PO BOX 249
Whitney Point, NY 13862
Date: November 4, 2008
District Mission:
To provide an excellent education ensuring that all children maximize their potential, become contributing citizens, and pursue lifelong learning.
District Beliefs:
· All children possess unique qualities and come to school eager to learn and be successful.
· We respect all people within our community and treat them with dignity at all times.
· Learning is a partnership that includes school staff, parents, family and the community.
· Knowledge allows for critical thinking and effective decision-making.
· Purposeful and intentional change is a constant that leads to educational improvement and positive results.
· Compliance with state and federal regulations is critical to school district success.
Meeting Called to Order: 7:07 PM
Present Absent
James DiMascio President X
Sara Benscoter Vice-President X
Stephanie Champney Member X
Kathleen Driscoll Member X
Mary Ellerson Member X
Thomas Tasber Member X
Mary Hibbard Superintendent of Schools X
Laura Lindsley District Clerk X
Patricia Kuenecke Director of Curriculum and Instruction X
Others in attendance: Samantha Driscoll, Jerry Mackey, Miranda Dunlap, Evett Banks, Megan Merritt, Michelle Brown
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the Minutes from the Board meeting held on October 28, 2008.
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson
Mr. Tasber recommended the minutes reflect his comments that all teams will be impacted, concern
of eligibility, and parents ability to make games.
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
Mrs. Hibbard commended:
· Marge Harbold and the Tioghnioga Riverside Academy for their generous donations to the Nursing Home Project. Due to combined efforts approximately 300 bags were filled.
Mrs. Hibbard stated this is a wonderful project and greatly appreciated donation.
· Members of the National Honor Society who helped at critical times during the Fall Festival: Dan Arseneau, Krista Gehm, Casey Hust, Kyle Jerauld, Kaitlin Kiley, Matt Kovac, Gail Lawrence, Tom Taft, Kelsey Ticknor, Liz Tracey.
Mrs. Hibbard thanked all for their help, much appreciated by all.
Mr. DiMascio commended Mrs. Hibbard and the entire committee for the coordination and work associated with the Fall Festival. The entire Board expressed their gratitude, as the Fall Festival is a highlight for the Whitney Point community hosting many expanded events this year. Mrs. Hibbard stated many helped with the success of the Fall Festival, which was the 5th with the 6th already being planned.
Correspondence NONE
Policies NONE
Comments from the Public
1. Old Business
a. Renovation Project
Mrs. Hibbard and Mrs. Lindsley provided updates on the current Phase I Renovation Project.
Mrs. Hibbard stated certain issues are still being worked out. Training sessions for systems are being scheduled and that The Riordan Group is preparing the close out documents of all items incorporated in this phase.
In response to the Board’s inquiry of the status of Phase II, Mrs. Hibbard stated planning meetings have been scheduled this month to discuss the renovation work at the CEA on the 21st, playground on the 14th, and on the athletic fields on the 18th. Mrs. Lindsley responded that meetings regarding the bus garage renovation have also been occurring.
2. New Business
a. Committee on Special Education
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the attached recommendations of the Special Education Committee.
Moved by Mary Ellerson Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
b. Resignation
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the resignation of Judith L. Oakley, School Bus Driver, effective October 9, 2008. Please see attached letter.
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the resignation of Theresa Shafer, Teacher Aid, effective November 3, 2008.
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
c. Appointment:
Mrs. Hibbard recommended the appointment of Theresa Shafer as District Treasurer/Payroll Clerk effective November 3, 2008
Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Stephanie Champney
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
d. Coaching Appointment
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the following coaching recommendation. See attached.
Varsity Cheerleading Coach
Mary Snyder
Moved by Mary Ellerson Seconded by Sara Benscoter
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
e. Termination
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the employment termination of Lisa Stevens, School Bus Driver, pursuant to Section 179, effective October 21, 2008.
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
f. Vehicle Disposal:
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the disposal of vehicles #56, #64, #65, #84, and #85 as trade-ins against the purchase of vehicles approved by the voters on March 25, 2008.
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson
Mrs. Hibbard stated vehicle #56 should read #57.
Stephanie Champney moved to amend the motion to read:
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the disposal of vehicles #57, #64, #65, #84 and #85 as
trade-ins against the purchase of vehicles approved by the voters on March 25, 2008.
Seconded by Mary Ellerson
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
g. Field Trip Request
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the eighth grade field trip proposal to Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, May 6 thru Friday, May 8, 2009. Please see attached request.
Moved by Mary Ellerson Seconded by Sara Benscoter
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the High School Band field trip proposal to Orlando, Florida for competition and education on April 15 thru April 18, 2010. Please see attached request.
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter
Mr. Tasber asked if the future date, 2010, poses any concern? Mrs. Hibbard responded the motion be
revisited and evaluated when the event is closer but is needed at this time to allow fundraising for the
trip to begin.
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the Aquila Chorus and Drama Club field trip proposal to New York City on May 9, 2008. Please see attached request.
Mr. DiMascio amended the motion to read:
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the Aquila Chorus and Drama Club field trip proposal to New York City on May 9, 2009.
Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Sara Benscoter
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
h. Change Orders:
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the following Change Orders:
CO-GC-99 $2,244.00 Patch and repair High School terrazzo cut for the installation of underground
piping in the math science wing.
CO-GC-100 $2,762.00 Remove existing VCT tile in High School room 182 to repair cracked floor and
installation of new VCT.
CO-GC-101 ($ 350.00) Credit to provide and install polymer toilet partitions in lieu of stainless.
CO-GC-102 $ 206.00 Provide 5 quarts of gym line paint for the TRA floor.
CO-GC-103 $1,525.00 Provide and install additional pressure treated wood blocking under the new
curtain wall in the High School math science wing.
CO-GC-104 $3,335.00 Provide and install additional steel studs as required in the High School math
science wing corridor.
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Mary Ellerson
Mrs. Hibbard and Mrs. Lindsley clarified the cracked floor was not in the math science wing. The repair to the cement footing in room 182 is a test repair that if passed will be implemented in other areas.
It was also discussed that the TRA gym line paint was used this summer before the additional floor sealant was applied to increase protection of the wood floor.
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
Mrs. Hibbard commended:
Shelby Sampson for working with Liz Groskoph, Vicar Grace Episcopal Church to start the after-school tutoring program for the 2008 –09 school year.
Mrs. Hibbard stated this is an excellent program for students.
PPS staff for beginning the process of the holiday collections.
Mrs. Hibbard clarified PPS, is the pupil personnel staff, and that the need for assistance is expected to be great this year.
Mrs. Hibbard recommended Board approval of the appointment of Mari Standish-Warpus, secretary high school office, effective November 17, 2008.
Moved by Mary Ellerson Seconded by Stephanie Champney
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED
Comments from the Public
Mrs. Merritt asked if any others applied to the cheerleading coach position? Mrs. Hibbard stated none.
Mrs. Merritt stated a concern to the Board regarding parents being approached to sign a petition relating to a situation with girl’s soccer. The Board appreciated the concern and stated the situation involves a matter of personnel, thus is confidential and not open to discussion. The Board requested that concerned parents be directed to Mrs. Hibbard as Superintendent.
Executive Session:
Cost Control and Summary Report for Renovation Work.
Whitney Point High School Library Fall 2008 Newsletter.
Please see attached letter from Brian Beckley commending the District and the Board for their decision to install solar panels in the District.
Mid-year update to the State Financial Plan.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:29 PM
Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll
6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained
Laura Lindsley
District Clerk