
Hurst-Euless-Bedford Retired School Employees have had a busy and rewarding year as our theme, “Community Involvement,” has stayed in the forefront. We began with a membership of 450, with a goal of reaching 525. Leading the way are our officers: President Jerry Longwell; President-Elect Kathy Prado; First Vice-President Leah Hawkins and Debra McDaniels;

Second Vice-President Glenna Jones; Secretary Kathy Bryan; Treasurer Ed Foster; Historian Irene and Dan Beckelman; Parliamentarian Pat Reinecker.

September began appropriately with our first program, “The State of the District,” presented by HEB Superintendent of Schools, Steve Chapman. He shared the many innovations that our district hasaccomplished, as well as those planned for the up-coming year. During the meeting we were also informed about our HEB-RSE Facebook site that was created by Dee Ann Barsallo, our Webmaster. Also this month, “Community Day” was held at Outback Steakhouse who donated a percentage of the receipts to our Book Project. In addition, we were able to sell tickets to our fundraiser, “Burgers for Books,” as patrons came in. Thanks to Outback for continuing to sponsor this annual event!

Jerry Longwell, Georgia Kidwell, Steve Chapman

An important event during October was the District XI Fall Conference in Gainesville which was attended by several of our members. This was a perfect time to showcase our new HEB-RSE banner which was created and donated by Discount Signs and Banners, the owner, a product of HEB-ISD.

Freddie Bates, Jerry Longwell, Irene Beckelman, Irwin Mathews, Pat Reinecker

During ourOctober monthly meeting, Irwin Mathews thanked the member volunteers who had helped him visit all the schools in the HEB district to inform the active school personnel of the important legislation issues being discussed in Congress which will affect them as well as retirees. Bill Barnes also reported on other healthcare issues being discussed in Austin.

Our annual “Burgers for Books” event was also in October with many of our members helpingassemble burgers and the boxed meals which had been purchased by RSE personnel, as well as many community businesses and individuals.There were 1584 burgers sold! Thanks to Danny Prado for his excellent work in leading this committee!

SusieMathews,PatriciaMay,Pat May,Barbara Evartt Peggy Catt, Mattie Thompson, Kay Bunker, Elaine Meyers, Joyce Maxwell, Linda Porter, Donna Bufton

Another excellent speaker, Dr. Allen Goben, President of Tarrant County College, was brought to us in November by Georgia Kidwell, Programs. Dr. Goben shared some impressive facts about TCC:

1) The college accepts all students who apply. 2) Student GPA’s are as high or higher when compared to universities. 3) The students do well when entering universities due their background education at the Community College. 4) TCC provides classes for seniors 50+. 5) TCC provides College for Kids in the summer. Dr. Goben is proud that TCC is totally debt-free! We can all be proud of having this fine college as a part of our community!

Our Annual Christmas Luncheon was held in December enhanced by festive table decorations. Entertainment was provided by the HEB Fine Arts Department introducing the excellent Elementary Honor Choir directed by Linda Ford, a member of HEB-RSE. In addition, an extra treat was District XI President, Jack Knowles, bringing us greetings! In the spirit of giving, our members brought toiletries to the meeting to provide for the HEB district nurses to give as needed to students. Also, during this month, our Burgers for Books Project culminated as 2300 books were delivered by our members to all 1st graders and also ESL students at the schools in HEB. Thanks to Gretchen Thomas for leading this tremendous endeavor!

Cindy Sarpalius, Sonya Adams, Linda Giles, Ed Foster, Jack Knowles, Georgia Kidwell, Jerry Longwell

The highlight in February was The Candidate Forum organized by Georgia Kidwell. The candidateswho participatedwere running for State Legislative District 92--Scott Fisher and Jonathan Stickland. Each had 15 minutes to speak followed by questions from the audience. The public was invited to attend. Also, Carl Jones spoke at the HEB Retirement Seminar during February, and President Jerry Longwell attended representing HEB-RSE, too. We have also been invited to the HEB Employee Banquet to recruit and answer questions for new retirees.

Our program in March was especially interesting. The speaker was Steve Baker with CASA, (Court Appointed Special Advocates). This group works with abused and neglected children. Our member, Sue Rudolph, is a volunteer with CASA and spoke to us about her personal experiences. She is a strong advocate who agrees that educators are most effective in this program.

This rewarding 2015-2016 year will conclude with several of our members attending the TRTA State Convention in Houston in April. In May, we will be represented by some of our members at the District XI Leadership Conference. Our final meeting will include presentation of awards, introduction of our scholarship recipient, and Installation of Officers for 2016-2017 by Jerry Longwell. Thanks to our members for their support to make this past year very productive and rewarding!