HUSH EOC Review Sample Questions

Colonization: Unit One

  1. Which geographical region in colonial North America was best known for its cold climate and strong Puritan population?
  2. middle colonies
  3. southern colonies
  4. Middle Passage
  5. New England
  1. Which of the following statements describes the purpose of the Virginia Company, chartered by King James I in 1606?
  2. It was necessary to keep Spanish settlements from moving north into Canada.
  3. British settlements in New England were failing and needed money and settlers.
  4. French settlers pushed the British out of Canada and into New England.
  5. The British wanted to establish settlements along the coast of North America

  1. Town meetings are an important part of local government in many New England states. The town meeting is the most basic form of direct democracy and serves as a legislative body for local issues such as school districts, road maintenance, or budget approval. This type of direct democracy can be traced to the Pilgrims and their adoption of
  2. the Constitution. C. the Bill of Rights
  3. the Mayflower Compact. D. the Magna Carta
  1. Puritans were critical of the Church of England and the liturgy that was required by the monarchy. Once the church established itself in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Puritans restricted new colonists in how they worshipped. Many colonists felt more repressed in Massachusetts than they did in England. The result of this oppression was
  2. a revolt against the Puritans by the followers of the Church of England.
  3. an end to colonists settling in Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and New York.
  4. the merging of the Puritans with the Scots-Irish Congregationalists.
  5. the establishment of religious havens in new colonies such as Rhode Island.

Revolution & Constitution: Unit Two

  1. Which of the following was the main reason that American colonists opposed the Stamp Act of 1765?
  2. The act was taxation without representation.
  3. The tax was a large amount of money.
  4. The tax was not imposed on the wealthy.
  5. The act was passed by the king, not Parliament.
  1. – Boston Port Act - Administration of Justice Act
    - Quartering Act - Massachusetts Government Act
    What do the above items have in common?
  2. The colonists called them the Bill of Rights.
  3. The colonists wrote them during the American Revolution.
  4. The colonists gained trading privileges from them.
  5. The colonists called them the Intolerable Acts.
  1. What was the significance of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?
a. The United States acquired the Louisiana Territory from France.
b. It officially ended the American Revolution, and Great Britain recognized American independence.
c. The United States acquired all British territories in North America.
d. France and Great Britain created an alliance in order to defeat the Americans.
  1. What was the role of the Committees of Correspondence which formed in the years before the American Revolution?
a. The committees served as a way for the colonies to communicate with Parliament.
b. The committees promoted the policies of the British government.
c. The committees encouraged colonists to purchase more British goods.
d. The committees were created to promote communication among the colonies. /
  1. Why did the Articles of Confederation have to be replaced by the Constitution?
a. The Articles of Confederation were only designed to last through the Revolutionary War.
b. The Articles of Confederation were never ratified by the states.
c. The Articles angered state leaders by giving the central government too much power.
d. The weak central government it created had to be strengthened. /
  1. Montesquieu'sSpirit of the Lawsinfluenced which core democratic value in the United States Constitution?
a. the separation of religion from the operations of government
b. the separation of powers between branches of government
c. the rights of the majority to revolt against tyrannical government
d. the right of any state to secede from the union if necessary

Expansion & Change: Unit Three

  1. Which of the following most accurately describes the central purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?
  2. gains official independence from England
  3. establishes the President of the US as the head of the United Nations
  4. establishes the southern border of the US and Mexico
  5. limits European influence in the Western Hemisphere
  1. How much did the United States increase in land size with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803?
  2. it doubled in size
  3. it grew by 25%
  4. it increased by 10%
  5. it quadrupled in size

  1. Although the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 only dealt with the area north of the Ohio, how did it influence U.S. expansion in other areas?
  2. It gave away free land to encourage people to move west.
  3. It established procedures for how new states could be admitted to the Union.
  4. It prohibited slavery in all new territories.
  5. It created areas in which people did not have to pay any taxes.
  1. Which was one of the disputes that existed between the United States and Great Britain and contributed to the outbreak of the War of 1812?
  2. Great Britain was blockading the American coast and was interfering with trade.
  3. Great Britain was helping the French attack American ships.
  4. Great Britain was threatening to take back land it had lost to the U.S. in the Revolutionary War.
  5. Great Britain was angry because the United States had been attacking British ships.

Civil War & Reconstruction: Unit Four

  1. In which 1864 battle did General William T. Sherman defeat a major southern city and then begin his famous March to the Sea?
  2. Battle of Atlanta c. Battle of Vicksburg
  3. Battle of Galveston d. Battle of Savannah
  1. What happened in 1877 that signified the official end of Reconstruction?
  2. Federal troops were withdrawn from the South
  3. African Americans had achieved equality with whites
  4. There were more African Americans than whites in elected offices
  5. The Freedmen’s Bureau ended that year

  1. Why did Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction policies lead to his impeachment?
a. The ideas that Johnson proposed gave too much freedom to African Americans
b. Johnson’s policies went against the wishes and plans of Congress
c. Congress thought Johnson’s actions were too harsh on the former Confederate states
d. Southern Congressmen did not like Johnson’s policies and voted to impeach him / 4. In the 1850s, the territory of Kansas became known as “Bleeding Kansas” after violence erupted between abolitionists and those who were pro-slavery. Why were people living in Kansas so divided on the issue of slavery?
a. Congress had decided to allow slavery in Kansas, ye there were many people who wanted to change it to a free territory
b. Congress had forbidden slavery in Kansas, yet there were many people who wanted to change it to a slave territory
c. slavery was allowed in certain parts of Kansas but not in others, and people were still divided on the issue of slavery
d. Pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces fought for control of the territory because it had not yet been decided if Kansas would become a free or slave state

Gilded Age & Progressives: Unit Five

  1. Which term best describes wealthy business owners who often engaged in unfair or anti-competitive business practices?
  2. Muckrakers
  3. Robber barons
  4. Venture capitalists
  5. Captains of Industry
  1. Congress encouraged business expansion in the US through which of these types of revenue?
  2. Import tariffs
  3. Value added taxes
  4. Corporate income taxes
  5. Sales taxes

  1. – Suffrage for women - child labor laws
-Prohibition - ?????
Which of the following was also a notable accomplishment of the Progressive Era?
a. Civil rights c. election reform
b. truancy laws d. the New Deal /
  1. The Progressive Movement was characterized by
a. Constant civil disobedience on the part of activists determined to secure equality for African Americans
b. Efforts to better American society through reform, expanded democracy, science, and government regulation
c. Politically active farmers who were united by a platform to abandon the gold standard for currency
d. The belief that the US should involve itself more actively in foreign affairs

U.S. as a World Power & WWI: Unit Six

  1. One of President Roosevelt’s favorite phrases was an African proverb which was “speak softly, and carry a big stick, you will go far” Roosevelt’s foreign policy became known as big stick diplomacy. Which statement best describes big stick diplomacy?
  2. The promotion of democracy in all countries
  3. The creation of economic policies to benefit the US
  4. The pledge to remain neutral in foreign affairs
  5. The threat of using military force in foreign policy
  1. The Open Door Policy expanded international trade in which country?
  2. The Philippines
  3. Cuba
  4. China
  5. Mexico

  1. Prohibition led to a rise in
  2. Tobacco use
  3. Church attendance
  4. Urban poverty
  5. Gangster warfare
  1. Which of the following was one of the main aspects of the Espionage Act of 1917?
  2. It allowed for funding for propaganda supporting the US effort in World War I
  3. It created heavy punishments for those found interfering with military recruitment
  4. It imprisoned anyone found to be a member of the Communist Party or a labor organization
  5. It suspended the writ of habeas corpus for all US citizens

Great Depression & WWII: Unit Seven

  1. What practice in large part caused the stock market crash, sparking the Great Depression of the 1930s?
  2. People over speculating on stocks, using borrowed money that they couldn’t repay
  3. People buying on stock and selling it the same day, called “day trading”
  4. Banks purchasing a combination of stocks, bonds, and land investments with deposits
  5. Government investing the taxes it collected in the stock market
  1. In addition to the internment of Japanese Americans, people of ____ background were also targeted by anti-foreign legislation during WWII
  2. Polish and Russian
  3. French and English
  4. Chinese and Korean
  5. German and Italian

  1. Which of the following statements is true about the New Deal?
  2. The New Deal helped the economy to slowly recover
  3. The New Deal made the economic Depression slightly worse
  4. The New Deal did little to change the stagnant economy
  5. The New Deal quickly ended the Great Depression
  1. Which of the following battles marks the turning point of WWII in the Pacific Theater?
  2. Pearl Harbor
  3. Iwo Jima
  4. Okinawa
  5. Midway

Cold War Era: Unit Eight

  1. The U.S.S.R. launched Sputnik I on October 4, 1957. What was the impact of this event?
  2. It marked the start of the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  3. It marked the first time that the Soviet Union had successfully created a nuclear weapon.
  4. It marked the beginning of the friendship period in the Cold War.
  5. It marked the start of the space race between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
  1. What was the condition of the Korean Peninsula immediately after World War II?
  2. Korea was governed by a department of the United Nations.
  3. Korea was divided between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
  4. Korea was given back to Japan and recognized as its territory.
  5. Korea was allowed to hold elections for a new government.

  1. The growth in suburban homes grew dramatically in the 1950s. William Levitt, a Long Island building contractor, revolutionized the housing market by
  2. finding the best way to build homes at a drastically lower price.
  3. searching for the cheapest property in the growing suburban areas.
  4. purchasing older houses and fixing them up to sell at higher prices.
  5. applying mass-production techniques to home construction.
  1. Which of the following had the greatest impact on mass media in the United States during the Cold War era?
  2. television
  3. magazines
  4. newspapers
  5. radio

Civil Rights & Social Change: Unit Nine

  1. Protests and Actions to End Segregation:
    - 1963 March on Washington - Letter from Birmingham Jail
    - Woolworth’s sit-ins - ?????
    Which of these best completes the chart?
  2. Southern Manifesto c. Montgomery Bus Boycott
  3. Declaration of Sentiments d. Founding of Hull House
  1. How did Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem contribute to the feminist movement during the 1960s and 1970s?
  2. They campaigned for gender equality through peaceful protests and sit-ins.
  3. They helped pass a law that eliminated gender discrimination in the workplace.
  4. They helped pass a law that gave more job opportunities to women.
  5. They campaigned for gender equality through literature and political activism

  1. How were the early tactics of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Committee (SCLC) similar?
  2. They encouraged acts of violence in self-defense.
  3. They expelled white staffers and denounced white supporters.
  4. They were called the "shock troops of the revolution."
  5. They used nonviolent methods of civil disobedience
  1. What happened while the Democratic National Convention met in Chicago in 1968?
  2. Hippie groups and the Chicago police united to protest for civil rights.
  3. President Johnson announced the end of the Vietnam War.
  4. The Chicago Bears won their first Super Bowl championship game.
  5. Anti-war protests led to riots and violence in many areas of the city.

Modern Era: Unit Ten

  1. Reaganomics" became a term used quite often during Ronald Reagan's presidency, referring to tax reform. Which of the following describes Reagan's logic behind his tax reform?
  2. Tax cuts should only be given to those living below the poverty line.
  3. Tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy would lead to investment and cause economic growth.
  4. Tax increases on lower income individuals would help the economy.
  5. Tax increases would help contribute to more federal aid programs
  1. Which of the following was a ruling in the Supreme Court Case,Bush v. Gore?
  2. Florida had two weeks to finish the recount of ballots.
  3. The state of Florida would not be part of the election because the paper votes were ruined
  4. Al Gore would be given the electoral votes in Florida because he won the electoral college
  5. Recounting votes in Florida violated the Constitution because every vote must count equally, therefor Bush winning Florida stands as is.

  1. Which country was involved in the Iran-Contra Affair?
  2. Nicaragua
  3. The Soviet Union
  4. Cuba
  5. Syria
  1. In 1992, the United States, Canada, and Mexico signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). What was one of the effects of NAFTA?
  2. Many goods became available for no charge to each government.
  3. Tariffs on goods traded between these countries were eliminated.
  4. Citizens from these countries could move between them without restrictions.
  5. The amount of trade between these countries decreased.