Hutchinson Middle School Social Studies Mr. Ebiner

Curriculum: The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive course focusing on Sixth Grade Social Studies Standards. Ancient Cultures and Civilizations that will be studied include: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Kush, Hebrews, India, China, Greece, and Rome.

Students are expected to have the following materials in class everyday:
2 Pens and 2 Pencilsand 2 red pens,lined paper,notebook, ear buds or headphones, something to organize your papers such as a folder or a binder, and an I PAD (if it is an I PAD class)

Homework Policy: Homework will be assigned about 1-2 times per week. Late work is not accepted unless the student is absent or has an exceptional excuse and a note from home.

Textbook: Students should bring their textbook, Ancient Civilizations, every day, unless otherwise noted.


Test: 20 %

Quiz: 10%

Notebook: 20%

Homework: 10%

Classwork: 20%

Project: 20%

Teacher/Parent Contact: I can be reached at (562) 944-3268 most days during my prep from 9:53-10:45. Absences may also be reported using this phone number. I can also be reached via email:
Classroom Management:
Expectations: Rewards: Consequences:
Follow directions Verbal praise Warning
Respect each other Gold Hawk Cards Time out, Detention
Do your best Individual Teacher Awards Note or phone call home
Parent notification Referral to the office
I have read this Social Studies Curriculum Letter and understand the course requirements.

Print Student Name ______

Parent Signature ______

Date ______
Curriculum Letter/2015-2016