Application for Orchard Approval for Mangoes to the United States of America, China and Republic of Korea
(Only one application per form)
E-mail address:
Ph: ( )
State: / Postcode:
Nominated packhouse: / Department Reg. Est. No:
Nominated packhouse: / Department Reg. Est. No:
Nominated packhouse: / Department Reg. Est. No:
FOR CHINA: Orchard freedom management for mango seed weevil – please tick relevant box:
Systems approach Fruit cutting
By applying for export under the protocol, I/we,...... agree to the following:
· To meet the conditions and requirements that apply to the export of Australian mango fruit to the nominated protocol market(s).
· To undertake regular and routine management, to ensure that quarantine pests of concern to protocol markets are adequately managed;
· The Department of Agriculture Privacy Notice (attached).
Please tick the nominated markets for export:
United States of America
China Republic of Korea
Failure to comply with the aforementioned conditions and restrictions, including but not limited to providing access to properties and documents required under the above agreements, may lead to importing country requirements not being met or not being verified which will prevent certification being issued.
PO Box 376
Brisbane Market
QLD 4106
(Print name) / SIGNATURE / DATE
(Print name) / SIGNATURE / DATE
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Orchard Name: / Office Use OnlyBlock Location (Address) / Block Number/Name (as Identified on Map) / Area (Hectares) / Export Destination(s) (Circle) / Export Listed Block Number
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
USA / China / Korea
It is mandatory that a map of the property be provided with block details. It is a requirement that the grower be able to identify exactly the physical location of the export listed orchard. The grower must be able to clearly distinguish the block(s) identified for export listing. There must be a detailed map of the orchard with clear delineation of the export listed block(s), both on the map provided and on-site.
Maps provided must include key information (i.e. road names) to identify the property through a searchable computer-based mapping program (eg. Google maps). Maps may not be hand-drawn.
A single block must not span across any significant physical barriers – ie roads, ridges etc.
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Privacy Notice Horticulture Exports Program
‘Personal information’ means any information or opinion about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual.
The collection of personal information by the Department of Agriculture (the department) in relation to this application is for the purpose of export listing, meeting requirements under nominated importing country protocols, to assist in the collection of industry levies, and related purposes. If the relevant personal information requested in this application form is not provided by you, the department will be unable to assess your eligibility to export your commodity to importing countries.
Personal information may be disclosed to Australian Diplomatic Posts, and relevant Industry Peak Bodies, persons or organisations where necessary for these purposes, provided the disclosure is consistent with relevant laws, in particular the Privacy Act 1988. Your personal information will be used and stored in accordance with the Privacy Principles.
By completing and submitting this form you consent to the disclosure of all personal information contained in this form to the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) of the nominated importing countries. The department has not taken steps to ensure that the NPPO of importing countries does not breach the Privacy Principles. This means that:
· the NPPO will not be accountable under the Privacy Act
· you will not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act
· you may not be able to seek redress in the overseas jurisdiction.
NPPO of importing countries may not be subject to any privacy obligations or to any principles similar to the Privacy Principles.
The department’s Privacy Policy, including information about access to and correction of your personal information, can be found at:
To contact the department about your personal information or to make a complaint:
Telephone: Switchboard +6126272 3933
Post: Privacy Contact Officer, Department of Agriculture,
GPO Box 858,
Canberra ACT 2601.
China Korea Japan Taiwan Thailand Cherry Packhouse registration form Continue over page à
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