33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday evening from 5.30pm to 7.30pm)
Day/Date / Time / IntentionSaturday 14th / 10am
6pm / Henry & Margaret O Donnell, The Square.
Kitty & Gerard Foley, Kilcolgan.
Sunday 15th / 11.30am / Michael O Sullivan, Chapel St
Monday 16th / 10am / No Mass
Tuesday 17th / 10am / No Mass
Wednesday 18th / 10am / James & Margaret Nash, Glencullare
Thursday 19th / 10am / Thomas, Michael, James, Nora & Maurice Fitzgerald.
Friday 20th / 10am
7.30pm / Mass for all the faithful departed.
Mass for all who have died during the year.
Saturday 21st / 6pm / Mary O Mahony, St Patricks Tce
Sunday 22nd / 11.30am / Dan & Kathleen O Connor, Tieraclea
Priest on Duty this Weekend: Fr Padraig Kennelly 087-2931064
Offertory Collection: Last weekend €717.Special Collection €345
Our Sincere thanks for the Offertory collection last weekend.
Eucharistic Ministers:Vigil 6.pm:Joan Murphy, Tom Nash, MichelleMulvihill
11.30am:Amanda O’Sullivan, Teresa Hayes, John McGinley
Readers Next Weekend:Vigil 6.pm.Member of family11.30am.Member of family
LITURGY OF THE WORD (READERS). Sincere thanks for those parishioners who have already volunteered to read the Scriptures at weekend masses and important Liturgical Feast Days. A rota of readers is being prepared and will commence on the first weekend in December. We would welcome some more readers so that those who are willing to serve will not be called on too often during the year. If you would like to participate in this ministry please contact Mary at the Parish Office or Michelle at the Post Office.
Preserve me God, I take refuge in you.
My Happiness lies in you alone.
You are my portion and my cup,
you yourself are my prize
I keep you ever in my sight,
even at night you direct my heart.
With you at my right hand, I shall stand firm.
And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad.
For you will not leave my soul among the dead,
nor let your beloved know decay.
You will show me the path of life,
the fullness of joy in your presence,
at your right hand happiness for ever.(From Psalm 15)
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting will take place on Thursday 19th November at 8pm in the Presbytery.
2016 CALENDAR –The Tarbert 2016 Calendar will be launched by Mrs Ursula Leslie on Saturday 21st November in the Community Centre after Mass. The Calendar costing €10 would make an ideal Christmas Gift and will also be on sale after Sunday Mass and at the usual outlets. Proceeds in aid of Tarbert Development Association and Tarbert Historical and Heritage Society.
TEXT ALERT SYSTEM–A committee was formed last week to help set up the new Text Alert System for the community of Tarbert under the direction of An Garda Siochána. May we invite and encourage anyone who wishes to have their mobile numbers added to the Text Alert System to come to a meeting Monday evening 16th November at 8pm in the Community Centre.
SHANNONSIDE WOMEN’S GROUP – Meeting on Tuesday night 17th November at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.
SHANNONSIDE WOMEN’S GROUP would like to thank all those who supported and helped with their recent clothes collection. The amount collected €821.25 has been donated to the Leah Carmody Fundraiser.
BUÍOCHAS – The ÁrdCúram Day Care Centre in Listowel would like to thank everybody who subscribed to their recent collection which realised €249.02.
TALK- Pádraig Ó Concubhair of Tarbert Historical Society will give a talk entitled “He never wore the Green and Gold – the story of Lord Kitchener of Khartoum” in the Bridewell on Saturday 21st November at 8pm. Everybody welcome and cupántae afterwards.
GAA GPA All Stars: Congratulations to our own Shane Enright from all the people of Tarbert on making the All Star football team for 2015. This is a deserving award for Shane who had a really fantastic season this year with outstanding disciplined displaysgame after game from the start of the national league and right through the championship. His brother Kevin accepted the award on Shane's behalf. His proud parents Tom and Stella were also present at the banquet which was screened live on RTE1. A proud day for the Enright family, Tarbert GAA and the community of Tarbert.
NORTH KERRY CHAMPIONSHIP :Tarbert take on Beale this Sunday in the quarter final of the championship in Ballylongford at 2:30. After a good win over Senan’s by Tarbert and Beale with a convincing win over Ballyduff, this promises to be an intriguing fixture. Best of luck and let’s hope the supporters turn out in strength once again like they did in Mountcoal.
TEAM HOPE SHOE BOX COLLECTION : The Tarbert National School Parents Association wish to thank all the children, their families, Fr. John O’Connor and the parish church for a very successful shoe box collection last weekend. There was great generosity shown by very many people and there were eighty shoe box gifts ready to be shipped to children in poorer parts of the world, including the refugee camps on the borders with Syria.
RETREAT DAYS AT GLENSTAL ABBEY – if interested please see poster at the back of the Church or email or phone 061 621005.
COACH TO KNOCK SHRINE, NIGHT VIGIL, THE FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Monday 7th December from Listowel at 5pm. Contact 066 7180123 or Donal Kelliher @ 087 6361023. (Poster at the Back of Church)
MEMORIAL SERVICE KERRY GENERAL HOSPITAL -A service will take place in Kerry General Hospital on Thursday 26th November in the Hospital Chapel. This service is dedicated to all the deceased members of staff of St Catherine’s Hospital and Kerry General Hospital. If you had a family member or friends who are now deceased and worked with us … then please come and celebrate their lives with us. The service begins at 7pm and will be followed by the unveiling of a stained glass memorial in the staff dining room. We commissioned local artist Mary J Leen to design and make this. We are looking forward to meeting you on the night. Any queries to Peggy Daly 0877750129
Words to the Wise
“It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living” -F. Scott Fitzgerald.