Humberview Secondary School
Principal: Ms. S. FriedAddress:135 Kingsview Drive
Bolton, Ontario
L7E 3V8
Telephone:905-857-0771 or 905-451-4051
Attendance:Ext. 600
Superintendent:Ms. J. Uniac905-451-2862
Principal's Message
Key Dates
Code of Conduct
Attendance and Punctuality
Bullying Prevention & Intervention
Bus Travel
Cafeteria/Commons Area
Cars and Parking
Corridors and Academic Hallways
Tobacco, Drugs, Alcohol & the Drug Free Zone
Electronic Devices
Field Trips
Health & Safety
Safety Regulations
Identification – Picture ID
Lockers and Lost or Stolen Items
Offensive Behaviour/Language
Preparation for Class
Skateboards/Scooters/Rollerblades/Sports Equipment
Use of School Technology
Electronic Communication Guidelines For Students
Progressive Discipline
Fire & Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Lockdown Procedures
School Services
Student Services (Counselling Dept.)
Library Information Centre
Assessment & Evaluation
Homework Policy
Final Evaluations
School Awards, Organizations & Activities
Awards – Celebrating Success & Excellence
Academic Awards
Student Activity Council
Athletic Council
Music Activity Council
School Council
Living the Mission…Sharing Our Vision…Achieving Our Goals
Our Mission is to create an open community of learners building success together through the business of education
Our school is a safe and caring place where we:
- Support individual potential
- Foster intellectual curiosity and creativity
- Encourage open communication and involvement
- Embrace responsibility
- Value and celebrate diversity
- Promote a positive presence in the community
based on thevalues that include: integrity – cooperation – respect
STUDENTS:GET INVOLVED!!! Each of you can live the mission by making your contribution in academics, athletics, the arts, and citizenship. Make the time to read the information provided in this agenda. You’ll see just how many opportunities you’ll have to get involved and to make a difference in our community of learners. This agenda also contains a variety of materials to help you develop your planning and organizational skills. We expect you to carry and use it to access the resource materials that have been made available and will be highlighted by staff throughout the year. If you use it consistently, the result will be higher levels of achievement. The agenda outlines our expectations of the Humberview student community. We expect all to conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful fashion. You are responsible for all the information contained in the agenda.
PARENTS:SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITY!!!Each of you can be part of our community of learners that helps your child to reach his or her potential while at Humberview. This handbook provides the information you need to do that. At Humberview, you can play an essential role byadvocating for your child, attending school functions to celebrate your child's success, assisting with your child's learning, supporting the school Code of Conduct, and pursuing active two-way communication between home and school.
On behalf of the rest of our community of learners, the teaching and non-teaching staff and administration, I hope that the year ahead will be a memorable and productive one.
Sue Fried, Principal
Normal Week Onetimetable / Normal Week Twotimetable8:25Early Bell
8:30 – 9:45Period One
9:45 - 9:50Announcements
9:53 - 11:08Period Two
11:11 - 12:26Period Three
12:29 – 1:44Period Four
1:47 – 3:02Period Five / 8:25Early Bell
8:30 – 9:45 Period One
9:45 - 9:50Announcements
9:53 - 11:08 Period Five
11:11 - 12:26Period Three
12:29 – 1:44 Period Four
1:47 – 3:02 Period Two
Week 1 Half Day timetable
(early dismissal day for Peel Staff Development) / Week 2 Half Day timetable
(early dismissal day for Peel Staff Development)
8:25Early Bell
8:30 – 9:07Period One
9:07 – 9:12Announcements
9:15 – 9:52Period Two
9:55 – 10:32Period Five
10:35 – 11:12Period Three
11:15 – 11:57Period Four / 8:25Early Bell
8:30 – 9:07Period One
9:07 – 9:12Announcements
9:15 – 9:52Period Two
9:55 – 10:32Period Five
10:35 – 11:12Period Three
11:15 – 11:57Period Four
Week One ¾ Day timetable (early dismissal day for Humberview Special Events) / Week Two ¾ Day timetable (early dismissal day for Humberview Special Events)
8:25Early Bell
8:30 – 9:25Period One
9:25 - 9:30Announcements
9:33 - 10:28Period Two
10:33 - 11:28Period Three
11:31 - 12:26Period Four
12:29 – 1:30Period Five / 8:25Early Bell
8:30 – 9:25Period One
9:25 - 9:30Announcements
9:33 - 10:28Period Five
10:33 - 11:28Period Three
11:31 - 12:26Period Four
12:29 – 1:30Period Two
- Students are to be in their first period classes no later than 8:30 a.m. otherwise they are deemed to be late for first period class.
- During the national anthem and the moment of reflection, all students are to stand silently at attention.
- Students who do not have a first period class or a spare should be in the cafeteria or the library but NOT in the halls.
- If students are late to school, they must stop and remain standing in the hall until the morning exercises are over.
*Early dismissal days end at noon. Buses arrive at that time.
*All students are expected to write their examinations, as scheduled. Family plans should not interfere with these weeks. No rescheduling or exemptions from exams will be made for the purposes of family vacations.
*In January the exam schedule may be changed due to "snow days". If buses are not running due to weather conditions on an exam day, the exams are shifted to the next day. Therefore the whole schedule "slides" one day forward. Students and parents planning a vacation following exams should take this into account. Always allow for one additional day in the exam schedule.
Humberview Secondary School
Our mission is to be an open community of learners building success together. Humberview is a welcoming, safe and inclusive learning environment that is symbolized by integrity, co-operation, and respect and our school subscribes to the Peel District School Board’s initiative “THE FUTURE WE WANT”. The diversity that is represented by our students, staff, and the community is rich and extensiveand everyone plays a critical role in shaping the climate of our school.
Our Commitment
Humberview Secondary School Secondary School recognizes that students achieve their best when they feel safe, nurtured, welcomed, respected and included. We are committed to providing a healthy learning and working environment to support student success by promoting responsibility, respect, civility, academic excellence and good citizenship. For learning to be successful, schools must be free of negative factors such as bullying, discrimination, intimidation, hateful words and actions as well as physical violence in any form.
In the Peel District School Board, we understand that equity and excellence go hand-in-hand. One of the core goals in our strategic plan, the Report Card for Student Success, is the following:
"Achieve equity for students and staff—we provide equity of access and opportunity for students and staff to learn, work and develop in an environment that is nurturing, engaging, respectful and inclusive."One of the Peel Board's projects is the implementation of six core character attributes. The attributes are taught in school, but they are also the basis of the board's working relationships – they help to create a positive climate for learning and working.
We want our staff and students to be:
- Caring – showing compassion and kindness towards others
- Cooperative – working collaboratively with others for a common purpose
- Honest – being truthful, trustworthy and sincere in your speech and actions
- Inclusive – treating everyone fairly and equitably
- Respectful – treating others, yourself and the environment with high regard and value
- Responsible – being accountable and reliable in your actions and commitments
We believe that parents, the school and community must all work together to help students learn to become responsible members of society, being sensitive to the diversity, cultural and special needs of individual students. We must clearly demonstrate respect for social justice and human rights, and promote the values needed to develop responsible members of a democratic society.
The Code of Conduct for Humberview Secondary School aligns with and supports Ontario's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy, the Peel Board's Human Rights policy and Antiracism and Ethnocultural Equity policy.
The Humberview Secondary School Secondary School Code of Conduct applies to all members of the school community including students, parents, guardians, volunteers, visitors and school staff, whether they are on school property, on school buses, at school-authorized events or activities, or in any other situation that may impact the school climate.
All members of the school community have a responsibility to respect and honour the school Code of Conduct, to demonstrate age and developmentally appropriate social behaviour and to take responsibility for their own actions.
All members of the school community are expected to:
- demonstrate honesty and integrity
- treat one another with dignity, respect and fairness, regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnicity, creed, citizenship, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, socioeconomic status, or any other attribute
- take appropriate action to help those in need, seeking assistance to resolve conflict constructively and respectfully
- show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others
Parent and guardianresponsibilities include:
- taking an active role in their son/daughter's education by ensuring that he/she is prepared for learning, including punctual and regular attendance, promptly reporting authorized absences and late arrivals, and communicating regularly with the school
- reviewing the school Code of Conduct with their son/daughter and helping him/her follow school rules
- helping their child understand that it is not appropriate to tease or bully others
- monitoring their child’s internet use and taking responsibility for his/her behaviour when accessing electronic resources from home
Student responsibilities include:
- demonstrating a commitment to learning through punctual and regular attendance, being prepared and ready to learn
- practicing honesty and integrity including, but not limited to, not participating in or encouraging plagiarism, misrepresentation of original work, use of unauthorized aids, theft of evaluation instruments, or false representation of identity
- following school rules and taking responsibility for his/her own actions
- refraining from bringing anything to school, or using anything inappropriately, that may risk the safety of themselves or others
- showing proper care and regard for school and community property, as well as only visiting other schools for school-related and authorized activities
Staff responsibilities include:
- helping students achieve to the best of their ability, developing self-worth, and being responsible citizens
- maintaining order in the school and holding everyone to the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour
- communicating regularly and meaningfully with parents/guardians
- establishing a range of clear, fair and developmentally appropriate interventions, supports, direct skill instruction and consequences for unacceptable behaviour including but not limited to homophobia, gender-based violence, sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behaviour
- responding to and reporting behaviours which may have a negative impact on school climate
Academic Honesty
Students must respect the learning and evaluation process and all assigned work is to be completed according to the guidelines as established by the subject teachers in the course outline.
Attendance and Punctuality
Student success is closely aligned with consistent, punctual attendance. As a focus of our School Success Plan, Humberview is committed to fostering student learning through encouraging attendance and punctuality in all classes. Successful learning in part depends on regular attendance and our learning community is working together to promote good attendance habits.
Students have a responsibility to attend school regularly and attend all classes on time when they are at school. Absences, for whatever reason, interfere with the learning process and have a detrimental effect on a student's results. Chronic lateness is disrespectful and disrupts the learning environment.
Extended student absences due to illness or injury should be reported to the school. It is also strongly recommended that family vacations be planned during the scheduled school holiday periods.
A student who plans to be away on a family holiday must complete a Family Vacation Form at least two weeks prior to the trip. Obtain this form from the office.
Students will:
- attend all classes for which they are registered and be on time(including those classes where the periods are shortened or the regular teacher is absent)
- provide a note to the attendance secretary from their parents/guardians or remind their parents/guardians to phone the attendance office to verify the reason for the absence
- sign in with the attendance secretary in the main office if they arrive part way through the day or sign out with the attendance secretary if they are leaving early from school
- check with subject teachers to obtain missed class work and assignments
Teachers will:
- take accurate attendance by recording student absences and monitoring class lates
- promote consistent good attendance by delivering meaningful curriculum based instruction every day
- phone and notify parents of attendance patterns that are adversely affecting student progress
- follow-up on attendance problems by referring students to the student’s alpha counsellors and Vice-Principals to implement strategies or consequences for improved attendance
Parents /Guardians will:
- inform the school about a student absence by:
- phone the school at 905-857-0771 or 905-451-4051 Ext. 600 on the morning of the absence to explain the reason for the student’s absence - an answering machine is available 24 hours a day to take the message
- provide a note to be presented to the attendance secretary upon the student’s return to school
- encourage the student to obtain missed work from their teachers
- ensure that the student is dropped off at the school early enough so that the student has sufficient time to get ready for the start of the school day and to arrive to class on time, if they are providing a ride for the student.
Related Consequences
Student absence is linked to an automated home phone call system. If the school is not informed of an absence by a parental phone call or note, the automated attendance system will call home with this information when an unauthorized class absence is recorded. When students are absent, students may be required to make up class time or to cover work in lieu of class time before a credit can be considered.
Students who are absent from class or school without permission will experience progressive discipline including daily reporting contracts, removal from the class with subsequent loss of credit, suspension and withdrawal from school.
Late Policy
Students with notes for illness, appointments, or parental calls to the school are to report directly to the main office to sign in. You will be given an admit slip to present to your teacher. Students without notes are to go directly to class where your teacher will mark you late on the daily attendance form.
Students with in-school appointments i.e. counselling appointments should show an appointment slip to their teacher before leaving the class and upon their return to class, present the teacher with an admit slip.
If students are late to school, they must stop and remain still in the hall until the anthem and/or the announcements are over.
Related Consequences
If you are late, you may be expected to make up time with the subject teacher or in the office as required by the VicePrincipal.
Students are accountable to their teachers for their lateness:
- 1st offence: warning or action from the teacher
- 2nd offence: warning and/or action from teacher
- 3rd offence: action from teacher and phone call or letter home and/or detention
Persistent offences: Students who are persistently late may be assigned detentions or be suspended from the class or school.
Excused During the Day
If you must leave school for other than your lunch period or unsupervised study period, you must sign out through the Main Office, regardless of age. To facilitate sign-out procedures for appointments, you should present parental/guardian note to the teacher whose class you will be leaving at the beginning of the period and then use the note to sign out at the office before you leave the school.
Students who become ill during the day must be referred to the main office by their teacher. If the secretary is unable to contact parents to receive permission for the student to sign out the student will remain in the office until permission is obtained or until it is deemed that he/she is well enough to resume classes.
Students participating in field trip activities must attend and be on time for all classes on the day of the event up to the time of departure as specified by the supervising teacher. A review of the student's eligibility to participate and the withdrawal of all participation privileges in co-curricular activities may result if students are found to be truant from classes.
Bullying Prevention And Intervention
We are teaching students to identify bullying behaviour and giving them strategies to deal with, and stop it from happening.
Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear, distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.
When someone experiences or observes bullying behaviour, he/she is expected to report it to a teacher, teaching assistant or school administrator immediately. Bullying behaviour will be dealt with using a progressive discipline approach.
Bus Travel
Students are expected to follow the standards of behaviour outlined in the Code of Conduct while they are on the school bus.
Riding the school bus is a privilege not a right. Students are assigned a bus number on a specific bus route. The accuracy of these lists are subject to insurance regulations. As such only in unusual circumstances will a student be allowed to use another bus. A written note 24 hours in advance or transportation secretary conversation by phone and the approval of a vice-principal is required. Permission will not be given for social reasons.