
·  To learn about the characteristics of human cell

·  To recognize and explain the functions of the organelles of human cells.


Eukaryotic cell / Heterotropic
Nutrition / cell
Interaction / structure
Reproduction / contain
membrane / condense
cytoplasm / lysosomes
nucleus / cytoskeleton
mitochondria / centrioles
ribosomes / pore
Endoplasmic reticulum / chromosome
Golgy body / chromatin
Membranous vesicles / nucleolus


1.1. Cell

A cell is the smallest unit of the living capable of performing the three vital functions: nutrition, interaction and reproduction.

The nutrition of human cells is heterotrophic.Human cells are eukaryotic cells which means that they have a cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.

Cell parts / Structure / Function
1.2. The cell membrane
/ It is the a very thin elastic layer that covers the cell / It controls which substances go in and out, detects stimuli from the environment and enables cells to communicate with each other.
1.3. The cytoplasm
/ It is a gel which fills the cell. It contains organelles:
·  Mitochondria
·  Ribosomes
·  Endoplasmic reticulum
·  Golgi body
·  Membranous vesicles
·  Lysosomes
·  Cytoskeleton
·  centrioles / A lot of chemical reactions take place in the cytoplasm.
1.4. Nucleus
/ Nuclear membrane. The nuclear membrane has a double membrane with pores, through which it communicates with the cytoplasm.
DNA. The DNA is a complex chemical substance in which the necessary information for the life of the cells is contained (genetic o hereditary information). During cell division DNA condenses together in tiny packs called chromosomes. When the nucleus is not dividing the nucleic acid appears as tiny granules of granules of chromatin.
Nucleous. Produces granules like ribosomes with are involved in protein synthesis division. / The nucleus controls the activities of the cell through DNA


Concept and activities

1.  Fill the table about cell organelles. Look for information on internet. You can use these websites:



Organelle / Structure / Function


Endoplasmic reticulum

Golgy body

Membranous vesicle





2.  Draw a model of human cell and name every structure.



·  To explain the process of cell differentiation and classify the different types of human tissues.


Tissue / hollow
Neuron / Join
Epithelial / Epithelium
Muscle / Insulation
Nervous / fibres
connective / contract
smooth / stimuli
Conjuntive tissue / Cartilaginous tissue
Fatty tissue / Bone tissue
Blood tissue / Nerve tissue

Concepts and activities

3.1. Tissue

The tissue is a group of cells that have similar form, structure and function.

3.2. Types of human tissues.

1.  Listen the explanation about different types of human tissues and after you can try to make the puzzle. Write the solution belong.

a.  The epithelial tissue or epithelium.


b.  Muscle tissue


c.  Nerve tissue


d.  The connective tissue


i.  Conjunctive tissue


ii. Cartilaginous tissue


iii.  Fatty tissue


iv.  Bone tissue


v. Blood tissue



2.  Draw a model of every type of tissue.



·  To define the concepts of organ and system

·  To recognize the importance of transplants and donation


Perform / Recipient
Isolution / Donor
Transplant / Healthy
Damaged / Rejection

Concepts and activities

4.1. Organ

An organ is a group of tissues to carry out a certain function. Example: stomach, muscle, …

4.2. Major organ system

Major organ systems are group of organs which cooperate to our a common activity. Examples are the digestive system, respiratory system,…

4.3. Transplant and organ donation

In transplants, damaged organs or tissues (of the recipient) are substituted for healthy organs or tissues (from a donor). The greatest risk with a transplant is rejection: the immune system of recipient tries to destroy the transplanted tissue. To avoid this, the donor must be compatible with the recipient.

1.  Look for a classmate who has information in order to complete your diagram about the major organ systems classification. Use sentences like :

·  Does the _____system belong to Major organ system for ______?

·  How many systems belong to Major organ systems for ______?

·  What is the function of ______system?

·  What is the name of this major organ system?


Observación de células sanguíneas
·  Microscopio
·  Portaobjetos
·  Mechero de alcohol
·  Lanceta estéril
·  Cubeta de tinción / ·  Frasco lavador
·  Alcohol absoluto
·  Hematoxilina
·  Eosina
·  Algodón
·  Alcohol 96%
·  Guantes de látex
1.  Desengrasa el portaobjeto con un algodón empapado en alcohol.
2.  Límpiate la yema del dedo con un algodón empapado en alcohol. Si la muestra no es la tuya deberás permanecer con los guantes de látex toda la práctica.
3.  Con la lanceta estéril realizar una punción en un pulgar.
4.  Depositar una gota de sangre en la parte central de un portaobjetos.
5.  Colocar un portaobjetos como indica el dibujo y deslizarlo sobre toda la superficie del porta de manera que se pueda obtener una fina película de sangre.

6.  Colocar el frotis de sangre sobre la cubeta de tinción y añadir unas gotas de alcohol absoluto y dejar que el alcohol se evapore para fijar la preparación.
7.  Cubrir con unas gotas de hematoxilina y dejar actuar durante 15 minutos. Evitar la desecación del colorante agregando más líquido.
8.  Lavar la preparación y añadir unas gotas de eosina dejándola actuar 1 minuto.
9.  Volver a lavar hasta que no queden restos de colorante.
10.  Dejar secar aireando el porta o bien al calor muy lento de la llama del mechero.
11.  Observar al microscopio.
Al microscopio se verán con un dominio predominante los glóbulos rojos, hematíes o eritrocitos teñidos de color rojo por la eosina (No tienen núcleo y son más delgados por el centro que por los bordes.
Los glóbulos blancos o leucocitos se identifican fácilmente por la presencia de núcleo, teñido de morado por la hematoxilina. Hay varias clases de leucocitos:
1.  Linfocitos de tamaño aproximado al de los glóbulos rojos, tienen un solo núcleo que ocupa casi todo el glóbulo.
2.  Monocitos: son los leucocitos mayores, poco frecuentes normalmente, núcleo grande, redondo, son los más móviles y su función principal es la fagocitosis.
3.  Polimorfonucleares : núcleo fragmentado o arrosariado. Pueden ser eosinófilos, con abundantes granulaciones teñidas de rojo por la eosina, neutrófilos y basófilos.
1.  Observe the sample with the greater magnification lens and draw in colours what you see
2.  Identify the main types of blood cell in your drawing and write your names.