools.
  3. DO NOT do artwork for the children nor should you dictate how the art project should be done.
  4. Make sure tables are sufficiently protected with butcher paper to prevent staining and glue messes.
  5. When finished, all supplies and tools must be sorted and completely organized for restocking. You are responsible for getting access to the art cupboard for stocking from the instructor.

·  Plane and other large motor equipment

  1. Safety is the number one item to consider when supervising children with large motor equipment.
  2. The plane should always have mats positioned so that if a child falls, their head lands on a mat. Someone should be behind, controlling the rock of the plane at all times.
  3. The tires should never be stacked more than 3 high so that a child does not fall. Make sure large motor equipment does not edge into other areas and create a tripping hazard.
  4. Bikes and scooters should not come out for use except for specific indoor recess times.
  5. Children should be taught and supervised to make sure they are using equipment correctly – while some creativity is valid, safety is the most important thing.

·  Outdoors

  1. Children need to be supervised while outdoors at all times.
  2. If unidentified adults, students, children, or animals are in the area, say something to the instructor immediately.
  3. Stay in your assigned supervisory stations at all times unless there is a specific reason why it would be safer for you to leave.
  4. Do not take children out of the defined play areas without notifying the instructor.
  5. We are out there to interact with the children. Do not spend your time visiting with friends. This is when major accidents happen.
  6. Everyone is responsible for bringing in part of the playground equipment.
  7. If there is inappropriate behavior happening and you do not say anything, you will also be held responsible.

·  First Aid:

  1. If blood is at all involved, WEAR GLOVES.
  2. Do not make a big deal about injuries in front of the child, but do not make lite of their injuries either.
  3. Tell the instructor immediately even if there is no visible sign of injury.

·  Room Dangers:

  1. If a fire alarm sounds, calmly and professionally ask the children to immediately sit on the alphabet carpet. Remember that children will often hide when panicked, so we need to make sure we have them all before leaving the building.
  2. As soon as we are sure we have all children, students will immediately take a child or two’s hands and lead them out to the play structure. Do not let them onto the structure until we have identified that they have all made it out of the building. Line up quickly and quietly on the fence with your child and then they will be allowed to play.
  3. Whatever danger or potential danger appears, do and say something to the instructor IMMEDIATELY!!! Remember that we are working with preschool children and they are depending on us to take care of them.