Update [Customer] in Doc Properties

Functional Specification

Prepared for

Update [Customer] in Doc Properties

[Enter Document Creation/Update Date Here]

Version 0.1

Prepared by

[Type Author Here]

Update [Author Position] in Doc Properties

Update [Author Email] in Doc Properties


Update [Contributors] in Doc Properties


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Hybrid Cloud Foundation, Functional Specification

Update [Customer] in Doc Properties

Revision and Signoff Sheet

Change Record

Date / Author / Version / Change Reference
<Author> / .1 / Initial draft for review/discussion


Date / Name / Version Approved / Position

Table of Contents



1.2Purpose of the document

1.3Scope of the document


2Objectives, Constraints and Assumptions

2.1Design Objectives

2.2Design Constraints

2.3Design Assumptions

3Update [Customer] in Doc Properties – Current Environment(s)

4Design Decisions

5Functional Specification

5.1Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

5.1.1Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3

6Heading 1 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+1

6.1Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

6.1.1Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3

6.2Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

6.2.1Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3

6.3Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

6.3.2Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3

7Document Tips

8Appendix A - Template Change Log


Hybrid Cloud Foundation, Functional Specification

Update [Customer] in Doc Properties


The intent of this document is to provide a location to document customer decisions as part of the design document. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the Azure Reference Architecture (AZRA) document and is recommended that these decisions be combined with relevant AZRA content to form a final customer deliverable.

This functional specification describes Update [Customer] in Doc Properties’s cloud datacenter environment, based on Microsoft Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). The primary purpose of this functional specification is to provide a definition of the solution for extending Update [Customer] in Doc Properties’sexisting datacenter into Azure to provide an elastic, scalable, resilient, and extensible platform upon which business enabling services can be built and hosted. The main goal of Update [Customer] in Doc Propertiesis to utilize Azure to [Insert core customer objectives]. The extension of existing datacenter services into Azure will enable Update [Customer] in Doc Propertiesto deliver and support key business initiatives, such as [Insert key customer initiatives].

This functional specification will describe the components of Azure required to create, deploy and support new development, test, and production services and capabilities on Microsofts’ Azure Cloud platform using IaaS and PaaS services. This includes the re-hosting or migration of existing workloads onto Microsoft Azure. This functional specification includes key decisions made during the Solution Alignment Workshops delivered during the Hybrid Cloud Foundation engagement with Microsoft Consulting Services, and has leveraged Microsoft’s Azure Reference Architecture to evaluate the most appropriate solution decisions have been made, decisions in the following areas:

  • Cloud Computing Models and the Azure Datacenter Model
  • Microsoft Azure Enterprise Operations
  • Azure Subscriptions
  • Azure Accounts and Access Permissions
  • Microsoft Azure Management Models
  • Azure Resource Manager Templates
  • Microsoft Azure Compute both IaaS and PaaS
  • Microsoft Azure Storage, Networking, Identity, Security and Operations

While giving direction toUpdate [Customer] in Doc Properties on how to extend its own datacenter capabilities into Microsoft Azure this functional specification captures any Update [Customer] in Doc Propertiesrequirements expressed during the Solution Alignment Workshops.

The functional specification, design decisions and any requirements Content and decisions referred to in this document are based on the solution alignment workshops conducted by Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) on dd/mmm-dd/mmm.


This document has been prepared for a technical audience, and specifically the Update [Customer] in Doc Propertiescore Azure project team and the “extended project team” consisting in various specialists who are involved in supporting other key related areas such as monitoring, patch management, backup, identity, security, networking, and database and application hosting services within Update [Customer] in Doc Properties.

1.2Purpose of the document

Thisfunctional specification created by Microsoft Consulting Services frame and provide a reference of the key design decisions for extending Update [Customer] in Doc Properties’s exists datacenter capabilities into Microsoft Azure.

This document should also capture any requirements Update [Customer] in Doc Properties have articulated during the Solution Alignment Workshops to enable the successful implementation of Microsoft Azure to be integrated with Update [Customer] in Doc Properties existing datacenter capabilities. This document also endeavors to identify any additional infrastructure requirements and the implications for each, including connectivity, authentication and management to enable the:

  • Creation of new production workloads in Microsoft Azure;
  • Migration or moving existing workloads hosted on-premises onto Microsoft Azure;
  • Scope of the document

The scope of this document is limited to describing the possible Microsoft Azure IaaS and PaaS capabilities that are in scope for this project together with the integration capabilities each offers. It does attempt to cover every service and capability within Microsoft Azure due to the rate at which new functionality is being encompassed into the platform, however there is nothing to stop these other or new features being introduced into the solution at a later point, if required.

This document also only describes the basic services in Microsoft Azure, sufficient to provide the reader with an understanding of the services, but does not define the design and integration of these services or the configuration settings in detail. The expectation is that if these are required then further design documentation will be produced, however the production of such detailed design documentation is typically out of scope in the delivery of the standard Hybrid Cloud Foundation.


Document any references used in the definition of this functional specification / / <Insert References where applicable> /<Insert References where applicable>

Table 1: References

2Objectives, Constraints and Assumptions

2.1Design Objectives

<Document the customer design objectives for the overall solution> / / <Insert Design Objectives> / <Insert Design Objectives> / <Insert Design Objectives>. / <Insert Design Objectives> / <Insert Design Objectives>

Table 2: Design Objectives

2.2Design Constraints

<Document the customer design constraints for the overall solution> / / <Insert Design Constraints> / <Insert Design Constraints> / <Insert Design Constraints> / <Insert Design Constraints> / <Insert Design Constraints>

Table 3: Design Constraints

2.3Design Assumptions

<Document the customer design assumptions for the overall solution> / / <Insert Design Assumptions> / <Insert Design Assumptions> / <Insert Design Assumptions> / <Insert Design Assumptions> / <Insert Design Assumptions>

Table 4: Design Assumptions

3Update [Customer] in Doc Properties – Current Environment(s)

<Insert a high-level description of the customers’ current environment(s) and a diagram

Figure 1: Update [Customer] in Doc PropertiesOverview

4Design Decisions

During the Solution Alignment Workshops the following design decisions were documented. / / <Insert Design Decisions / <Insert Design Decisions / <Insert Design Decisions / <Insert Design Decisions / <Insert Design Decisions

Table 5: Design Decisions

5Functional Specification

5.1Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

5.1.1Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3

6Heading 1 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+1

6.1Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

6.1.1Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3 4 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+4

6.2Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

6.2.1Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3 4 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+4

Heading 5 – Ctrl+Shift+5

Normal - Ctrl+Shift+N

ClearAllFormatting- Ctrl+Shift+G

Title Note - Ctrl+Shift+S

Note text - Ctrl+Shift+X

Bullet List:

  • Bullet 1 - Ctrl+Shift+A

oBullet 2 - Ctrl+Shift+E (to increase indent, Ctrl+Shift+W to decrease indent)

Bullet 3 - Ctrl+Shift+E (to increase indent, Ctrl+Shift+W to decrease indent)

Numbered List:

1.Num Bullet 1 - Ctrl+Shift+Q

a.Num Bullet 2 - Ctrl+Shift+E (to increase indent, Ctrl+Shift+W to decrease indent)

i.Num Bullet 3 - Ctrl+Shift+E (to increase indent, Ctrl+Shift+W to decrease indent)

Command Line:


Code Block:


Check List:



6.3Heading 2 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+2

Table (header repeats across page breaks):

# / Table Header – Ctrl+Shift+T / Table Header – Ctrl+Shift+T
6.3.1 / Num Heading 3 Style - Ctrl+Shift+Y / Table Text – Ctrl+Shift+T
  • Table List Bullet - Ctrl+Shift+F
  • Table List Bullet - Ctrl+Shift+F

6.3.2 / Num Heading 3 Style - Ctrl+Shift+Y / Table Text – Ctrl+Shift+T
  • Table List Bullet - Ctrl+Shift+F

6.3.3 / Num Heading 3 Style - Ctrl+Shift+Y / Table Text – Ctrl+Shift+T

6.3.2Heading 3 (Numbered) – Ctrl+Shift+3

Table (header repeats across page breaks):

# / Table Header – Ctrl+Shift+T / Table Header – Ctrl+Shift+T / Num Heading 4 Style – Ctrl+Shift+H / Table Text – Ctrl+Shift+T
  • Table List Bullet - Ctrl+Shift+F
  • Table List Bullet - Ctrl+Shift+F / Num Heading 4 Style – Ctrl+Shift+H / Table Text – Ctrl+Shift+T
  • Table List Bullet - Ctrl+Shift+F / Num Heading 4 Style – Ctrl+Shift+H / Table Text – Ctrl+Shift+T

7Document Tips

To remove all the Visible Guidance (Hot Pink text with Grey Background) all at once:

  1. Click Ctrl H to open the Find and Replace box
  2. Make sure your cursor is in the ‘Find what’ box.
  3. Click on the More button at the bottom left
  4. Click on the Format Button at the bottom left and select Style
  5. Scroll down, locate select the “Visible Guidance”
  6. Make sure the ‘Replace with’ box is empty:
  7. Click ‘Replace All”
  8. If not empty - click on the format button in the lowerleft hand corner. Scroll down and chose ‘(no style)’then replace all.

IMPORTANT – Finalize This Document

REMOVE all pink text, guidance, comments, changes, and hidden text in this document before submitting it to the customer. You can do this in two ways:

  • Save as PDF and send the PDF version to the customer.
    ~ OR ~
  • Inspect document and remove comments, revisions, any document properties you do not want included, personal information, and hidden text. For guidance on how to do this, see Remove hidden data and personal information from Office documents.

8Appendix A - Template Change Log

1.Added page break before to “Heading 1 (Numbered)”.

2.Changed “Heading 4 Num” Style Name to “Heading 4 (Numbered)” for consistence with other heading Style Names.

3.Removed TOC inadvertently sitting behind the Blue banner on Page 1 that was causing formatting issues when updating using command to “Update All Fields”

4.Changed Heading 5 font from “Calibri Light (Headings)” to “Segoe UI” to be inline with the rest of the document.

5.Refined List and Numbered Bullet alignment.

6.Updated TOC with to include H1-H3 as seemed to be originally intended.

7.Changed Style List to list Styles alphabetically.

8.Added “SDM Headings” list style.

9.Modified Custom Word Properties to list properties in alphabetical order.

10.Added “Template Version” Custom Property to track versions of the template.

11.Added shortcut keys as illustrated in the doc & shown below for IncreaseIndent, IncreaseIndent and ClearAllFormatting shortcuts. (To modify: Customize Ribbon -> Customize Keyboard shortcuts).

12.Added Num Heading 3 & 4 for numbering in tables linked to headings.

13.Set default table style to repeat header row across page breaks.

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Hybrid Cloud Foundation, Functional Specification