Dear Wood School Parents & Guardians,

Hello from the music room! I hope this new school year finds you well. As we get settled, it’s also time to get the Wood School Chorus into action! If your child participated last year, please note that some of the info here is indeed new. First off, rehearsals take place on:

Thursday mornings, 8am - 8:40am

**The exception is if Thursday is a Day 2 or 3, in which case we will not have our usual rehearsal that week since I am not at school those days. We will either skip or I will shift our rehearsals to a different day - most often Friday - to make up for it. For students in band, I have pre-arranged with Mr. Sherwin to borrow singers from his morning band rehearsal, since ours only happen once a week.


This year, instead of weekly email reminders, I will be using the Remind app to keep everyone updated on rehearsals. This will give you the option to select if you would like notifications through text, email, or the app itself. You can reply to me directly through it, and no phone numbers are displayed. The Wood Special Ed team has already started using it, as well as many KPMS and KPHS classes, and I have heard only positive feedback! I have attached an info sheet for you detailing how to sign up. If you would prefer for me to sign up for you, please check the box on the permission slip.


I realize rehearsals in the morning bring more responsibility to you, as taking the bus on rehearsal days will not be an option and singers will need an alternate arrangement to get to school. If it’s a challenge, carpooling is a great resource, and I can help you get in touch with other families. I apologize for this inconvenience, but believe that the positive impact of morning rehearsals outweighs the negatives. School day interruptions are minimized for the students, which is beneficial for everyone, and morning rehearsals help make this group the best it can possibly be!


The Wood School Chorus has the privilege of performing several times throughout the year. Each December and June we have evening and school day concerts in collaboration with the band and strings programs, as well as performances at the Winter Arts Extravaganza, the Mad Hatter Recital, and the Memorial Day Assembly. In addition, I have been working closely with Mr. Sherwin, our new instrumental director, on reformatting some of our concerts and creating new opportunities for the children that I can’t wait to tell you about.

Permission Slip to Join / Information Sheet

I have included a permission slip in this letter that confirms you allow your child to be a part of the group, as well as being aware of your important role in making chorus a success. Please make sure to include your email address and a cell phone number. Please return a completed slip whether your child is a new or returning member.

Rehearsal Schedule for the first concert cycle (pending no school cancellations):

September 15th

September 22nd

September 30th *Friday

October 13th

October 20th

October 28th *Friday

November 10th

November 17th

December 1st

December 8th

December 15th

Each week, you will receive a Remind notification on whether or not there is chorus rehearsal. The schedule will also be up on the chorus page of my website.


We are still trying to work around a busy December schedule, so concert dates are tentative at the moment. My apologies for any inconvenience, but I wanted to get this letter out to everyone as soon as I could! I will send an update once dates are confirmed.

December 7th @ 1:45pm, dress rehearsal assembly with band and strings

December 8th @ 7pm, with strings

December 23rd @ during the Winter Extravaganza (1:45pm start time)

I greatly appreciate your understanding and support. As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Since I am not here on days 2 or 3 of the school rotation, email or the Remind app is the best method. (Please note, my email is different from last year!)

Warmest Regards,

Mrs. Kristyn Moore