Template and guidelines of extended abstract
-Title centered -
First name Family name of 1st author,aFirst name Family name of 2nd author,aand First name Family name of 3rd authorb
aAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country
bAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country
*Corresponding author:First name Family name, E-mail address
1. Introductionof guidelines (12-point boldface)
These guidelines have been prepared in the format that should be used for the abstract submission. Authors should replace the text of this template in order to prepare their abstracts. The abstract must not exceed two pages. Fonts, sizes and spacing should be used as they are used in this document. Page size is 210 mm x 297 mm (ISO A4 sized paper) with a top margin of 35 mm and side and bottom margins of 20 mm.Use of Times New Roman font (or equivalent) is strongly recommended. Please do not insert page numbers or headers and footers. These will be added later by the publisher.
2. Title and authors
Title of the extended abstract is centered with Times New Roman font in 16-point boldface.
Authors’ names are below the title in 12-point boldface. Mark affiliations using superscripted letters (starting from a) and underline the presenting author’s name. The affiliations and the contact information (E-mail address) are italicized in 11-point. The affiliations are given as department and institution names with city, zip code and country.
3. Main text
Main text is given in 12-point and sub-divided into separate sections: for example, Introduction, Experimental (or Theoretical),and Results and discussion.The text which is not sub-divided into separate sections will be also accepted.
Tables, figures and photographs are included within 2 pages. It should be noted that these will be printed in black and white.Captions of Tables and Figures are given in 11-point with one line spacing from the text body.
Figure 1. Caption of figures (11-point).
Please submit figures in accordance with the general requirements of English journals.
Table1. Caption of tables (11-point).
Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. Tables can be placed either next to therelevant text in the article, or on separate page(s) at the end. Number tables consecutively inaccordance with their appearance in the text and place any table notes below the table body. Besparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate resultsdescribed elsewhere in the article. Please avoid using vertical rules.
All bibliographical references1are indicated in 11-point in the order that they appearwith superscripted numerals (starting from 1) in the text, and listed at the bottom. Examples are shown at the bottom.
Convert your Word file to PDF file and submit the PDF file to the following E-mail address () with the submission form ( proofread your abstract carefully prior to submission.All the fonts should be embedded in the PDF file, which can be checked in the property of document. The simplest way of embedding fonts is to select "High Quality"in property when you make a PDF file (at the same time the quality of pictures and drawings is kept).
The deadline of submission is September25, 2017.
- M.J. Lu, R. Huang, D.Q. Ye, Catal. Today 242 (2015) 274–286.
- H. Yahiro, H. Yamaura, in: Y. Teraoka (Ed.), Comprehensive EnvironmentalCatalysts and Eco-Materials, Orange Press, Matsuyama, 2015, p. 789.
- D. Ye, US Patent 12345678 (2015).