Huonville High School and Huonville Primary School

(Cat One Schools)


This plan has been developed to serve the families and students of the Huonville Primary School K-Year 6 and Huonville High School Year 7-12.

Huonville Primary School and Huonville High Schools are Category One schools.

Huonville High School operates on three campuses in Wilmot Road –

o  The 7-10 site

o  The Huon Valley Trade Training Centre

o  The Advanced Learning Centre (the old Kinder).

The Plan relies on each family and staff member reading and understanding the Plan.

Your cooperation in an event is mandatory.

The Plan has been developed from the Department of Education Guidelines which are at www.education.tas.gov.au. Central to the Plan is the Duty of Care that staff have for each student.

There are three different circumstances that the Plan covers

1.  Severe or Catastrophic rating when the Rating for the day is provided in advance.

2.  A severe or catastrophic situation develops and is called as such during the day.

3.  An event when the school is closed to students but staff only are working.

The Plan relies on the preparation below being completed -

Ø  All student contact details will be ordered according to their bus routes.

Ø  Each school will have a paper/portable attendance record.

Ø  Cat Two school Principal, eg Glen Huon, will have previously provided current list of names and contact details of students who transition via bus at the beginning and end of each day. It will be a normal school day.

Ø  The Plan will be available on media and sent out in newsletters distributed by HPS and HHS.

There is a Severe or Catastrophic rating declared in advance of a school day

Procedure -

v  HHS & HPS Principals collaborate.

v  One Principal to contact Tasmanian Fire Service – 1800 000 699.

v  Advise DoE Central Emergency Management – 0418 332 846.

v  Contact Learning Services South General Manager. LSS General Manager will make decision to open or close school.

v  LSS Manager will advise DoE Communications Section to advise if school is open or closed.

v  Bus driver network advised by HHS and HPS School Business Managers.

v  Notify parents of decision to close or stay open via –

Ø  Facebook

Ø  Notices home

Ø  TXT messages (HHS ).

If the decision is to stay open all excursions from HHS and HPS will be cancelled.

On the day

v  The situation will be monitored as per dots 1-3 above.

v  All excursions from HHS and HPS will be cancelled.

v  Duty of Care remains at all times whilst on school site.

v  No bus will leave the school to head towards a known bushfire.

v  Students will be retained at school if a bushfire is threatening an area.

v  Students may be collected early if parents/carers advise and either collect the students or advise the name and contact details of the person collecting.

v  Students collected early MUST be signed out prior to leaving school grounds.

v  Category Two schools/s may elect to come to HHS/HPS site.


Huonville High School and Huonville Primary School

(Cat One Schools)


A severe or catastrophic rating is announced during a school day


  • All student contact details will be ordered according to their bus routes
  • Cat Two school Principal will have previously provided current list of names and contact details of students who transition via bus at the beginning and end of each It will be a normal school day.

v  HHS & HPS Principals collaborate.

v  Principal to contact Tasmanian Fire Service – 1800 000 699.

v  Advise DoE Central Emergency Management – 0418 332 846.

v  Contact Learning Services South General Manager. LSS General Manager will make decision to evacuate or stay at school.

v  Advise DoE Communications Section to advise if school is evacuated or that students will stay at school.

v  Plan for students travelling to affected area: Contact parents.

v  Notify parents of decision via –

Ø  Facebook

Ø  Notices home

Ø  TXT messages.

v  Bus contractors advised.

If the school is to be evacuated it will be to the PCYC /OVAL area.

v  Staff and students must stay on site until students have been collected.

v  Duty of Care remains at all times whilst on school site.

v  If on excursion and cannot return to school – go to nearest Cat One school – Kingston High School. Excursion teacher leader must stay in communication with Principal.

v  If in Hobart and cannot get through the Southern Outlet between Davey Street and Mt Nelson or Mt Nelson to Kingston, go to Campbell Street Primary School until advised.

v  If the excursion cannot cross the Saddle: return to Kingston High School.

v  If fire front approaches the school all staff and students will be moved to the designated safe places. They are –

·  HHS 7-12 – School Gym.

·  HPS K-6 – Multi Purpose Room.

A decision may be made to move all people on site to the assembly point below which may be the PCYC or the Oval.

·  Huon Valley PCYC is the evacuation assembly point for all Huon Valley Community.

·  Note: TTC adult students (ie 18 years plus), who choose to stay, must follow HHS/HPS Plan and directions and instructions from teachers.

·  Teachers must stay with students.

·  Cat One schools will be accommodated.


Huonville High School and Huonville Primary School

(Cat One Schools)



Severe or Higher Rating –

·  Senior Staff Member onsite to contact Tasmanian Fire Service – 1800 000 699.

·  Senior Staff Member onsite to consult with Principal or Responsible Officer.

·  LSS advised.

·  Principal, Responsible Officer or SBM decide to send people home or stay at school.

·  Senior Staff Member onsite to complete a staff list (including staff at Trade Training Centre) to ensure all staff members are safe and informed.

·  If prior notice of severe or higher rating (day before) Senior Staff Member onsite to liaise with Principals.


·  There will be a register of the names of all staff on site for the day.


Huonville High School and Huonville Primary School

(Cat One Schools)




  • All student contact details will be ordered according to their bus routes.
  • Cat Two School Principal will have previously provided current list of names and contact details of students who transition via bus at the beginning and end of each day. It will be a normal school day.
  • Accurate lists maintained of dates when staff are on leave or at school during holiday periods.

In an event

·  Principals to liaise.

·  One Principal to contact Tasmanian Fire Service – 1800 000 699.

·  Advise DoE Central Emergency Management – 0418 332 846.

·  Contact Learning Services South General Manager. LSS General Manager will make decision to evacuate or stay at school.

·  Advise DoE Communications Section to advise if school is open or closed.

·  Notify parents of decision via –

Ø  Facebook

Ø  Notices home

Ø  TXT messages (HHS ).

·  Bus contractors advised by HHS and HPS School Business Managers.
