AAIE 49th Annual Conference

Hyatt Regency San Francisco

February 9 -11, 2015

Monday, Feb. 9, 2015

5:00 p.m.General Session IGrand Ballroom B/C

Welcome Remarks

Jack Delman, AAIE Board President

Dr. Keith Miller Director, Office of Overseas Schools

U.S. Department of State

Video: AAIE Institute for International School Leadership


Six Leading Edges of Innovation in Schools

Milton Chen, Executive Director of the George Lucas Foundation

Sponsor: International School Services

Introduction: Roger Hove, ISS President

6:30 p.m.AAIE Welcome Reception, Bayview Room & Foyer

Sponsor: Search Associates

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.General Session II Grand Ballroom B/C


Lee Fertig, AAIE Board Member & Director Graded School, Brazil

Presentation: Growth and Developments in the International Schools Market with a Global Focus, Susan Krumrei


Playing the Game: Teen Sexuality in the 21st

Century, Dr. Robin Sawyer

Sponsor: College Board

Speaker Introduction: Judith Hegedus, Executive Director

International Strategy and Management, College Board

10:00 a.m. Refreshment BreakExhibit Area, Pacific D/K

Sponsor: George Mason University


Seeing What’s Next: Human Creativity’s Impact on International Education Pacific B/C

Kevin Ruth

What does a period of heightened human creativity mean for international education? What are the trends and developments, technological or otherwise, that stand to change ‘how we do school,’ as we look to the next three to five years? How might we assess that potential impact, plan for it, and provide for it? This session, which combines inquiry-based presentation methods with interactive scaffolding exercises for participants, will provide insight into how human creativity is shaping teaching and learning, introduce parameters for discussions and planning in schools, and showcase ways that schools might engage in strategic professional development so that teaching and learning in international schools will thrive due to this explosion in creativity.

School Head – Board Chair: A Powerful PartnershipPacific L

Alan Conkey & Jim Ambrose

This session will explore how this relationship can become the Heads most powerful asset. This is a relationship that must be based on trust, respect and candor, which will provide effective and efficient leadership for the school. It creates the right atmosphere for the entire school to become more effective.

A Great Global Conversation: What the Redesigned SAT Means for International Schools

Clay Hensley & Diane JarichPacific M

Get comprehensive background and updates on the changes afoot for the big test. Representatives from the College Board will tell the story behind the SAT Redesign and discuss implications of these changes on international admissions. Also addressed will be how international educators can help prepare students and school communities for these changes in this global benchmark. We will discuss the collaboration with Khan Academy to provide free, world-class preparation for students throughout globe. This session will be interactive and will integrate questions and feedback from AAIE leaders.

Preparing the Next Generation of International School LeadersPacific N

Don Jacobs & Megan Scherer

The need for highly skilled and prepared international school leaders grows every year.

The unique challenges faced by these school leaders in an increasingly complex world

community demands special preparation. As a current leader you may be contemplating

succession planning. As an aspiring leader you may be contemplating taking on the

challenge of leading an international school. Learn how the AAIE Institute for International

School Leadership can help. The Institute’s online professional learning and mentorship

program connects experienced and emerging leaders, creating meaningful learning

experiences and a community of support for participants from across the world.

How to Develop an Emotionally Safe Classroom EnvironmentPacific O

Annie Acevedo

Emotions have a tremendous impact in learning. The theachers’ first job is to make the students feel safe and secure within the classroom. Specific strategies to develop socio-emotional intelligence will be discussed. Implementation of strategies from Positive an Conscious Discipline will be offered. Dr. Daniel Goleman’s affective social emotional program will also be discussed. Today we know emotions can either make learning stronger or weaker. The brain is very emotional, not as rational as we thought in the past, and therefore emotions have a tremendous impact in learning. Only well balanced children will maximize their learning potential.

Taking the Leap: Investing in DevelopmentSeacliff D

John Clark

Development efforts at international schools have been haphazard, inconsistent initiatives at best. This session will explore the reasons for the inconsistencies and outline the pieces that need to be in place to ensure a successful and sustainable program of fundraising, constituent relations, and communications. Further, what type of development director is right for your school and its external relations context? And what types of development professionals are eager for an international school experience, and what actions can you take to make sure you hire the right individual for your needs?

What Every School Head Needs To Know About School Finances: A Primer to Avoid

Disaster (Note: This session will be repeated on Wed. 10;30 a.m.)

Ronald & Mary Beth MarinoMarina

The management of a school’s finances is often problematic and can have far reaching implications for a Head and the Board. The age old adage that “Money is the Root of All Evil” is unfortunately played out far too often in schools around the world.This session will focus on identifying specific issues and situations that have proven to be troublesome for school administrators while offering recommendations on how to avoid financial pitfalls. The presentation will include Sound Business Practices to help ensure the efficient, effective use of your school’s financial resources. Among the many topics to be covered will include: Roles, responsibilities and relationships of the various players; Budget Development and Management; Purchasing; Audits; Reserves and Monitoring Reports.

Facilities Management: Improving SafetyGolden Gate

Martin Leitch

Proactive Facility Management (FM) has the capability to identify the many risks that

schools are exposed to and to improve safety by implementing a range of alternative

mitigating strategies.

The increasing complexity of school facilities, their operating environments and parents’

expectations are increasing risk. FM can make a significant impact on minimising risk in

all areas including maintenance, work health and safety and business reputation.

11:45 a.m.Lunch Break

1:15 p.m.General Session IIIGrand Ballroom B/C

  • AAIE Awards & Special Recognitions
  • Annual General Assembly

Remarks: Jack Delman, AAIE Board President & Director of the Carol

Morgan School, Dominican Republic

Awards & Recognitions

In Memoriam

AAIE Institute for International School Leadership

Student Scholarships

Barrie Jo Price Award for Innovative Technology

Announcement of Ernest Mannino Graduate Scholarship Recipient

AAIE Hall of Fame

Dr. Ernest Mannino 2015 International Superintendent of the Year

Introduction: Ed Greene, International School of Amsterdam

Distinguished Lecture by Linda Duevel, Director of the International

School of Stavanger, Norway and 2015 International Superintendent

of the Year

AAIE 2015 Annual General Meeting

  • AAIE President’s Remarks
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Nominating Committee Report
  • Board Elections


Generative Governance: Boards Move To The Heart Of The SchoolPacific B/C

Chip Barder

This workshop is about Boards and Heads collaborating to generate a fusion of thinking, not a division of labor. Generative Governance enables the Board to become directly involved in shaping the organization without micro-managing. It brings the Board in from the edges of the School to its very heart. The workshop will highlight the work of Dr. Richard Chait and others. The UNIS Hanoi Board and Head have been on a path over the last 6 years to find their way to generative work. Dr. Chait came to Hanoi last September and inspired over 40 board members and 15 administrators from 11 international schools around the world to move in this direction. Come and hear about the journey.

Preparing for the Crisis You Hope Never ComesPacific L

Alan Conkey & Jim Ambrose (Note: This session will be repeated Wed. 10:30 a.m.)

Schools always have contingency plans for fires, weather events, civil unrest, etc., but what about something totally outside the realm of “normal” that brings unwanted attention to the school? Every school head is likely to face a crisis situation at one time or another. Are you prepared?

This workshop will use a case study to highlight critical decision points in the unfolding of events.

How the Administrative Search Process Works: Advice From a Head Hunter Pacific M

Art Charles

Given the explosive growth of international schools, there is a steady demand for administrators for international schools. The presenter, who currently works as a managing associate / search consultant for Carney, Sandoe & Associates, will explain how the retained search process works, what search committees are looking for, and how to present yourself as a candidate. This presentation is aimed specifically at aspiring administrative candidates, but seasoned veterans are welcome to attend.

Driving Student Achievement Through InnovationPacific N

Vernita Mayfield

What does it take to transform an ordinary group of culturally, linguistically, and academically diverse students to highly motivated scholars? It’s probably not what you think. The answer actually lies in five simple principles of human motivation. Highly motivating learning environments can move students beyond incremental achievement gains to phenomenal results by increasing student engagement exponentially. Education Leader, Dr. Vernita Mayfield offers, practical, research proven approaches for motivating all kinds of students and creating a culture of innovation and achievement.

Teens and Us: We Are In This TogetherPacific O

This session will be a follow-up to the keynote presentation and will focus on the roles that both educators and parents can play in teenage development. Many parents believe that other teens have a greater influence on their child’s sexual behavior than they do, a belief that is not necessarily borne out by research. Practical suggestions will be provided in how educators can develop effective ways to involve and assist parents in helping their children navigate the often traumatic time of adolescence. Particular attention will be paid to the issue of sexual assault and date rape with further discussion of the film, “Playing the Game 2.”

Schools of the Future: Meet the Experts in School Design and FacilitiesSeacliff D

Panel: David Croteau, Randall DeVoto, Sara Grant, John Poelker,

Christine Schlendorf

Experts in the field will give brief presentations. The following will be addressed: (1) facility analysis approaches; (2) transformation of existing facilities into dynamic 21st century learning spaces; (3) Integrated design solutions to resolve challenging facility problems; (4) best approaches to site assessment and planning (the when & how); (5) pitfalls to avoid; and (6) emerging trends. Following the panel’s presentations, there will time for an audience Q & A. If you are considering how best to address your facility needs, do not miss this session!

Beyond Salary and Benefits, What Makes International Teachers StayMarina

Alicia Ritter

Teachers remain in international schools for both personal and professional reasons. At the 2013 AAIE Conference in San Francisco, school heads highlighted key questions on what they considered to be the most helpful in understanding teacher retention and the researcher incorporated those elements into this study. Since that time, one hundred international teachers from four geographic were interviewed face-to-face to share why they stay in international schools. Results from the study represent how cultural experiences, personal motivators, and professional motivators often fuse together, and how initial reasons for entering international teaching and remaining in schools often change over time. This presentation will link responses of why international teachers remain in particular international schools and environments with those key questions previously identified by school heads.

Data Analysis for Decision MakingGolden Gate

James Carpenter

American School of Doha (ASD) and Interactive Data Partners (IDP) will share their case studies in data mining and analysis to drive data informed decisions that impact student performance and operational aspects of the school. The workshop will provide an overview of the methodology, process and tools used to obtain, manipulate and display data for multiple audiences. We will share how we create visually appealing and easy to understand ‘pictures’ that can drive the decision making process along with specific case studies of dashboards and

4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Wine & Cheese ReceptionExhibit Area, Pacific D/K

Everyone is Invited!

Sponsors: International Baccalaureate Organization &

Buffalo State SUNY

7:15 p.m.Educational Services Overseas Limited (ESOL) Dinner

(By Invitation Only) Seacliff C/D

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

8:30 a.m. – 10:00General Session IVGrand Ballroom B/C

Remarks & Speaker Introduction:

Linda Duevel, AAIE President Elect & Director of the International School of Stavanger, Norway

International Task Force on Child Protection-What We’ve Learned and What’s Next, Jane Larsson & Task Force Representatives

10:00 a.m.Refreshment BreakExhibit Area, Pacific D/K

Sponsor: University of Bath Spa


Essential Components of a Safe and Secure School EnvironmentPacific B/C

Bruce Mills & Anthony Maimone

Leaders within the international school community are generally aware of the threats and hazards impacting the safety and security of their students, staff, information, facilities and reputation. These threats and hazards can be manifested in a variety of categories to include natural sources, technological threats, infrastructure, biological, and, finally, an assortment of human elements including civil unrest, bullying, and criminal activity such as sexual predators.

In this session, Clearpath EPM and ISS will share effective strategies and proven methods that may help mitigate or prevent many of these school risks. Best practices utilized by other international schools worldwide will be discussed with the goal of improving the safety and security environment of participating schools.

Personal Wealth Management: Seven Critical Issues That Must Be Addressed

Willie TatePacific L

Using Multi-Year Compensation Plans to Retain and Attract the Best Employees

Alan KnoblochPacific M

What are your school’s compensation plans telling employees that the school values? Is your school struggling to keep talented host country national staff in key positions? How do you convince board members or owners to improve salary and benefits?

Retaining and attracting the top employees is a challenge whether you are hiring teachers, network engineers, or accountants. The presenter will share a process used to learn what employees value the most and to make sure your compensation is competitive for each employee group – overseas hire, expatriate local hire and host country nationals. Using focus groups, surveys and information gained through benchmarking, participants will learn how to collect data. Participants will learn to use the data to build support at the board or owner level. This interactive workshop will give participants the opportunity to reflect on their school’s current practice, share ideas with other administrators and begin planning new compensation packages.

Strategies for Developing & Implementing Online and Blended LearningPacific N

Don Jacobs & Michael Horning

Schools across the world are challenged with how to design, build and sustain online and

blended learning initiatives that successfully complement traditional classroom experiences.

This workshop presents the Six Elements for Planning and Implementation of Blended

Learning researched and developed by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning

(iNACOL). These frameworks are fundamental to identifying the key questions school

leaders must consider before implementing a blended or online learning initiative.

Educational Needs of Gifted and Talented StudentsPacific O

Vladimir Kuskovski

This workshop will look into several definitions of gifted and talented children, address some of the most common misconceptions of educational institutions in regard of this group of students, provide some of the insight on the behavior and other “side effects” of being a gifted student in a main stream educational environment. The workshop leaders will provide suggestions on how to identify, gifted and talented students in your schools, advice on possible modifications to the educational plans to accommodate to them, help guide in setting up gifted and talented programs at your schools. This workshop will be useful for teachers and administrators alike interested in gifted and talented education, as well as school administrators looking to set up a special program for Gifted and Talented. This workshop is intended for teachers, administrators, special needs specialists, and curriculum coordinators

Preparing for the Crisis You Hope Never ComesSeacliff B

Alan Conkey & Jim Ambrose

Schools always have contingency plans for fires, weather events, civil unrest, etc., but what about something totally outside the realm of “normal” that brings unwanted attention to the school? Every school head is likely to face a crisis situation at one time or another. Are you prepared?

This workshop will use a case study to highlight critical decision points in the unfolding of events.

What Every School Heads Needs To Know About School Finances: A Primer to Avoid Disaster Seacliff C

Ronald & Mary Beth Marino

The management of a school’s finances is often problematic and can have far reaching implications for a Head and the Board. The age old adage that “Money is the Root of All Evil” is unfortunately played out far too often in schools around the world.This session will focus on identifying specific issues and situations that have proven to be troublesome for school administrators while offering recommendations on how to avoid financial pitfalls. The presentation will include Sound Business Practices to help ensure the efficient, effective use of your school’s financial resources. Among the many topics to be covered will include: Roles, responsibilities and relationships of the various players; Budget Development and Management; Purchasing; Audits; Reserves and Monitoring Reports.